Check all with which you agree

Check all with which you agree

  • Capital punishment should be abolished.

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • Excessive Capitalism and excessive profit-seeking are sinful.

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • Nuclear weapons cannot be used on civilians.

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • Affirmative action should be supported until it becomes more certain that white males do not perfer

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • People who are unable to provide for their own needs, through no fault of their own, hav a right to

    Votes: 15 93.8%
  • Anyone has the right to join labor unions.

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • Education, including higher education, should be free.

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • Society must provide adequate food, clothing, housing, and medical care to everyone.

    Votes: 12 75.0%

  • Total voters

eddie monkey

Registered Senior Member
The following are political or social beliefs taught by the American Catholic bishops, but usually opposed by Fundamentalist Christians. Check all you agree with.

Capital punishment should be abolished. ____


Excessive Capitalism and excessive profit-seeking are sinful. ___

Just look at all of the cases of corporate corruption. Very few benifit from it.

Nuclear weapons cannot be used on civilians. ____

They ought not, but certainly can be used. Their use during World War II was justified.

Affirmative action should be supported until it becomes more certain that white males do not perfer to share power with only other white males. ___

Affirmative action should be used lightly. For example a university should not save 40% of their space just for minorities, but 15% would be alright.

People who are unable to provide for their own needs, through no fault of their own, hav a right to government aid. ___


Anyone has the right to join labor unions. ____


Education, including higher education, should be free. __

I don't understand how anyone in 2003 America can claim anything less than "everyone has the right to a free K-12 education." Not only should this be free, but schools should be cleansed of the harrassment that occurs in them.

Society must provide adequate food, clothing, housing, and medical care to everyone. ____

This is true to a degree.
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Originally posted by eddie monkey
Capital punishment should be abolished. ____
Agreed. Juries can make mistakes and conviction doesn't always seem to be based on the evidence.

Excessive Capitalism and excessive profit-seeking are sinful. ___

I wouldn't single out capitalism, excessive anything is too much... by definition.

Nuclear weapons cannot be used on civilians. ____

I'd rather they not be used... but in a large war blowing up production centers is the best way to stop the enemy.

Affirmative action should be supported until it becomes more certain that white males do not perfer to share power with only other white males. ___

I don't think so. I lived in a mostly black neighborhood when I was young and wouldn't get hired in my neighborhood... I almost instantly did in a white neighborhood. Racism goes both ways, 'good' jobs have a higher majority of whites.

People who are unable to provide for their own needs, through no fault of their own, hav a right to government aid. ___


Anyone has the right to join labor unions. ____

Yes, but I think that the company should still have the right to fire the lot of them.

Education, including higher education, should be free. __

This is almost here. Anyone who can't afford college can get government aid... which is enough to go to a state school. I beieve education/information is the foundation of democracy.

Society must provide adequate food, clothing, housing, and medical care to everyone. ____

For a time, but if they are able but not trying to get a job they should be cut-off.
Re: Re: Check all with which you agree

Capital punishment should be abolished. ____
yes, because what right do we have to decide the value of a persons life or when the life should end? besides, death is too humane for murderers and rapests.........they should rot in the solitary confinment for the rest of their natural lives.......

Excessive Capitalism and excessive profit-seeking are sinful. ___

capitalism hurts too many people, it and communism are both bad, they just dont work.

Nuclear weapons cannot be used on civilians. ____

well obviously they can be used on whatever they want......but should never have been created, let alone used on civilians

Affirmative action should be supported until it becomes more certain that white males do not perfer to share power with only other white males. ___

I disagree with this.........I dont think that jobs should be saved for only minorities because a person from a minority may not be as qualified as a person of the majority, so why should it be given to them just cause they are from a certain background??? its just another form of racism really.

People who are unable to provide for their own needs, through no fault of their own, hav a right to government aid. ___


Anyone has the right to join labor unions. ____

yes they can join, but labor unions have entirely too much power these days (at least they do here) the original need for them was good and they were a good thing but now they've gone to far and have become a menace to society.

Education, including higher education, should be free. __

yes because there is not enough govt money to go around right now and higher education should be a right since you cant do much without it in this society.

Society must provide adequate food, clothing, housing, and medical care to everyone. ____

that sounds good on paper, but in practice it just doesnt work remember communism??? however, shelter and medical care are must-haves
Death Penalty: While you do have cases that are proven wrong later, you occasionally get that person that twenty years won't help, and life's too expensivefor taxpayers. Last resort.

Capitalism: I agree with Persol.

Nukes: No comment. Not targeting urban centers is fairly recent.

Afirmative Action: Quotas might make some difference in some situations, but as a whole, if you let too many whites in, your racist, and too few, your affirmative action, and both accusations can be bad.

Free aid: Welfare programs should be pickier than they are now.

Labor unions: They originated during the industrial revolution, adn did a lot of good, but many have become little more than political groups, victim to the capitalism mentioned above. Bricklayers, when everythings been added up, make about $30 per hour nonunion(in St. Louis), and about $50-$70 in a union.

Education: With some changes, the current system would work very well.

As for the last, It's the same as welfare. Some people just don't get with the system, and i see no reason to help a leech.