

§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
I was studying in the library today, and a chap asked me how I went on the electronics exam. I don't know yet, we haven't recieved our scores. Then he casually asked if I had a cheat sheet, a hidden sheet with formulae and such. I said no, I've never cheated on an exam in my life. This dude did not believe me, said everyone cheats. Earlier this morning I heard another chap mention that he hadn't had a chance to use his cheat sheet because the lecturers were watching everyone too closely in the exam. I've asked around, and it seems to me that a huge number of people cheat. This chap in the library said "Why the hell not? You want a good job, you need good grades, so cheat." And like I said, people don't believe me when I say I've never cheated on a test in my life.

Maybe I'm a dumb-arse, but I'd rather accept a crappy grade than pass that way. Usually I pass, if not very well.
I'm a computer gamer. More than that, I'm fairly addicted (won't delve into that ;) )

You're right, it's frightening how much cheating has become acceptable. Never felt the need to myself, but for a lot of gamers out there it's as natural as breathing. Is it (in this case) because over "the net" you're an anonymous person, you're not likely to be caught (and if you are you merely change identity and start again), and the normal peer pressure doesn't apply any longer?

It seems the pressure for "recognition" has become a little more than people can handle...
Originally posted by Adam
"Why the hell not? You want a good job, you need good grades, so cheat."
It robs me of a sense of personal satisfaction.

Reason enough for not doing it right there, plus taking shortcuts has a way of following you into the "real" world - with negative results in the long run.

Speaking of cheating, I was talking to a girl here in the uni dorms the other day. She mentioned that she had cheated on her boyfriend, who was away, and was not going to tell him anything because she couldn't be bothered dealing with the hassle of his doubt and such. People suck.

I'm reasonably certain that I live in an entirely different world to that inhabited by most people.
On Cheating

Academically, there are only a few questions to consider:

• Does my advance cause someone else's decline? (e.g. curve vs. raw score)
• What will happen if I'm caught? (e.g. class failure, suspension, expulsion)
• What will happen if the material I cheat on becomes applicable in practice? (e.g. "I don't know how to fix this problem because I cheated this part of the curriculum!")

If the answers to those three questions are satisfactory, it becomes a matter of personal achievement as some have pointed out.

Of other cheating:

It's a strange thing about people who cheat on their partners. I, for instance, am a notorious target for being cheated on because it's really easy. I'd rather trust you to be faithful. To the other, I once tried to get rid of a woman I was dating by telling her to see other people. She wouldn't. But, of course, it doesn't change the fact that when our relationship was "stable" she would cheat.

Yes, people do suck.

I think the easiest thing to do is to start f--king whoever you want and to not call it cheating. Rebuild the relationship paradigm to make sexuality less possessive and so forth.

Of course, this comes from one with the inevitable perspective gained from the experience of waking up to the sight of your girlfriend f--king your best friend on the bedroom floor ten feet away from you. With friends like that, who needs alarm clocks? :D

Tiassa :cool:
What is morally wrong with cheating?

If you cheat in an exam and pass without knowing the work, you may end up in a job where peoples' lives depend on your knowledge. Because you don't have that knowledge, people may die. Just an example.

But to me the external reasons like that are not the most important. It seems to me that by cheating, you are admitting to yourself "I'm not good enough to do this, and I'm not strong enough to even try, so I'll just be a wimp and cheat."
That's a bit extreme, Adamski. I had to take a mandatory women's studies class once - damned if it would effect anyone or anything whether I knew the material or not.

Yes, I cheated my ass off. As did everybody. I don't feel bad about it, either. Good enough for the class? I hated it. It was not good enough for me.

However, I do not and will not cheat in a good class.

That said, why is cheating on a partner wrong? Is it because of trust or somthing? Is there an unwritten rule of monogamy, and if you break that rule, they will feel hurt?
As far as biology is concerned, I would say cheating is a bad move. Ensuring own genes carried on and all, cheating threatens that.

Apart from that, well, as I've said many times, I tend to believe in things like love. And also that sex is best done with those you love. Given my beliefs in this matter, that means if the person you love goes and shags someone else, obviously she doesn't love you. I attach a great deal of emotional stuff to these matters, and cheating basically tosses all that out with the trash. Luckily (as far as I know), nobody has cheated on me. Not that I recall at the moment anyway.

Cheating on someone also displays a complete disregard for the person's health and goals and everything. What if the cheater catches some disease? Or gets pregnant and totally screws over the other person's plans and current life?

About the only argument for cheating is: "Sorry babe, I know I could have gotten pregnant or caught some disease and given it to you, and I know you might care about this 'us' thing, but I felt like a quick roll in the hay." Really great reasoning there.
As far as biology is concerned, I would say cheating is a bad move. Ensuring own genes carried on and all, cheating threatens that.

No, men have an advantage if they cheat - more children, more genetic variation when it comes to mothers.

Cheating on someone also displays a complete disregard for the person's health and goals and everything. What if the cheater catches some disease? Or gets pregnant and totally screws over the other person's plans and current life?

Maybe, possibly, but suppose that that wasn't an issue.

I'm interested in the emotional dynamics.
About the only argument for cheating is: "Sorry babe, I know I could have gotten pregnant or caught some disease and given it to you, and I know you might care about this 'us' thing, but I felt like a quick roll in the hay." Really great reasoning there.

There is something called.... safe sex!
Im kidding, yes cheating is wrong, but there are situations that a person cannot get out of and the only joy they get is from a person they're cheating with.

Uhh... Im not talking from experience here... I just heard that somewhere! :D

No, men have an advantage if they cheat - more children, more genetic variation when it comes to mothers.
Of course you're right, men would try to screw around as much as possible, if biology was the only factor. Since the initial comment by me was sparked by a girl here in the dorms, I was looking only at women cheating.

Maybe, possibly, but suppose that that wasn't an issue.
I'm interested in the emotional dynamics.
Well, to me, that is the issue. Emotion is involved in sex. Either you love the person you're with, or you don't. Since emotion is attached to sex, if you cheat on that person, obviously you don't love them or you completely disregard their feelings.


Im kidding, yes cheating is wrong, but there are situations that a person cannot get out of and the only joy they get is from a person they're cheating with.
I don't see how a situation can not be gotten out of, but if you insist. Although I think the preferable option would be to simply end the current relationship and then take up with the new person.
Cheating IS WRONG

I know this because i think about what I would feel like if i was cheated on. It would hurt more than anything else i could think of (including being dumped) so it shows a lack of understanding of someones feelings

That makes it wrong
Hmm, Asguard and Adam...

It is only because you have the belief that cheating is wrong, and that it is done out of a lack of regard for the other person, that you are hurt by it.

If you aren't of that opinion, and your partner "cheats" (see, even the term itself represents a mind-set) then you wont be hurt. it's simple really... your beliefs are (sticking my neck out) probably ones you have been "taught" by those around you, or culturally-ingrained, and have become your own. That does not make them "True".

If you believe in the difference between sex and love, and everyone around you does as well, then people being hurt by this will cease to exist. IMNSHO, the world would therefore be a far better place.

I'm sometimes not very good at making myself clear, hope you understand what I mean here.
Given that love between a mated pair is (most likely) basically part of our biology/evolution, intended to provide the best chances for offspring to survive, a separation of love and sex is literally inhuman; it goes against our nature.
Ah, Adamski, your sig and title are quite appropriate. ;)

Well, to me, that is the issue. Emotion is involved in sex. Either you love the person you're with, or you don't. Since emotion is attached to sex, if you cheat on that person, obviously you don't love them or you completely disregard their feelings.

You realise that I have to tease you now? It's against my religion not to.

"Adam sounds like a gi-rl! A-dam sounds like a gi-rl!"

Emotion is attatched to sex, but what of all those 'friends with benefits'? Love is not attatched to sex in those cases - or trophy wives - again, love not attatched to sex.

Given that love between a mated pair is (most likely) basically part of our biology/evolution, intended to provide the best chances for offspring to survive, a separation of love and sex is literally inhuman; it goes against our nature.

Maybe - it depends on the mated pair, as I have shown. Studies show that some 50% of men admit to cheating on a partner at one point in time - would that make them inhuman?

Cheating is not inhuman, but a valid genetic strategy, both for men and women. Now, whether it is ethical is another issue.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and wonder - is it not the cheating itself that is considered hurtful, but the deception involved?
Well, like Don Quimonkey, I see castles where there are taverns, and to me both are unacceptable. I've never lied to a girlfriend, never kept things from one, never cheated on one. I've never had sex with someone who was "just a friend", only with girlfriends (ie. lovers).

The closest I've come (pun) to shagging a friend was when a girl and I were fooling around and were about to get rather nekkid and serious, and I remembered to ask "Haven't you got a boyfriend?" She said "yes". I said goodbye and left. Why? I would not do that to the other guy, and I would hope nobody would do that to me. It turned out to be a rather good move, since I discovered from another friend later that she had been spreading quite a few nasty little infections around.