Chemistry guides evolution, claims theory


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
That enduring metaphor for the randomness of evolution, a blind watchmaker that works to no pattern or design, is being challenged by two European chemists. They say that the watchmaker may have been blind, but was guided and constrained by the changing chemistry of the environment, with many inevitable results.

Evolution is not random. Evolution works by making constant changes that are random but the success and improvement of things comes from the basic theory of stability and the environment. The idea that evolution is simply a random force has been dying off over the last 30 years as mathematicians have shown that simple laws govern the process and randomness is only a small part of the system.
...i don't get these press releases...who ever thought in the field of biology that evolution was random?????? some idiots????

why is this news?????