Cheating on your wife/husband

I think its less acceptable. People are more likely to divorce over cheating than in more conservative societies.
I think its less acceptable. People are more likely to divorce over cheating than in more conservative societies.

agreed. more people marry for love now. It used to be business and once you had that heir, it was no one's business what you did.
I told my husband that if I ever find out he cheated on me, I;ll never say a word. I'll imediately go to the bedroom, pack a bag, go straight to the airport and catch the next flight to Brazil. He'll never see me again. Maybe in court.
I told my husband that if I ever find out he cheated on me, I;ll never say a word. I'll imediately go to the bedroom, pack a bag, go straight to the airport and catch the next flight to Brazil. He'll never see me again. Maybe in court.

Damn, that must have been an awkward conversation.

It's kinda like saying Don't even think about it, hombre.
acceptable in our society? :shrug:

It's surprisingly acceptable in American society, in my opinion. You can cheat, and yes, people look down on it, but they also quickly forget and don't hold it against them as people in ordinary situations.

I personally would never date someone who had ever cheated on someone. How can you rely on someone who has cheated in the past? It's not like you accidentally trip and fall on someone and both of your genitals fall perfectly into place. No, cheaters cheat on purpose. They know they're doing it and they don't stop themselves. I wouldn't trust any previous cheaters in a relationship or even in matters which require high quality people with a strong track record of personal integrity.
I told my husband that if I ever find out he cheated on me, I;ll never say a word. I'll imediately go to the bedroom, pack a bag, go straight to the airport and catch the next flight to Brazil. He'll never see me again. Maybe in court.

You should have told him that if he cheated on you, you'd get revenge by totally doing every eligible guy on sciforums and some of the ladies too.
That'd show him, for sure.
Is it worse if your spouse gets drunk and has a 1 night stand or if they have an affair? Is it worse if your spouse has a sexual relationship or an emotional relationship with someone?
Not sure what you're asking. I'm saying I wouldn't date someone who had cheated in the past. If I wasn't sure whether they did, I would ask.

You would ask someone you were dating if they cheated in the past?
There is a good chance they would lie!
acceptable in our society? :shrug:

that would depend on a few factors,

1, is the marrage happy
2, is the partner abusive, so your affraid to walk away
3, does the partner know

i wander how many married couples know they're partner cheats and its they're wishes for them to do so, i have always told my husband that if i am ever made seriously ill and i can't......perform......then he can go and find it somewhere else.
You would ask someone you were dating if they cheated in the past?
There is a good chance they would lie!

Eh, I think it depends on how you ask. If you're sly about it, you could ask like it's a trifling matter, almost as if everyone has done it at one point. And once they tell you the truth that they'd cheated, then all bets are off. I have dated a girl who had cheated before. She told me outright. She never cheated on me, but she did turn out to lack integrity and character. Hence, why I would never date someone who had cheated. It's an indicator of low quality. It's like buying a car that was built on a Friday.