

Leave your World Behind
Valued Senior Member
My glassware for my Miller-Urey experiment has been hand crafted and completed. Its being shipped to my school as I write. Ill take pictures as soon as I get it, the roller coaster ride isnt over yet! WoooooHoooooo!!!!!


(P.S. Here is a link to a picture of what to expect. This was essentially my blue print that I gave to the company making it for me. http://pics.atofftopic.com/Images/T/Miller-Urey-Setup.jpg)
I GOT IT!!! I GOT IT!!! Its beautiful!!!! That picture is almost dead on... Id say its fricken better!

Im taking pictures asap!!! This really is a dream come true...

And here she is!
Fill me in

What will this be used for?...My High School never had such equipment beyond the requisite beakers and tongs.
How are you planning to analyze the amino acids (or whatever you end up with) when you’re finished?
Sarge: Thats because this isnt standard high school equipment. This was specially made for me by a company for my experiment. Its for the miller-Urey experiment, or a variation thereof (I am using the atmospheric composition of Titan) Check the link, it shows you some details.

Nasor: Ah that my friend lies in the hand of the infamous WellCookedFetus. He has access a mass spectronomer and gas chromatograph systems that can analyze my goop.

And now, im working with a professor at Case Western Reserve University to help me get the experiment going.

Cool, that sounds like the best way to go about it. You might want to find a mass-spec guru to help you analyze the results. Remember that most of your molecules probably won’t make it through the machine intact. I know it sounds simple, but figuring out what you’ve got based on the mass fragmentation patterns can be surprisingly complicated.