Child murder>


Registered Senior Member
Is there any difference in child murder and abuse between Westerners and the East..I've always had it down as mainly a Western problem. Am I right..certainly Honour Killing suggest otherwise?

Sumairia Parveen abused stepson Tahla Ikram before his death in September 2006.

Parveen, 24, and the child's father Abid Ikram, 31, sliced the 17-month-old boy with a knife and burned him with cigarettes.

They proceeded to break a leg that had already been fractured; "must have been a brutal attack". on this baby


More info here:

Unsurprisingly the BBC does NOT mention the ethnic origins of these two monsters:


For that see:

"Parveen, who fled to Pakistan while on police bail but was arrested when trying to re-enter the country in November 2006, was sentenced to nine years' imprisonment and will be deported after she has served her sentence."

By directing your anger & attention towards them, you are giving them more power, more hatred.
Could we please stop using the term "Child Murder"?

Resource Allocation Management is much more propererer.
So they killed their kid to make their wages go a bit further - is that what you're saying?

Also, are you drunk again?

"We investigated whether reproductive competition occurred in the polyandrous social wasp Vespula maculifrons. We genotyped V. maculifrons workers and new queens at eight polymorphic microsatellite loci to determine if larvae of particular genotypes were reared as gynes more frequently than expected by chance."

Thanks for posting this.
Very informative.
Are they supposed to mention the ethnic origin?? Are they English?

Well the BBC is a liberal organisation. Even its Directors egree that it is fundamentally left wing and always give a left wing view. I can offer up many examples. Even on US News it is described as a left wing organisation and this is well known.

I dont see why ethnic origin is of no importance...when 9/11 occurred you want to no who is flying the planes. It could be anti-government militia, it could be iraquis or iranians or more interesting is the fact that they are rick kids from Saudi Arabia.
Why do I think this is important?

Usually when Muslims are attacked they point towards the dreadful degree of child abuse that occurs in both the USA and Europe and point out that this would never happen under Sharia Law and it strikes me that this is a fair point.

But is it necessarily true?
Look man, if people don't want kids, shouldn't they be allowed to get rid of them?
Sure, and a society that found your ideas irritating should be allowed to recycle you. Independent thinking in high school was one warning sign. YOu are theirs after all. Just a momentary batch of unified mitochondria - or pick some other metaphor that makes it easier for you not to feel what you are talking about. Don't let reality interfere with your ideas.
Sure, and a society that found your ideas irritating should be allowed to recycle you. Independent thinking in high school was one warning sign. YOu are theirs after all. Just a momentary batch of unified mitochondria - or pick some other metaphor that makes it easier for you not to feel what you are talking about. Don't let reality interfere with your ideas.

What are you trying to say?
Roman. Why would anyone come up with an argument like that?
I'm not against trolling, its a bit of spice, but I'm surprised anyone has bitten on that. It's rubbish.
Why not say what you feel instead of baiting people?
Say 50% of the time.
Otherwise you will just be ignored.
Is there any difference in child murder and abuse between Westerners and the East..I've always had it down as mainly a Western problem. Am I right..certainly Honour Killing suggest otherwise?

Sumairia Parveen abused stepson Tahla Ikram before his death in September 2006.

Parveen, 24, and the child's father Abid Ikram, 31, sliced the 17-month-old boy with a knife and burned him with cigarettes.

They proceeded to break a leg that had already been fractured; "must have been a brutal attack". on this baby


More info here:

Unsurprisingly the BBC does NOT mention the ethnic origins of these two monsters:


For that see:

"Parveen, who fled to Pakistan while on police bail but was arrested when trying to re-enter the country in November 2006, was sentenced to nine years' imprisonment and will be deported after she has served her sentence."



the news cannot say what ethnic group these "people" are from because we has british people are affraid of more bombings, and buring of effigies. this is politcially correct bullshit gone to far.
has far has i am concerned they are monsters who should go to prison for murder
Roman. Why would anyone come up with an argument like that?
I'm not against trolling, its a bit of spice, but I'm surprised anyone has bitten on that. It's rubbish.
Why not say what you feel instead of baiting people?
Say 50% of the time.
Otherwise you will just be ignored.

An argument like what?
That organisms without sufficient resources will often ditch their offspring?

You know what kangaroos do with them pouches, don't you?