Children exploring their Sexuality!


A friend of mine at work told us a story about his son (JJ) visiting his friend from school in his home. We are talking about 5 year old boys. His friend had a brother, a year younger at 4. JJ saw the boys exploring each other in the nakedness. They asked JJ to show them his penis.

After my friend at work found out about this, he made a huge deal with their parents and at school. He accused the little boys of being gay and ruining his son morals. His son no longer befriends those two little boys.

To tell you the truth, I felt horrible about the man's reaction. The boys are 5 and 4, who cares if they explore each other. how do you stop kids from experimenting their bodies. They sure didn't deserve to be humilated infront of their parents and at school.

What is your thoughts.
naked doesn't always equal sex. a kids curiosity about their or a friends body doesn't mean there's anything sexual about it.

yeah that sounds like a huge overeaction. but not at all surprising given a homophobic and sexually repressed society.
Sure, if they were older then it'd be a matter of sexuality, but at that age they know nothing (I think) of sex or sexuality. How could he accuse someone at that age of being a homosexual? This isn't to say they aren't homosexuals for sure, it is still unsure until they find out themselves. It isn't proof in the least bit though. The man responsible for accusing the poor children can be understood because of his shock at the occurence, but i'm sure if he though back on it, he'd realize his mistake.
Most kids go through a stage like this, with a fixation on their sexual organs. This topic actually belongs under Human Sciences, as a lot of psychology deals with this. Just to let you know! But yeah, most kids go through this stage. It's nothing unusual. In fact, there's theories that a kid must satisfy his urge to "play" with sexual aspects to grow up healthy...

Of course, not many people are strict Freudians any more.
Gotta admit if you did'nt know what a penis and vagina were for you would think they are pretty funny parts of the body.
Yep, those kids are going to be fucked up for life, no doubt about that.

Its funny, I'm an extremely immature and irresponsible 19 year old but I swear I would make a better parent than half the parents out there.
A lot of people just aren't ready to have children but in their unprotected foolishness, get them and are forced to stay with them. That or send them to an orphanage.. Most mothers don't like that idea though, no matter how much they didn't want to have children.
Well it's really just rediculous, a five year old doesn't have any perception of what sex or sexuality is. Feel free to correct me on this, but can a 5 year old even experience sexual pleasure? He's not even into puberty yet, his body isn't making any of those fluids we all love so well.

Your co-worker's responce was pretty harsh, I think. The Phallic stage is a natural stage in human development inwhich a child is strangely preocupied with the genetal reigon, and ususaly not in a sexual way, just as a sort of natural curiosity.
I won't debate this with you, but I did feel something at about 5 years of age.
I didn't know what it was, and it wasn't associated with girls (OR BOYS). However, now that I can understand it, I am rather certain that it was some form of sexual pleasure.

Regardless of that, I will assure you that five year olds do not normally feel sexual pleasure, and the event in question was most definitely stimulated not my immature lasciviousness or perversion, but by juvenile inquisitiveness.

The enraged parent was in the wrong. He should've simply informed the parents of the other children of his discomfort and anxiety and requested that they admonish the eccentric preschoolers.
that's how kids learn anatomy in societies where we keep the sexual organs secret from them. we show them their fingers and have them count them. we point out their nose and steal it. we pull quarters from behind their ears. but no one ever talks about the parts they have to keep covered by underoos. all kids explore themselves and others. it's healthy and how they learn. i learned about boys having penises by seeing my brother naked and playing doctor with the little boy down the street. i couldn't see my own parts close up to see what they look like so it helped to have girl friends who were equally curious at 5.