Chemtrail Research Report


Registered Member
You know those reports of Chemtrails supposedly spraying various NATO countries? Well, Flight Explorer allows one to identify commercial/private flights, so I wanted to see what using this tool would show with respect to the Chemtrail debate. Interestingly none of the trails that lasted for more than 30 minutes came from indentifiable flights.


"This report is the result of research into the science of contrail formation and an analysis by observation and measurement of contrail persistence. This research was inspired by the claims of an unnatural type of trail known as Chemtrails as an attempt to detect such trails."

"What was found is that highly persistent trails that last for many hours were seen above Houston, TX on a majority (60%) of observable days during the data collection period. However during this time period none of the 46 Flight Explorer confirmed contrails observed persisted for over 30 minutes and most contrails were under 30 seconds of persistence. Additionally it was discovered that the jets that were responsible for leaving highly persistent trails that last for hours did not ever appear on Flight Explorer and were documented for 8 separate instances, including one instance with two jets in formation. These unidentifiable jets were found to produce a contrail that was
consistent with confirmed contrails during the periods when they
weren't leaving highly persistent trails."

that's real cool

- but of all the things I've read concerning chemtrails I can't understand what COULD be the motive behind this.
has annyone thought to look for long term affects of these chemicals on the human body?

what is in our future?

what can be achived with these chemicals when we breathe another?

e.g > mustard gas is an old tool of mishaps!

we have more doctors yet more sick people?

why are hospitals the only organisations that never give specials or discounts?

maybe if people accepted not to breed so much we would not have as many trails?

DICTATORS FEAR intelegent people> oxygen is the key to early brain development as with pure food !!!!!!!!!!!!

put them together and whatta ya got? :D
drones that work all their life to afford the health care that will make them suffer more and the rest of the family poor in the bargin!

get a clue (discard ignorance)
get a life (eat pure food)
get a brain (study and learn)
and get a sword (communication is the best weapon we have)

groove on all :)
I've seen chemtrails myself, however there were some cases after I have seen these trails, that I have become a little sick. But it was only for a moment.

Perhaps what the Government is using these chemtrails is to continue to spray viruses around, or disease, or what not to help keep our immune system healthy. I haven't gotten sick in the past couple years because of a strong immune system. I don't even hardly eat healthy either! Give that a thought.

Another possibility is the abiliity to control the weather patterns through use of chemical trails. Ya know, I was always wondering about a cartoon I used to watch when I was younger, about the use of 'salt'? I'm wondering why that would have any affect on the weather since salt usually helps dries things out. Perhaps it's keeping us on having severe weather or creating it. Whichever.

What are the chemicals in Chemtrails?

Who performed the "chemtrail" chemical analyses? When, and how? Where are the published, peer-reviewed research papers to be found?

I've been searching on-line and have found only a great deal of supposition and speculation, accusation and denial, but where's the actual scientific research (by more than one neutral, non-governmental, non-hysterical entity) published by a respected peer-reviewed, or respected non-reviewed scientific journal?

None of these neutral sights/journals/publications has anything at all to say about "chemtrail" or "chemtrails" research:

American Association for the Advancement of Science


American Scientist

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Scientific American

What's going on here?
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I actually read that linked, non-scientific, liberal arts-educated, newspaper reporter-authored news piece before I posted.

Not impressed.

<< sampling is not available...>>

Thank you for confirming my point.

How embarassing.

Sites. I meant sites.

You folks are a bad influence. :D
Gee, Mr. G ...

Yet you've decided to stick around.

Guess we can't be that bad an influence :D :D :D
hey all :)

i .. in my cyber travels found a site that analysed the falling residue of chemtrails and had some very interesting data and electron microscope images on it.
maybe it has been removed by the abc fan club???
lets just say that sulphuric acid fumes would kinda make your breathing kind of a loosing battle for oxygen.

the one thing i remembertr the most about the SUPPOSED
information is that the substance was extreemly elastic and would froth if exposed to sulphuric acid.
one must remember that what ever it is , it is already in the lungs of millions of people!!!

so... is anthrax realy anthrax???... as such ???


so many questions and soo few SUPPOSED answers.

groove on all :)

Sad, Mr. G ...

That an accomplished person such as yourself must find satisfaction interacting with 'easy marks'.

Oh well, since the loss of Howardstern I guess we'll have to settle for a skeptic without the panache that he had.

Keep posting! ;)
Not "must find", rather "can only find". Well, at least you're around to keep me honest.

Oh wait, I have not enough panache that might afford such a statement any degree of credibility.

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Besides, as teacher by past profession, I'm willing to lead people to insight kicking and screaming if that's what they require.
Oh, and it seems you are most comfortable attacking personality. How are you at taking on argumentative points.

That's where I really need the practice.
Gee, Mr. G ...

1. You are far too modest;

2. Whatever it takes;

3a. No, but willing to when appropriate;

3b. Never was tested for that talent.

Take care.
Chemtrail Mystery

If you are not familiar with chemtrails, please view these photos that I have taken over the course of 2006.

What's the BEST possible scenario? That these are jet fuels raining down on us? Why is everyone so quick to defend jets spewing pollution into the atmosphere? Can this possibly NOT hurt us?

Try and keep an open mind, get out there and look up once in awhile. What's the worst that could happen?
If you are not familiar with chemtrails, please view these photos that I have taken over the course of 2006.

What's the BEST possible scenario? That these are jet fuels raining down on us? Why is everyone so quick to defend jets spewing pollution into the atmosphere? Can this possibly NOT hurt us?

Try and keep an open mind, get out there and look up once in awhile. What's the worst that could happen?

I do look up once in a while, as I live near an airport. I see 'CONTRAILS' all the time. Calling them 'chemtrails' is reaching a foregone conclusion.

Anyway, if you do actually look at these things, it's clear to see that they emanate from the engines of jet planes. Sane people realise this is mostly condensed water vapour, a byproduct of the combustion of jet fuel. Conspiracy theorists think it is something more sinister, but engines are not a good place to be putting a biological agent, due to the heat in there, so what else would they be? Some undetected chemical?

Why put anything in the fuel of jet liners? How do you control the 'dose' if there is some conspiracy? Are Pilots in on this, turning the flow on and off, so they don't spray the uninhabited Atlantic with whatever, and waste it?

Why not just slip whatever into a water supply?

Also, CONTRAILS can also be seen forming on the wingtips of propeller driven aircraft under the right atmospheric conditions. These were cause of concern for WWII bomber pilots as they clearly gave away the position of the aircraft. These were of course, nothing more than water vapour.

So, please use the correct term 'CONTRAIL' until you have valid reason to use any other terminology.