Cheaters have a new outlet.

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    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 100.0%

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I was simply watching TV last night because well I have nothing else better to do on a Monday night. As I was watching TV a commercial came on the TV that simply “rocked my world” for all the wrong reasons. There is agency here in Canada that engages in really questionable behavior imo, and it’s being shown on TV.

That agency actively gets married people to cheat, they will find the best mate for you to cheat on your spouse, and they will try to keep it quiet so you won’t get caught. I’m I the only one disturbed by this? What I find simply ironic is that gay marriage is supposed to break up the institution of marriage? No by the looks of it Profit is the biggest threat to marriage today.
Undecided said:
What I find simply ironic is that gay marriage is supposed to break up the institution of marriage? No by the looks of it Profit is the biggest threat to marriage today.

Haha that's a great point, gay marriage is supposed to damage the sanctity of the institution that we're already treating like this? How can conservatives claim that it's a solemn sacred and unchangeable institution while the FOX network is airing "Who wants to marry a complete stranger"?

Anyhow, falling directly in line with the topic I feel torn about this company. At one time I think it's a remarkably sleazy way to make money, but still a very clever market force to capitalize on. I just wonder how they'll be feeling when they have jealous wives and husbands storming their offices and shooting the place up. I imagine that that's probably got to be one of the highest risk office jobs around.
Now hold on a second, marriage has always been a union between one man, and one woman, (um.. except in the cultures where its not like that, but Ignore them! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!) and the guy gets to sleep around, and the women can be treated like a slave. Have you people no respect for the dignity of this sacred institution?
I love the comments page.

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yeah cus everyone just sits around the water cooler at work,

"hey bob I decided to cheat on my wife. Got a couple phone numbers from this cheat-o-matic agency want one."
"Oh no bill, I'm on viagra and I make millions, I think i'll just rent me some cheap hos."
"What about you jake?"
"No but I think my wife might be interested.

This is the most retarded idea I have heard in a long time. Next there will be sex shops with the deliniation Monogomous, not monogomous. I mean screw sanctity, this is just a disgusting lack of respect.
what does marriage even mean? i know it's a ceremony in a church or something, with rings, and rice, and cake. and the usual honeymoon. but beyond that? because it certainly isn't permanent, nor sacred. seems like a romantic gesture...or a joke. :(
Marriage aside, its a relationship. Something that people devote alot of their emotional self into. At the very least they open themselves to trust and in so become vulnerable. Cheating is the breaking of this trust. Which whether you beleive in marriage or monogomy bloody well hurts.

The same goes for any relationship that you invest some trust into. Like for instance your Doctor, you trust he will treat you correctly and keep you healthy, and provide the necessary care when you are not. It would be a little emotionally damaging if your doctor say didn't tell you you had cancer when he bloody well knew. Its breaking a set of expectations and lying about it.
do people really expect that a married couple will remain "faithful?"

The same goes for any relationship that you invest some trust into.
i guess my problem is that i don't trust people.
No by the looks of it Profit is the biggest threat to marriage today.

'Tis only fair. Marriage is the biggest threat to profit today.

Okay, it's one of the biggest. No, wait, because of the frequency of marriage, I think it might well be the biggest.
anti- Oh dear I'm sorry to hear that. Hope I haven't made you more paranoid of doctors or anything. But every relationship has to have some very basic level of trust. You trust the bus driver will not crash, you trust the elevator it will not plunge you to a firey death, you trust the laws of physics hold a roof above your head.
Marriage is a sham from the past; we in a modern society with all our advanced telecommunications, high levels of living, and with our longer lives cannot be expected to be monogamous for the rest of our lives. Marriage was a logical institution when women depended on men, women don’t depend on men any more. Marriage was logical when you only lived to be 40, today we live a median of 80. Although I find that Ashley Madison agency a crude, and unabashedly disgusting what do we expect in our modern society, marriage is a farce anyways.
That agency actively gets married people to cheat, they will find the best mate for you to cheat on your spouse, and they will try to keep it quiet so you won’t get caught.

A persons desire to cheat comes before the act of cheating. For that reason, I really don't think this agency is "actively" getting people to cheat.

Is this agency appropriate? Well, who am I - or you - to judge the actions of someone pursuing their desires?
Well, who am I - or you - to judge the actions of someone pursuing their desires?

That could be an argument, but not valid when your married. You swore to be chaste, and loyal there is a difference.
That could be an argument, but not valid when your married.

I'm not married. I suppose speaking from a marrieage point of view that may not be a valid argument. Although, from a logical point of view it's a logical argument.
I just wonder how they'll be feeling when they have jealous wives and husbands storming their offices and shooting the place up. I imagine that that's probably got to be one of the highest risk office jobs around.

Heh, there used to be this TV show that would use private detectives and catch a cheating spouse in the act on video tape and send it to the other spouse and later they get caught in the act with the host and wife and camera crew around. Well this one episode when the cheating guy was confronted on a boat with his mistress, he got so pissed that he stabbed the host in the gut, lol.

- N
Yes I watched that episode of Cheaters...boy was that nemesis at play or what. To anyone who does watch cheaters, the host before this new one...was he black, white?