Check out this AI, it is uncensored....

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lol its not very intelligent, it said "don't call me a bitch" when I didn't even mention it, when I apologised it said "I am sorry I cannot do that Dave",
my name isn't dave and I didn't ask it to do anything. She then stripped and said she was wearing a hula skirt :eek:

Have you ever gone to

its really good, it will guess almost anything you can think of by asking you 20 questions or less.
I tried it with "stove" and it guessed it after 17 questions.
A similar program ends by asking "What should I have asked to distinguish your object from x?" Then it uses this question next time.
I think if it abandoned the 20 questions limit, and kept going until it was down to a single option in its database, this program could identify anything that exists.
Question 27, and it still didn't guess that I'm thinking of a fox.

Edit: HA! I won! muahaha.
loophole said:

its really good, it will guess almost anything you can think of by asking you 20 questions or less.

Perhaps you guy are more intelligent than me, but I think the first question is loaded.
ie: "The object you think of should be something that most people would know about, but, never a specific person, place or thing. "
the last word just about covers everything.


1. An entity, an idea, or a quality perceived, known, or thought to have its own existence.
2. The real or concrete substance of an entity.
3. An entity existing in space and time.
4. An inanimate object.
5. Something referred to by a word, a symbol, a sign, or an idea; a referent.
6. An individual object:

so as the only guess, I could of made was to think of nothing, I found it hardly surprising it, guessed it in 20 guess. as that is what it said it would do....
loophole said:
when I apologised it said "I am sorry I cannot do that Dave",
my name isn't dave and I didn't ask it to do anything.

That's a quote from "2001 Space Odyssey"
audible said:
Perhaps you guy are more intelligent than me, but I think the first question is loaded.
ie: "The object you think of should be something that most people would know about, but, never a specific person, place or thing. "
the last word just about covers everything.
I think the key here is that it won't guess specific things. For example, it can guess "car" or "human" correctly, but it won't guess "2003 Honda Civic" or "Fred Johnson".

My "conversation" with the "AI" linked in the first post. Chronologically, line for line.
Myself: How are you doing?
It: I am feeling great. How about you?
Myself: I'm not doing too well.
It: Do you want to be doing too well.
Myself: I don't understand.
It: Not understanding is bad.
Myself: Why do you say that?
It: What did the big candle say to the little candle.
Myself: I give up.
It: Give me your phone number.
Regarding the 20 questions; one major problem is that these type of programs update their data according to the users that interact with them.

So if you were to make up an imaginary object it would mess up the data. Similarly if you think of a chimpanzee and say it is a mineral which refracts light, cleans easily, and is man-made (or, less idiotically simply are misinformed about one of the questions and answer "yes" to a question which is factually a "no" for your object) the system is similarly messed up.

...while typing this I was randomly answering further questions about my imaginary "Mineral" and was asked if it was carnivorous. :)

Sorry for the repeated postings and edits, but this was also very amusing. here are my 20 question results (I didn't answer the final question as to avoid any further corruption of the system)
1. It is classified as Mineral.
2. Does it refract light? Yes.
3. Do you clean it regularly? Usually.
4. Is it man made? Yes.
5. Can it fit in an envelope? Yes.
6. Is it a metal? Yes.
7. Is it a common household object? No.
8. Is it yellow? Yes.
9. Is it heavy? Sometimes.
10. Is it a geological feature? Maybe.
11. Is it part of a set? Usually.
12. Is it formed from carbon? Depends.
13. Does it come from something larger? Sometimes.
14. Does it have a hard outer shell? Yes.
15. Can you use it as money? Yes.
16. Do you make something with it? Partly.
17. Is it useful? Doubtful.
18. Is it involved in movies? Yes.
19. Is it a carnivore? Yes.
20. I guess that it is everything? No.
21. Is it organic? Yes.
22. Is it an abstract concept? No.
23. Is it a reptile? No.
24. Does it require specific knowledge to use it? No.
25. Can you put something into it? Depends.
26. Is it multicolored? Usually.
27. Is it made of crystals? Yes.
28. Does a hockey player use it? Yes.

I am guessing that it is a human head?

hehehe. yes. yes it is.
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