
Registered Member
Whoever transmitted this translated message to you is irrelevant, and should remain anonymous in your mind. It is what you will do with this message which matters !

Each one of you wishes to exercise her/his free will and experience happiness.

These are attributes that were shown to us and to which we now have access. Your free will depends upon the knowledge you have of your own power. Your happiness depends upon the love that you give and receive.

Like all conscious races at this stage of progress, you may feel isolated on your planet. This impression makes you sure of your destiny. Yet, you are at the brink of big upheavals that only a minority is aware of...
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The author is deliberately being showy about the words they chooses to use - an exercise in self-indulgency I would say. I would not expect ETI to talk to us in such refined English.

The message ultimately leads to an question: "Do you want us to show up" that the aliens will somehow recieve from telepathy, when we answer the question in our minds. If the answer is no, they will not appear to us.

This is where the message loses all of its credibliliy. If the aliens, could easily recieve our thoughts - why would they require a vote from us? Aren't we already desperately asking "Are we alone" and aren't many of already wanting to find the aliens.

Also, why would our "vote" have such an unprecedented bearing on the decision of the aliens --- when we are of much primitive mentality to them, and therefore our choice could be irrelavent or even unintelligible. Its similar to adults allowing infants to make a decision that would change the future.

With all this in mind, I am convinced this is not a contact by aliens, and instead I believe it to be a method of one individiual to materialise and promote his own thoughts and theories.

Obvious fake.
crazymikey, I am surprised that you haven't seen this before. I read it many months
ago. There seems to be a group or cult or whatever, at least some members of which
are highly intelligent individuals. I am not sure who they are, I have thought they may
have something to do with the Wingmakers or the old Zetatalk/Troubled Times groups
because the message comes across as somewhat the same. That is, at least to Zetatalk/Troubled Times, I have read very little of the WingMakers material. After
seeing a few phrases in her posts, I suspect Dark Knight may be involved with them.
Just my speculation, but some in that group may be ones that are "helping" her now.
My impression was that she probably won't be back to this forum because she didn't
find anyone "intellectually stimulating" enough to converse with.
" Also, why would our "vote" have such an unprecedented bearing on the decision of the aliens --- when we are of much primitive mentality to them, and therefore our choice could be irrelavent or even unintelligible. Its similar to adults allowing infants to make a decision that would change the future. "


This is exactly what the aliens want you to think. What they want you to think is that we are less developed spiritually and that they are superior to us. They call us "earthlings" because they want us to feel like an infant child. The fact of the matter this is not the case in actuality. Their primary agenda is to transform planet Earth into sequential planet, this is why they "quarantined" Earth from other planets in our galaxy so they wont be contaminated by us.

The Reptilian race for exmaple is one of the oldest races in our galaxy therfore they are the most advanced technologically but they are also at the same time the least advanced spiritually which makes them finish this "game" last.

They believe that technological advancements are the key for salvation while it is all the way around. They can not and do not want to comprehend that the only link for salvation is through spirituality. They lost their link with their HigherSelfs and forgot that most of us and them are infact spiritual beings (Gods) who reside in the 5th density homeworld who have their soul energy extensions spread down into the 3rd density existences to experience this physical plane.
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Noone, this is fascinating, do you have an IRC channel or something where you hang out and where you have friends that also talk like this? I just have to see if its just something you do, or if there is an actual subculture of people who think and talk this way. I'm very curious about this.

I find your language to be completely inaccessible to any reasonable person, so I'm interested to try to find other people who talk like you to see if there is a method to the madness. I don’t intend to be insulting, but the way you write, you aren’t communicating at all, you are just making symbols appear on a forum in a sequence that conveys no information, maybe if I see more of it I will start to understand.
None, I did not really understand what you just said; 3rd density? Their soul energy extentions? spirits? sequential planet? Ask yourself, how do you know all this?
seems very hard to believe to me, people are always searching for something better than themselves, we are explorers after all, but makign up aliens is just pathetic.
It' so religious, like the second coming of Christ only without armageddon. The celestial angels will take us by the hand and show us the universe and we'll live happily ever after. How sweet.
No one is making up aliens. We are putting two and two together. Some, take UFO's and ETI as a religion; I take it as a science.
SpyMoose, Nebuchadnezzaar fools like you are everywhere. How can you call this "madness" if you do not even comprehend my terminology. Does it make you feel intelligent over others who believe in something that does not sits well with your logical paradigm while you insulting others? Calling people pathetic over their believe system showing me exactly what YOU are. Trust me, you can not outsmart life so if you want to progress you will have to work with your EGO (little self). So instead of insulting me and others just say something like this:

"None, I did not really understand what you just said; 3rd density? Their soul energy extentions? spirits? sequential planet?

Now crazymikey,

I will try to explain to you some of this terminology.

* 3D Density

The 3rd density plane is the physical existence, it is where all the physical life will sustain it's existence in a form of a matter. The 3rd density in particularly is full of duality (for example: Good vs Evil or Black and White). None of those states is perfect, Evil has it's own agenda and so does the Light-siders. It is only when you are on the 5th density when you are balanced being. There is no duality on 5th density and above.

* Soul Energy extensions

As you may know or not the physical body is just a "spacesuit" to the soul but because soul has electromagnetic substance properties I just called it "Soul Energy". The Soul Energy is what animates the physical body and this is what every physical extraterrestrial race possess except the clones. For example short/little (3 - 3.5 feet tall) grey beings are clones who do not possess soul and as the result of this they can not comprehend or experience feelings (anger, happiness, compassion, love etc...) like we do. The extension that I was referring is that Soul Energy is only the link between this 3rd density physical world and the 5th density world where your HigherSelf (the real you) is located. The purpose of the extension nexus between you here and the real you there is to provide the necessary experience/s to advance beyond the 5th density into the next level/s where you will be able to exercise vastly different experiences then on physical roam It is beyond your imagination and comprehension of the mind and what only left for you is to entertain the idea of what to come next.
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crazymikey said:
From the contents of your posts, I doubt you know what that word means.

noone said:
How can you call this "madness" if you do not even comprehend my terminology. Does it make you feel intelligent over others who believe in something that does not sits well with your logical paradigm while you insulting others? Calling people pathetic over their believe system showing me exactly what YOU are. Trust me, you can not outsmart life so if you want to progress you will have to work with your EGO (little self). So instead of insulting me and others just say something like this:

"None, I did not really understand what you just said; 3rd density? Their soul energy extentions? spirits? sequential planet?

Actually, I think that is what I asked. And I stand by my assertion that your speech sounds like madness. Around three years of age a child begins to display the ability to understand that other people do not necessarily have the same information that they do, they realize that they are their own organism with unique experiences. You however have not developed to this stage yet, and make yourself free to babble on in language that you should know has no definition for others, and then become testy when people question you about it. Your enlightenment seems a little bit like a hissy fit.
Spymouse, from the content of this post, I doubt, I should even read any more of them :)
Around three years of age a child begins to display the ability to understand that other people do not necessarily have the same information that they do, they realize that they are their own organism with unique experiences.


You are contradicting yourself, read carefully what you have just "said". You stated things of this nature: "I find your language to be completely inaccessible to any reasonable person" or "the way you write, you aren’t communicating at all" and then you say "they realize that they are their own organism with unique experiences". I do not see YOU realizing it, if you did so your response would not be insulting. Not only that you do not understand my terminology but you are also not even at the level of grasping your own logical explanations that are contradicting your set of thoughts.
noone said:
Not only that you do not understand my terminology but you are also not even at the level of grasping your own logical explanations that

Remember what I said about different people having their own experiences that are distinct from one another? It was you who didn't understand, not me. I thought it, understood it, and wrote it, you read it and didn’t understand it. Being that I don’t speak new age, and you don’t speak logic, I doubt we will get much communication done. For instance you said:

noone said:
"they realize that they are their own organism with unique experiences". I do not see YOU realizing it, if you did so your response would not be insulting.

First, you accuse me of insulting you, which I do not recall doing. Second, your logical premise and conclusion "SpyMoose knows unique organisms have unique experiences, therefore he should not be insulting" is not sound. Wouldn't I be less inclined to insult if I could not see any distinction between myself and others?

Does it take an enlightening spiritual experience to become so defensive and reactionary?
You remind me of the amazing randi (the genius skeptical mind at work). I am just wasting my time arguing with you.
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Noone, im sorry, I believe in ETI, and UFO's, but this business of 5th density, soul energy extentions, and souls is completely unsubstantiated. I am not saying, such a possibility does not exist, I just don't have any reason to believe they do exist. You say this with so much conviction, perhaps you can prove it to me.
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