Chemtrails vrs Contrails


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PORTLAND, ME --.An FAA official in charge of air traffic control over
the northeastern United States has confirmed an ongoing military
operation in America's skies. In an exclusive taped interview with
freelance radio reporter S. T. Brendt, the Air Traffic Control (ATC)
manager said he was told on as many as four occasions in March, 2001
to re-route commercial air traffic around military aircraft taking
part in an undisclosed aerial operation over the northeastern

On her way to the interview location, Brendt observed six big jets
laying brilliant white lines above a broken cloud layer. Instead of
dissipating like normal condensation trails, these lingering plumes
grew "wider and wider, intersecting and merging."

Speaking on condition of strict anonymity as intense "chemtrail"
activity continued overhead, this "Deep Sky" federal aviation source
expressed concern over the classified nature of military operations
repeatedly conducted at altitudes between 37,000 and 40,000 feet.
While air traffic controllers normally ignore air traffic above
10,000 feet, the ATC manager said he was ordered to divert incoming
European air traffic away from the military planes.

When asked why, he said, "I was told there was a military exercise in
the area. Of course, they wouldn't give me any of theparticulars."

The initial FAA disclosure came on March 12, as mass aerial maneuvers
saturated northeastern U.S. skies with X's, circular patterns and
parallel lines characteristic of "chemtrail" activity reported by
pilots, police officers and former military personnel
across the United States.

Brendt contacted the FAA official after counting more than 30 big
jets spreading persistent plumes within 45 minutes. Lou Aubuchont
confirmed Brendt's count, noting that during his stint in U.S. Navy
intelligence he had never seen a military exercise of such

After Brendt called in her sightings, assistant WMWV news director
Richard Dean counted 370 chemical trails criss-crossing his nearby
location for six-and-a-half hours. But local Air Traffic Controllers
reported only nine commercial jets on their radars at the time.

Two additional eye-witnesses have since come forward to corroborate
Brendt's MArch 12 sighting,

Thousands of eye-witnesses have reported similar spray activity
obscuring North American skies over the past two years.

In December, 2000 Canadian aviation authority Terry Stewart
investigated a Victoria caller's complaint of intensive "chemtrail"
activity over the British Columbia capitol. In a taped message, the
environmental manager for the Victoria International Airport checked
with the control tower and reported, "it's a military exercise, U.S.
and Canadian air force
exercise that's going on. They wouldn't give me any specifics on

Stewart added that he found the incident - one of hundreds reported
over B.C. since the fall of 1998 - "very odd."

The aircraft laying lingering X's and grids over Vancouver Island
have been photo-identified as USAF KC-135 and KC-10 aerial refueling
tankers. U.S. Air Force "Weather Force Specialists" intent on
fulfilling an official USAF mission to "Own The Weather"refer to
chemical cloud cover spread by high flying tankers as "aerial

Outbreaks of acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal illness,
fatigue, headaches, joint pain, dizziness, and nose bleeds have
filled hospital emergency rooms across the U.S. and Canada following
heavy spray days.

In November, 1999, 550 residents of the small town of Espanola,
Ontario presented a petition to the Canadian government demanding an
explanation and an end to aerial spraying by USAF tankers they
claimed was making children and adults sick over a 55 square mile
area. The Air Force denied flying tankers over Espanola. The Canadian
defense ministry has yet to respond to the citizens' complaint.

On Nov. 20,1999, Brendt was admitted to hospital with a gushing
nosebleed and pains in her chest after inadvertently photographing
dozens of chemtrails over Parsonsfield, Maine. Nosebleeds are a
common symptom of chemtrail exposure. "Now I know what this is,"
Brendt says. "I never get nosebleeds."

# # #

About S. T. Brendt
Tiffany Brendt has been a broadcast journalist and on-air personality
for the past eight years with Maine and New Hampshire
radio stations WMWV, WCYY AND WLKZ.

Working primarily in the political arena, Ms. Brendt has interviewed
candidates for the House of Representatives - most recently Martha
Fuller Clark - as well as Presidential candidates Al Gore and Bill
Bradley. Her interviews air on the award winning "Drive Time News
Hour" on WMWV. contact:

Credits: Website Of Wil Thomas

Sure, although many of us have become accustomed to seeing these unusual "Chemtrails" by now, it is rather a question of "Why" we are not being told the truth about them, and why were we not at least given some formal public announcement "Beforehand"??????

Here's the scoop........
[Contrail Connection Message Board]

CONTRTAIL CAMS (We're Watchin' "You" Big Brother!!!

Contrail or Chemtrail ?
This is command post central for Contrail cams. We encourage all to point their web cams toward the skies to provide up to the minute information and visual proof of the widespread existence of what is now being called Chemtrails. The questions of who, what, why, when, where, and how are not all answered yet. But as the saying goes - The Truth is Out There. You could be instrumental in providing some of those answers.


CONTRAIL CONNECTION ---(Over 1,000 reports and hundreds of photos)

HAPPY SPRAYDAY ---(Contrails)


STRANGE HAZE (The Contrail Controvercy over the skies of America)

Chemtrails over Bunch (Oklahoma)
Dec 20, 1999
Special Contrail Report (04/01/99)
HOTT Headline News

Table of Contents

Copyright © 1997 Harvest Trust. All rights reserved.

Revised: March 23, 1999.

Below is a communication from Jay Reynolds to myself. I downloaded his entire article "debunking" (in his opinion) the phenomenon of jet fuel anomalies. I have sent this both to Mr. Reynolds, as well as my list. I suggest you all sincerely read what he has written and prayerfully consider it, and then apply my own (Bill Brumbaugh/Host of the ProactiveNewsHour) emboldened red print comments for further discernment. I am trying to get to the bottom line here, and if indeed I am a mere rumormonger, I will publically apologize on the air, and work hard to spread the truth.


And to conclude an answer for those who remain skeptical about our U.S. GVT. having a force of "Spraying Readiness" in operation,
take a look here.

Air Force Aerial Spray... (Have a nice Day!)


All of this brings new definition to the cliche' "Better Living Through Chemicals"