Chance : The Ultimate God?


Fat people can't smile.
Registered Senior Member
I'm starting to think that chance is god.

It is; Omnipresnent
Debatabaly Omniscient

It creates us physically (chance that we were one of the many millions of sperm) and that humans evolved etc.
It creates us mentally ; it causes events that shape our psychological patterns.

Anything to add, poke holes in, abuse me for?
hm interesting. I doubted i was some philisophical genius that was the first to think this. I was wondering if anyone had any extra ideas to add and corrections etc.

Anything of any interest that is relevant to this subject. I'm not that conceited.
I'm starting to think that chance is god.

It is; Omnipresnent
Debatabaly Omniscient

It creates us physically (chance that we were one of the many millions of sperm) and that humans evolved etc.
It creates us mentally ; it causes events that shape our psychological patterns.

Anything to add, poke holes in, abuse me for?
Chance is just another word for the limitations of our knowledge - in other words it is the very thing that makes it impossible for us (the living entity duking it out in the material world) to be omnimax
How about your belly?

I'm starting to think that chance is god.

It is; Omnipresnent
Debatabaly Omniscient

It creates us physically (chance that we were one of the many millions of sperm) and that humans evolved etc.
It creates us mentally ; it causes events that shape our psychological patterns.

Anything to add, poke holes in, abuse me for?

there are gods. now if you worship chance or you are frightened of chance, perhaps chance is your god.

Biblically speaking, there are gods. One of these is:

Philippians 3:19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.