to MetaKron:
You constant talk about a cobalt60 dirty nuclear bomb reflects ignorance in that:
(1)Cobalt is heavier than other more suitable isotopes, that can be placed in ICBMs.
(2)Life time for Cobalt60 decay is too long from quick effect,
(3)Cobalt 60 is much harder to handle as it is radioactive. One would chose an non-radioactive material that becomes radioactive in the neutron flux created by the nuclear yield.
You are correct that it is relatively easy to get material into US ports. I would estimate at least a 95% probability of success. In contrast, the probability of multiple warhead ICBM getting accurate to targets in USA from China is probably only 15%. (Several smaller warheads separating in flight are not only harder to intercept but do more damage than one big one as it blast effect is 10,000% or more of what is need for total destruction near "ground zero" - Same reason that experts using HE to intentionally bring down a building use lots of small charges, well-timed to use building weight also, instead of one bigger one in the center of building. I.e. even though the total yield of the many smaller warheads is less, they produce more damage.
Because of these facts and the ease and economy of "penetration aids" (decoys and real bomb simulating a decoy) the "Star Wars" anti-ICMB concepts are a waste of money. - Thousands of times more expensive than the penetration aids that can easily defeat the anti-ICBM systems.
But again I tell you China need only continue what it is already doing (low value for Yaun, support of US tendency to "buy now / pay later" with credits purchase of T-bills, etc.) to destroy US economically with out risk of war in a few years when they have (with the new increased defense budget) made it too costly for collapsing US to use it stronger military in a "regime change" effort on the mainland. They want to be sure that they can put the seventh fleet on the bottom of the sea first if the US should be foolish enough to try to use its military for an Iraq style "regime change" (all in the name of democracy and human rights of course).
You constant talk about a cobalt60 dirty nuclear bomb reflects ignorance in that:
(1)Cobalt is heavier than other more suitable isotopes, that can be placed in ICBMs.
(2)Life time for Cobalt60 decay is too long from quick effect,
(3)Cobalt 60 is much harder to handle as it is radioactive. One would chose an non-radioactive material that becomes radioactive in the neutron flux created by the nuclear yield.
You are correct that it is relatively easy to get material into US ports. I would estimate at least a 95% probability of success. In contrast, the probability of multiple warhead ICBM getting accurate to targets in USA from China is probably only 15%. (Several smaller warheads separating in flight are not only harder to intercept but do more damage than one big one as it blast effect is 10,000% or more of what is need for total destruction near "ground zero" - Same reason that experts using HE to intentionally bring down a building use lots of small charges, well-timed to use building weight also, instead of one bigger one in the center of building. I.e. even though the total yield of the many smaller warheads is less, they produce more damage.
Because of these facts and the ease and economy of "penetration aids" (decoys and real bomb simulating a decoy) the "Star Wars" anti-ICMB concepts are a waste of money. - Thousands of times more expensive than the penetration aids that can easily defeat the anti-ICBM systems.
But again I tell you China need only continue what it is already doing (low value for Yaun, support of US tendency to "buy now / pay later" with credits purchase of T-bills, etc.) to destroy US economically with out risk of war in a few years when they have (with the new increased defense budget) made it too costly for collapsing US to use it stronger military in a "regime change" effort on the mainland. They want to be sure that they can put the seventh fleet on the bottom of the sea first if the US should be foolish enough to try to use its military for an Iraq style "regime change" (all in the name of democracy and human rights of course).