chem trails


Valued Senior Member
so i hear all this crap about chem trails... WTF is this big conspiracy of chem trails? seems like everyone thinks its some sort of crap called barium apparently a precursor to cyanide.. but in all honesty that sounds like bullshit.. but! really what are they? i always thought it was just like plane exhaust
It IS just ordinary contrails.
But conspiracy freaks have to have something to get wound up about.
Who knows what goes on in the mind of someone prepared to make (and argue in defence of) claims like that?
You even find websites dedicated to pointing out that "chem trails last for hours and ordinary contrails don't" (untrue), or that "chemtrails dissipate more slowly than contrails" er, contrail dissipation is highly variable... Etc.
The reason why these trails in the sky are seen as anything significant is because they seem to be dramatically different than the trails of our past.

We are not atmospheric scientists(neither are you), nor are we conspiracists. We are simply using our past memories, selectively as they may serve us, as a base line. The sky trails are very different than they used to be. This difference must be investigated.

I rarely, if ever, see an old style contrail anymore- the thin neatly trimmed tail disappearing at a constant distance behind the plane. So why?
The reason why these trails in the sky are seen as anything significant is because they seem to be dramatically different than the trails of our past.

We are not atmospheric scientists(neither are you), nor are we conspiracists. We are simply using our past memories, selectively as they may serve us, as a base line. The sky trails are very different than they used to be. This difference must be investigated.

I rarely, if ever, see an old style contrail anymore- the thin neatly trimmed tail disappearing at a constant distance behind the plane. So why?

The simplest reason for this is to equate:

  • Fuel composition is different nowadays (Lead was common in fuel and now isn't as much, so technically the contrails are actually safer than they were.)
  • The Frequency of flights is far greater than it use to be (More people going on cheap holidays)
  • The volume of the flights is greater, their are larger planes that carry more people than ever.
  • There are more people on the planet than ever. (These people can be pilots as a recreational activity in smaller biplanes.)
I rarely, if ever, see an old style contrail anymore- the thin neatly trimmed tail disappearing at a constant distance behind the plane. So why?
One possible reason could be the general switch to turbofans rather than turbojets.
Modern aircraft engines have much higher bypass ratios which lets more air into the exhaust. That would affect the contrail formation.
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I believe this chemtrails CT started with TPTB (the powers that be) belief. TPTB is just a euphemism for some evil cabal that rules the world aka NWO, Illuminati, Zionist, bankers, reptillians(yes, really) and others. This evil group of elites that control the world, for some strange reason, has decided to kill off most of the world 90%. (and remove 90% of their power and weath at the same time) Pack your bags, you're headed for a FEMA death camp. Spraying us with poison from high altitude is one of their plans to thin the herd. Makes sense right?

Of course not. Like most CT's...they fail to consider the logistics of actually pulling off the theory they propose. For this theory to be true, it would mean a good portion of the aircraft industry as a whole is in on it. Boeing, Airbus, and all of the airlines. It's just silly beyond magnitude.
agreed but either way its definatly i do wonder about now when i look up and the sky looks like a checker board but who knows
I believe this chemtrails CT started with TPTB (the powers that be) belief. TPTB is just a euphemism for some evil cabal that rules the world aka NWO, Illuminati, Zionist, bankers, reptillians(yes, really) and others. This evil group of elites that control the world, for some strange reason, has decided to kill off most of the world 90%. (and remove 90% of their power and weath at the same time) Pack your bags, you're headed for a FEMA death camp. Spraying us with poison from high altitude is one of their plans to thin the herd. Makes sense right?

Of course not. Like most CT's...they fail to consider the logistics of actually pulling off the theory they propose. For this theory to be true, it would mean a good portion of the aircraft industry as a whole is in on it. Boeing, Airbus, and all of the airlines. It's just silly beyond magnitude.

That's just what "THEY" want you to think!!!
Like most CT's...they fail to consider the logistics of actually pulling off the theory they propose. For this theory to be true, it would mean a good portion of the aircraft industry as a whole is in on it. Boeing, Airbus, and all of the airlines. It's just silly beyond magnitude.

The only silly idea is the one that precludes an otherwise rational person from believing in something simply because of the complex logistics involved.

Contrails are obviously different than they used to be. They spread out and cover the sky with a haze. This past Saturday I saw a short trail with a sudden start point and a sudden stop point. It was shaped like a perfect long rectangle with no gradient ends. That is just unnatural.

Considering the dramatic effects that a sky full of haziness might have on global weather patterns and climate, why is the issue of persistent contrails not being addressed by mainstream institutions? Wouldn't it even be possible to filter out the contrail causing particles from the exhaust?
Wouldn't it even be possible to filter out the contrail causing particles from the exhaust?
There aren't any "contrail causing particles". :rolleyes:
A contrail is atmospheric moisture condensing in the wake of exhaust.
There aren't any "contrail causing particles". :rolleyes:
A contrail is atmospheric moisture condensing in the wake of exhaust.

It's my understanding that contrails are created from the added moisture in the exhaust(not just the already existing moisture in the atmosphere), and this added water vapor condenses in the cold air up there. Therefore the "contrail causing particles" would be the water vapor in the exhaust. Semantics though. My point is- might it be possible to filter out this extra moisture from the exhaust?
It's my understanding that contrails are created from the added moisture in the exhaust
Yeah? And how is it added?
Jet fuel and air in - where's the "added" water?

Semantics though. My point is- might it be possible to filter out this extra moisture from the exhaust?
Since you contend it's purely semantics then how can you prevent atmospheric moisture from being affected by the temperature difference?
Yeah? And how is it added?
Jet fuel and air in - where's the "added" water?

Hydrocarbons from the fuel plus oxygen from the air. A byproduct is H20. Right?
Isn't it this extra H20 added to the atmosphere which causes contrails to form? can you prevent atmospheric moisture from being affected by the temperature difference?

I don't know. A more relevant question would be... how do you prevent the byproduct of water vapor from escaping the plane? I don't know the answer to that either, but I imagine it wouldn't be terribly hard to do.
Hydrocarbons from the fuel plus oxygen from the air. A byproduct is H20. Right?
Isn't it this extra H20 added to the atmosphere which causes contrails to form?
Since it's a by-product it's hardly "added", or is that semantics again?
And it is one cause: another is simply pressure differential.

I don't know. A more relevant question would be... how do you prevent the byproduct of water vapor from escaping the plane?
Why would you want to?

I don't know the answer to that either, but I imagine it wouldn't be terribly hard to do.
Really? You "don't imagine" it would hard to do? Extract the moisture from a thousand-degree-plus stream of air that is required to exhaust out of the rear of the engine in order to create thrust?
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Why would you want to?

Well I don't necessarily think that we need to stop these persistent contrails. I believe that they may be(intentionally) helping the earth to keep cooler, which may be a good thing. All I'm saying is that it could be argued that these persistent, haze-causing contrails may just as well be causing negative climatic changes, and this issue should be studied. The fact that it's not a mainstream concern seems highly suspicious, especially considering our obsessive focus on mankind's production of C02.
Well I don't necessarily think that we need to stop these persistent contrails. I believe that they may be(intentionally) helping the earth to keep cooler, which may be a good thing.
Keep it cooler?
Therefore, the overall net effect of contrails is positive, i.e. a warming

All I'm saying is that it could be argued that these persistent, haze-causing contrails may just as well be causing negative climatic changes, and this issue should be studied. The fact that it's not a mainstream concern seems highly suspicious, especially considering our obsessive focus on mankind's production of C02.
Do you just post randomly, without actually doing any background reading at all?
Purpose: Serious students, citizen scientists and regular weather watchers can use a camera and simple weather instruments to monitor and study contrails and to determine their possible environmental effects.
ScienceDaily (Apr. 28, 2004) — NASA scientists have found that cirrus clouds, formed by contrails from aircraft engine exhaust, are capable of increasing average surface temperatures enough to account for a warming trend in the United States that occurred between 1975 and 1994.
Start here.
Contrails aren't just formed from the engines. Depending on atmospheric conditions, any part of the plane that creates differences in pressure can cause their formation.
I already said that!
And it is one cause: another is simply pressure differential.

matthew809 said:
But wouldn't pressure-induced contrails be extremely short-lived since the pressure would equalize back into it's original state very quickly?
Once the moisture has been "squeezed out" it has to evaporate again... which depends on ambient temperature etc.