Channeling Energy


Registered Senior Member
How do you know if your channeling energy?
I've been doing meditations for a couple months now and sometimes things happen besides the usuall calmness and quiet mind, which is very easy for me to obtain now.
Sometimes when I meditate I see balls of light in my minds eye above my head and I try to pull it down into me and random ideas or methods pop up on getting this energy.
Other night it was really intense, I did my usually relaxing my body thru my mind and then I just still my thoughts which takes little below 5 mins to do both most of the time. I see the ball of light all the time I meditate but it goes away everytime I look at it heh. But I was determined to grasp it this time and I was kept trying to pull it down and instead of pulling it down I had a feeling I was sinking down into a puddle of light while seeing a ball of light above me at the same time...
By this time I'm feeling tingly all around and itchy which is very annoying but I ignore it. The itchy feeling doesnt occur much but the tingly feeling I can feel almost on will. After I start imagining rain falling on my head cleansing my body from inside out which helps me feel open. Then I start trying to pull the light up again by using my breathing as a technique but I realize the breathing technique wasnt doing so well as I realize, so i try just pulling it up with my mind which is a little harder to do.
After a bit I was getting hot and shaking inside. The light I can see real clearly now it was like... a white gold color but it wasnt bright it seemed like light thats under water. around the light I see vast blackness all around it. But I start pulling up and up and up and my nose felt like it was going to bleed. And then if felt like i was going to bleed out of my ears and it was real warm and I was getting scared of what will happen so I stopped.
But after it was all over I couldnt sleep aaaallllll night I was tossing and turning and my mind wouldnt shut up, kept recalling on what happend and what it might of been. I was really restless. It seemed as like I was rechared or something.
This isnt the first time this happend but each time it was different and at the end I always stopped before I could actually see what happend if I continued. Thats probably the scary part not knowing whats going to happen.
Oh it was real cool while I was doing this I kept opening my eyes time to time and wow my whole room was filled with little lights like fire flies where flying everywhre in circles and it was pitch black ! but I was seeing ballls of lights like seeing sparks. When I was done and trying to sleep they were still around but not so many.
Do you have to use your chakras to channel energy , to do it right? Or can you channel without and the chakras just change the energy? And if so what do you do to change it ? I mean what does it change in to? I do chakra exercises at times but it gets tedious doing them one at a time. Before it use to take me forever to stimulate them. Lately I can see them all at once and stimulate them at same time by breathing techniques. Im still wondering what happens exactly when their fully open cuz I read they can make a person physcic and such but I dont seem to be getting any physcic at all, I might but I just dont pay attention to it -I think I might be a little empathic- and a very teeny weeny clairvoyant and what I see are such small things that dont seem to have any meaning except looking cool. Oh I can lucid dream but I've been able to do that before all this but now i realize what i was doing and it seems... different knowing and more vivid.
Instead of imagining seperate chakras, might it be better thinking your one big chakra with all the colors swirling in you? For some reason my meditations been going in that way lately. Sometimes its hard for me too see the colors , depends how determined I am during the meditation. By I try to reasure myself when I see the vast blackness all around me by telling myself that black is absorbs all the colors so you just have to search for them. I feel content all the time in the vast blackness but when I'm done just being there and Im out of doing meditation I usually get sleepy, unlike when I search for the light and try to grasp it Im all hyper. Is there a significant purpose to both and what its suppose to do? Maybe its a Ying Yang thing?
How do you know if your having a vision or its just your mind? Once I was meditating but I think I fell asleep cuz it was like I was dreaming and I think I died or something cuz everything turned black and I woke up in the dream/meditation again but with a circle of blue and green water swirling before my eyes and it went away soon as I started paying attention to it.
But I gotta go and I have so much to say too grrrrr....
Well bye and hope anyone can say something about all this
This just in: Man channels energy!

If you want to channel energy I know a few things that you can try.

One, learn about electronics, harnessing and controlling energy is all of what electrical engineering, building circuits, etc is about. Alternately you could just flip a switch and turn on a light bulb, but it's not quite as satisfying as building something yourself, now is it? This path offers countless applications, and is easy to convert into other energies, such as light, sound, or mechanical energy, very useful!

You could build a fire! What a fun way to harness natural energy, be sure to look up proper fire safety tips, and wood stacking methods, so that you don't accidentally set surrounding brush on fire. You can cook food, stay warm, and basically just have a good ol' time by inviting some friends over to sit around the fire!

Learn to play a musical instrument! What a pleasing manipulation of natural energies! Sound generated from most musical instruments usually isn't enough to do any physical damage, but I know that now and again it's enough to make me stop and weep, POWERFULL!

Become a recording artist! Learn to use a camera and microphone, film your own shorts, capture ambient energies in staged scenarios, and then edit it to produce something of educational or entertainment value, fun and maybe even profitable!

Become an athlete! Get up and move around, darn it! Play some sports, if you like, run, shoot some hoops. whatever, mechanical energy makes the world go round!

I wouldn't suggest trying anything regarding chemical or radioactive energies, not at a novice level anyway, work your way up to these, if you want, but be careful, helpful and common, though they may be, used improperly they can be hazardous!

As for laying on your bed, watching little blurs of color streaking through your vision due to slowed chemical replacements from lack of stimulation, and then complaining about seeing little sparkles when your brain doesn't get enough oxygen, there isn't much constructive energy usage involved in that at all! Get out there you misguided enthusiast, and learn some more about how man is, and has been since the dawn of our species, harnessing natural energies!
hello, I'm On Radioactive Waves:m:

please remember when channeling energy to use constructive and not destructive energies
There are no forms of energy which are inherently constructive or destructive, it's all in how you choose to use them.
There are no forms of energy which are inherently constructive or destructive, it's all in how you choose to use them


Fire would be inherently destructive, would it not....even when controled for "use as you choose" it still "destroys" it's fuel source, does it not....? And in nature, look out.... it is inherently destructive. I think your theory is full of holes.
Well not nessesarily, fire does not need to burn.

Without heat would a seed grow?

Endothermic reations, (if my chemisty is right...) Exothermic produces heat Endothermic requires heat...
Without heat the endothermic reaction would not occur, there are a few that occur in our bodies, I think most of them are exothermic though.

Evergreen forests, many species of trees would not survive were it not for forest fires. These fires not only replentish the soil with nutrients but the pine cones open due to the heat of the fires...

Would life exist at all without the heat of the sun?

If you get in to the more mystical stuff healing energies almost always have a bit of fire energy weaved in them.

All energies in nature can be destructive but all of them can also create.

And dont forget ya gotta burn the :m:

:D :cool: :rolleyes:

Originally posted by TheVisitor
There are no forms of energy which are inherently constructive or destructive, it's all in how you choose to use them


Fire would be inherently destructive, would it not....even when controled for "use as you choose" it still "destroys" it's fuel source, does it not....? And in nature, look out.... it is inherently destructive. I think your theory is full of holes.

Your medieval reasoning is pretty quaint, visitor, thanks for that refreshing bit of hilarity.

Fire is not an energy, heat, however is an energy. A flame is just a burst of superheated gas. Heat, can be used to cook food, or provide necessary energy for life forms to develop, it can start chemical reactions, or prevent them. It can also cause fire, and break materials down. It’s not inherently destructive or constructive, no form of energy is. I know it’s fun to anthropomorphise inanimate things, but energy can’t be good or bad, I’m sorry, nature doesn’t work that way.
Originally posted by Serinanth

Evergreen forests, many species of trees would not survive were it not for forest fires. These fires not only replentish the soil with nutrients but the pine cones open due to the heat of the fires...

Well that's still fire as a destructive force, though, I understand the point you were trying to make, but I think another more interesting point was made by this, that benig the nessesity of entrophy, and a certain amount of destructive chaos in any complex system, in order to clear out the old and rotting, and bring in the fresh and new. Sub cultures thrive on this kind of feel good "Destruction is nessisary" kind of mentality, It's something I quite like myself. But then this is probably another thread, more for the general philosophy forum!
What I was basicly refering to was Scrap@lot's description of seeing little moving lights while trying to "channel"

"Oh it was real cool while I was doing this I kept opening my eyes time to time and wow my whole room was filled with little lights like fire flies where flying everywhre in circles and it was pitch black ! but I was seeing ballls of lights like seeing sparks. When I was done and trying to sleep they were still around but not so many"

And Mystech's casual explaination : "theres no such thing as demons or any king of inherent destructive energy..."
Well, I disagree...(my fire thing didn't go over too well, I'll admit)
but channeling is a dangerous thing and demons are real, and they are out to destroy you - though not at first - usually they hook you first and then slowly reel you in.
They are described in the bible as destroyers.
The bible is hardly a reliable authority on ANY subject. You're living in an age when you have no excuse for not knowing better. Most of us abandoned the superstitions of witches, and demons long ago, and we've been nothing but better off for it, embrace the enlightenment of the modern age, superstitionalism, and faith are on their way out, most can see that they are the REAL sins.
So it sounds like you have faith in Science Mystech, I am a proponent for it as well but it is still faith. Most of us have to take faith in what we are told by scientists because the masses do not understand many of the more complex theories and equations that science uses to define the world we live in. And no one understands them all.

Take for instance gravity...
There are several different theories, which is correct, and why do most of these older theories break down at the quantum level.
The Universal gravity equation contains "G" which is the universal constant G = 6.67 x 10-11 N(m2/kg2) (Newton-meter squared per kilogram squared). Whered this number come from? oh yah we made it up to make the equation werk :eek:

How come we keep finding smaller and smaller components to the the subatomic world? According to the science of less than 2 hundred years ago the atom was the irreducible, indestructible material unit.

What science is today may be proved wrong this coming year or prehaps this evening? Just because we have technology now dont get all high and mighty, thinking science is infallable, thoughts like that caused the shuttle accidents, and the amazed reactions of the masses that cry out "How could this happen?!"
Your sending humans into orbit around our planet!! it aint easy!

I watch every day as microprocessors get smaller as radios are built into each chip (not the package.. onto the scilicon!) and as tiny mechanical objects are created at the micron level. And yeah I see it every day kuz its my job. Is nanotechnology (scifi) really all the far off? But whats the difference from science fiction, magic myth and superstitionalism? If a person from ancient egypt saw a lazer it would be magic to them because they didnt understand it, nor could the explain it. What we still dont understand is called magic, and myth, or what we wish we could do with technology is called scifi just because what science cannot explain or has no means to accomplish today does not mean it is nonexistant or impossible.

Please do not take this the wrong way I am not trying to be an arse and start a flame war, but you should be more open to the world around you, how else are you going to be able to explain it.

And beleive me, I wish sometimes I could go on believing science 100% and saying magic and deamons are mumbo jumbo. But some of us have experienced things that make it impossible to think like that any more, things that science cannot even put a finger on. Maybe you'r the one in the dark? Maybe we are crazy who is to say, but please stop treating people by rudely calling them medieval thinkers and such for beleiving in spiritualism just because you dont understand it and dont have an equation or a scientific theory for it.

I saw a parked car with a bumpersticker "Anarchy rocks"
I smashed the window with a rock...
I watched later when a punk came out to the car and got all pissed this his window was smashed and called the cops.

I laughed
If you think of science as something which one needs to have faith in, then you are looking at it in the wrong way.

You're right, no one person knows it all, and not everything is known. I myself don't have a bloody clue how they shoot something out of our orbit and land it on the moon, or mars, or just out of the solar system entirely, but does that mean I think it's magic or through some sort of spiritual incantations, granted by an all powerful being, or christened by Unicorn blood? No, of course not.

Science is the continued understanding of the way the world around us works, and nothing more. The idea that something like astral projection, demons, and the like have any real validity is simply invalid. There are ways in which we can observe, and test any principal or theory, and don't you find it just the least bit odd that most people who profess prophetic visions, or otherworldly visitations, have almost no concept of this? Isn't it also just a little odd that ever since the development of scientific thought, and ever since critical thinking started catching on, there has been a direct, and drastic drop in belief of such things? This is because they simply can not be substantiated. If there were any validity to them, it would be quite possible to substantiate them (especially considering how well some people say they know these subjects), and would then certainly be within the realm of serious science, rather than diluted fantasies befitting children.

No, science is not at all like magic, as science, in it's rationality, and as such validity, can produce results, something can actually come of it. When we master an idea it opens the way for new ways of solving problems, or making use of the resources which we have available. Mysticism, and spiritualism, however does not. You can't run a rail road, on mystic encounters, and astral projection isn't cutting into the profits of telecommunications companies. The flat out truth of it, is that it's all in your mind. Remember, everything (yes, EVERYTHING) is non-existent until proven otherwise, and therein lays the major flaw with so many of the bizarre concepts and ideas presented on this forum, everyone seems to want to assume everything, and never bother with concrete substantiation of their claims, it's a wild circus of groundless claims, and is a thing quite different from science, the only way to truly know anything by it's very definition.
I say we need to have a bit of faith in it because we must beleive what we are told, sometimes its wrong, but due to the very nature of science that wrongess is usualy found out and a new theory or eqution is discovered to be the truth

I am trying to take the same road with spirituality swhy I am trying to define, make sense, build theories based on known science as much as I can. I love talking to people who see things differently than me, like you Mystech =) helps me figure things out see other prespectives. You are right about there not being much real world application to spiritualism, there may not be any applications because it is such a different world than the concrete physical. I am working to bridge that some day I hope. All I can do is learn as much as I can about both worlds and mebby I will understand one day :)

I think spiritualism/dreams etc is something science just dosent have a grasp on yet, that there is an explanation for it, I know it, we just dont understand it yet. Much like the human brain and its connection to the mind, how they both work and why they work.

I will have to disagree about one thing you said though.

Everything is non-existant untill proven otherwise.

Prove to me the voice in your head that just read this post exists to me.
Heh, well if you genuinely wish to explore the "world" of spiritualism, I say go for it, if there's anything to acctualy be found in all of it, I'd certainly welcome the advancement of the pool of knowledge!

As for the voice in my head (Or internal monolouge, as many like to call it) you seemed to know it was there, as well. Anyone who possesses the ability of language, tends to translate their thoughts into words. . . especialy if they intend to write them down. . . That much is only intuative.
heyya all :)

yo Scrap@lot
ignore mystech
Serinanth, TheVisitor...sorry for not reading all your postss im off to bed

someone told me you are trying to profit from your experiences!!!!!!!!
this will be the material distortion!!!
clense yourself of impure desires!!!

and keep grooving

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.

Haha, right, the problem is that you're trying to accomplish something. Remember, no man can ever profit through his own works, to try is to fail, abandon all hope!

You realize how utterly morbid your message is, riple of death, don't you?
heyya all :)

yo miss-technologist
why is it that you tell everybody who has a not so usual experience to seek profesional help
is that not undermining thier own self esteem,
if you see a problem why not try to help rather than saying your soo broken your deluded...
i am yet to find a text from you that trys to address the issue while protecting and nurturing!!!

this makes me wonder what your personal goal is!!!
you are trying to gauge some form of personality from my messages that will be less than yours and not as intelegent and so on...
i am yet to se you offer any constructive suggestions other than the
lets through our hands up and go the the insane assylum.
this is a form of interpretation that seems to over ride most if not all of your interaction on the parapsychology and psudoscience boards.
is that your form of entertainment to try and destabalise people in vaunerable positions in thier personal growth???

groove on all :)
peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.
Ripple of death, if you have been paying attention to my posts here, then you'd know that I only suggest professional help to individuals, when they complain of hallucinations, as this is dead on, always a sign of some sort of mental trouble. Delirium isn't good for anybody, and that's that.

You, however would try to make their troubles into some sort of ego boost for you, by suggesting idiotic things such as it being a part of spiritual growth, hence making you seem like some sort of authority of some non-topic.

Go get an education, and read a book or something, then get a life. If you don't know anything about critical thinking, then just don't try thinking too hard about anything until you do, you've got a lot of potential to do more harm than good.

As for genuine nurturing or whatever, I'd point you to my first post on this thread, was there any hostility there? I was genuinely trying to help this person with his problem. I notice that that never goes over very well with people around here, and why I so very rarely bother.

By the way, my name would not be pronounced "Miss tech" if that were the case, I would have written it as such.

Mystic + Technology= Mystech

It's easy really.
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heyya all :)

authority of some non-topic.

Are you A.I/(as such) ?

if a person appears to be reaching out for help on a "board"
or just raising a topic for discusion...
-would this suggest they do not want to go to a "shrink" as most percieve them...

to peddle this to such an address would be like inviting someone to come into your house sit down offer them a drink, tell them to relax and trust you, ..
then start yelling at them saying they are crazzy.
remember that perception is a big factor in communal interaction of individualy perceptive theory/interpretation...
untill we have wide use of brain/thought reading technology we must rely on the discriptions of the inquisitor.
make sence?
just my opinion after all.

above all else
keep grooving

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.