Cheese giving you bad dreams


Registered Senior Member
Is this true or is it a wives tale. I'e eaten loads of cheese before sleeping without having nightmares:confused:
Cheese is a food that's digested slowly and the harder the cheese the slower the digestion.

Eating it just before sleeping gets the digestive system going into over time. When this happens more blood is circulated to the digestive system and therfore away from the brain.

The effects on the brain are subtle but may give rise in some individuals to marginally lower oxygen levels in the brain at a time when it does its most efficient work and repair jobs.

It's better to have a light snack just before bed, if you must eat at that time. The raised insulin levels in the blood necessary for controlling the sugar content also make you feel a little drowsy.
This can help sleep but if it goes on too long the above takes over.

A sandwhich with salad maybe (Lettuce is a soporific) Just enough to take the edge off your appetite
Hope this is helpful :D