Cheating Death



I didn't see any posts on this subject, but if there are apolagies.

There have been loads of cases of people cheating death, paramedics bringing ppl back and all sorts of miracles. And i for one think that is possible to avoid death, death is NOT inevitable and Science has the cure.

I stumbled across this link and i think it's worth a look, i'm not 100% sure about the (thinks for right word....can't find it) truthfulness (still can't think of on tip of tongue).

I'm not even gonna pretend i know what i'm talking about.....that's where you guys come in so please feel free to shoot me down or go "by jove that guy's right".

fetus_fajitas said:
And i for one think that is possible to avoid death, death is NOT inevitable and Science has the cure.
Nope, I disagree. Bit by bit modern medicine has pushed the up the average life span, but there is nothing that science can do to stop the aging process. What good is it to live longer if you’re decrepit and moribund during all that extra time? We have evolved over millions of years to die. It’s intrinsic at every level – at the molecular level, at the biochemical level, at the cellular level, at the tissue level, at the whole organism level.

Accept it! :) <P>
I found another link AGES ago about this guy who claimed to be able to stop aging.again im not sure how genuine his discoveries were, but he said that ina round 20 years it would be possible to stop againg. and you wouldn't be an old decrepit man. you'd be as healthy as a 20 year old.
Apparently every decade or so you'd have to spend a couple weeks in hospital being "topped up" as it were.

Now whether he was onto somehting or not - there is a way to stop againt....
Whether we'll find it or now is another matter
I guarantee, if death were abolished, people would pray for it. Just go see the movie Zardoz for an example. Death and life are inseparable, haven't humans made a mess of things so far, can you imagine if no one ever left?
Death is nothing bad really. Without it there would be stagnation and no real progress.
Get over yourself. :)
zion said:
there is. cryogenics. wait and watch...

cryogenics doesn't stop death, it stops life. Theres a difference, what's the point of cheating death through cryogenics if you're not going to be able to live your own life, instead you're frozen in a tube?

As far as that link goes with the "Zombie Dogs", how does that prevent death? If you don't die from the gunshot wound today you're still going to die in 40 years due to your body's age. This clinical death and revival is useful in some cases, but its not worth a "golly gee jillickers this guy is right!!" :)
I don't thnik it's possible to Totally postpone death. there's a quote from Pindar that goes "my soul do not seek eternal life, but exhaust the realm of the possible"

I don't wanna live forever, but i don't want to die so early. With that technology in the link, and the technology being developed, and the stuff that we Will eventually see.

Life will be longer.

(let's not talk about how fucked the economy would be if we all lived for ages - that belongs in the Politics section)

Thread was asking is you could cheat death, so the reply was simply yeah : Cryogenics could in near future invariably cheat death and increase longivity of course you'd have to live in the dream world etc... etc... which makes come to other discussions...
Um.. ok. I watched 'Vanilla Sky' too. I've done 'cryogenic' research in the past, on fruit flies. 'Cryonics' (which is the word you're looking for) is a near-impossibility, due to ice crystals and all that implies. Furthermore, the advantage of cooling to the temperature of liquid nitrogen and below is that almost no chemical reactions take place. Therefore, you're not thinking and you're not dreaming when and especially if you are frozen.
The article you have posted is true. It isnt necessarily about preventing death, so much as suspending life. There is seriously large amounts of research going into suspended animation and many incredible results. Alot of reseach is going into animals that we know already have their own sort of suspended animation. Decoding the process by which they achieve their advanced hibernation state will help us understand how to apply it to humans.

One major area of research is with oxygen deprivation and the speed of metabolic activity. Theoreticallly, if you stopped all metabolic activity, very quickly, then you could be in a state of suspended animation forever. When a person doesnt have enough oxygen, metabolic process go awry, creating a chain reaction of destruction resulting in cell death etc. (because there is still some oxygen, just not enough). One area of research is with Hydrogen Sulfide. It binds quicker to hemoglobin, essentially robbing the body of oxygen extremely quickly. Initial tests have shown mouses to be pronounced clinically dead and brought back to life after the re introduction of a oxygen atmosphere.

There is a really awesome article in Scientific American about all of this... It was their cover story a few months back. Check it out.

Zyncod - Ice Crystals aren't as much of a problem as you think because all the water in the body is removed and replaced with a glycerol-based chemical mixture called a Cryoprotectant. It's called Vitrification.
Yes - I know what vitrification is. The problem is, how are you going to replace all the water in the body with a cryoprotectant quickly enough that the person doesn't die? This process is not even feasible for organs (which is why they are rushed around on planes in coolers rather than frozen).
Exactly. How do you remove alll h2o from tissue instantenosuly... we would shrink up into nothing! You can replace the blood with that solution, but that doesnt help the rest of the water in the tiusses.

I wonder if there is some way to could irradiate water molecules, or something like that, so when they froze, it would be a different crystal structure.... somehow just alter the crystal strucutre so it didnt expand, then the problems would be solved, no?
I don't see a point to cryonics unless, as already stated, the retardation of the crystallization process can be extended to a cellular level, rather than to the circulatory system alone.

In particular I feel it pointless to freeze the body unless we're talking thousands of years until the 'big thaw', so they will have a blueprint to work from so their 'replication/rejuvenation' process doesn't have you looking like an ape because that's what they think we all looked like way back in the 21st century ;)

So I guess the short answer is that those already at these facilities will at best have a clone walking around one day that was grown from the DNA extracted from their ruptured cells :bugeye:
I think it may be possible for awareness to continue after the body has gone
and you may be able to get a new body, this is just a thought so please everybody jump right in and let me know what you think.

If you were to construct a machine (computer of some kind) capable of holding a copy of the real time function of the elecrochemical construct of your mind an emulator if you will, and not copy your mind to it because if you die then the copy will think it is you but it will just be a copy, but what I propose is that it could be linked to your mind and single neorone fuction could be imprinted into the program one by one but run in parallel with the neorone that was copied, and then verified that they are in sinc then terminate the original organic brain function, one by one as they are copied off, but still the whole of your mind is intact partly in the sofware partly in the organics, this would mean that there was no sense of being copied which means one copy presumably the organic one need not percieve dieing, so you continue this process one function at a time while still feeling all there, one whole mind though pieces of the whole are crossing to a new medium, nothing lost untill the last remaining organic function is left, mirrored in parallel then terminated, your whole coniousness would now remain in the machine and your organics terminated but there was no perception of loss.
If you just made copy of someonse brain function then killed them they would die, and the copy would have to endure the fact that they were no original but just a memory of the dead one. This tranfer method would eliminate this perception because there is no duality to the process but one mind moving from one shell to another.
Now this is where it gets interesting, if your are now hard wires inside this machine they can build organic / mechanic interface, which can be inserted into your newly cloned body in place of a real organic brain, this will allow your newly migrated cyber presence to give orders to the body the way your brain used to and transmit organic impulses back to your place of imortality (server?) the net result being that your perceptions are of only existing inside your body, but your existance resides in the protected computer, now if your body gets killed, they just route your systems into a new brain interface tranmitter and plug you into a new body, for some day to day corporeal action, now if you get sick of this you can just spend time with all the other disembodied beings on the giant network, with any kind of artificial input you like, like a cyber heaven, only difference is you can hob nob with other virtuals or plug into a body to percieve real organic life, a bit like the Matrix and scarry, but you could "EXIST" like this unless they drop bombs on the computers
Yes, it's so great to hear CS majors ruminate about the possibilities of a post-human future, but the fact is that the human mind does not operate by any circuitry remotely familiar to us. I swear to God, if Wired compares scientists to "hackers" one more time, I'm going to take a train downtown and burn down their offices.
You are going to die. You won't stop that from happening you can only prolong life to a certain point.
Huh...a lot of hopla and jargon over death. In my opinion you already cheated death by being the 1/10000000 sperm to make it this far. Cheating death twice is practical I guess, interesting thread. Many levels of death, Cryogenics or whatever you try, you still won't feel the same when your time is truely up.
Medicines in my opinion is crap. They can't cure crap and more and more money is pumped into the industry each year. They remind me of religion; keeps all the money,pays no taxes and makes empty promises to the fallen. The few good medicine we have out there are laden with side effects, which can even send you right back to the doctor. They can't cure aids, cancer, or even the common cold. Medicine is the largest industry in the world, even after accounting their many short comings..any guess why? All the times I have been sick doctors usually diagnose one crap or the other and I usually get better myself(good old immune system). We profit more from engineers and lawyers than doctors. In my opinion.