Cell Phones and Cancer


Registered Senior Member
I the recent email from a Dr. he stated to his staff the keep cell phones away from their heads, use headsets, speakerphone, etc.

My question is what about wearing them on your hip or putting them in a pocket? Could that cause medical issues with other parts of your body?
well yeah sure it can cause some medical issues if you use it constantly or have it turned on all the time...its just that the head is of higher priority than say the arm.
Finally some good news. I can't wait until these people start to drop like flies...
“The weight of the evidence is clear: cell phones do cause brain cancer,” said Dr. Devras Davis, president, Environmental Health Trust.
“The weight of the evidence is clear: cell phones do cause brain cancer,” said Dr. Devras Davis, president, Environmental Health Trust.

But she seems to be on her own in this opinion.......

So what are we to think?
Show me the evidence, not some environmentalist's or MD's opinion

Cell phone radiation is not high enough frequency to be ionizing. It can only heat, and very little of that – much less than a hatless head in the sun. Many people have crazy ideas about cell phones causing cancer. etc.

http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/athome/cellular-phones said:
The RF waves given off by cell phones don’t have enough energy to damage DNA directly or to heat body tissues. Because of this, many scientists believe that cell phones aren’t able to cause cancer. Most studies done in the lab have supported this theory, finding that RF waves do not cause DNA damage. ...

Several dozen studies {in humans} have looked at possible links between cell phone use and tumors. Most of these studies have focused on brain tumors. Many of these have been case-control studies, in which patients with brain tumors (cases) were compared to people free of brain tumors (controls), in terms of their past cell phone use.

  • In most studies patients with brain tumors do not report more cell phone use overall than the controls. This finding is true when all brain tumors are considered as a group, or when specific types of tumors are considered.

  • Most studies do not show a “dose-response relationship,” which would be a tendency for the risk of brain tumors to be higher with increasing cell phone use. This would be expected if cell phone use caused brain tumors.

  • Most studies do not show that brain tumors occur more often on the side of the head where people hold their cell phones. This might also be expected if cell phone use caused brain tumors.

  • Some studies have found a possible link. For example, several studies published by the same research group in Sweden have reported an increased risk of tumors on the side of the head where the cell phone was held, particularly with 10 or more years of use. It is hard to know what to make of these findings because most studies by other researchers have not had the same results, and there is no overall increase in brain tumors in Sweden during the years that correspond to these reports.
  • Note that even if the subject already had a brain tumor, it was not made worse nor caused by cell phone - not related to frequency of phone use nor was tumor more common on side of head phone was held against.*
The National Cancer Society has no reason to cover up a cancer problem.

The NIH's National Cancer Institute came to same "cell phones are not a cause of cancer" conclusion See: http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/radiation/cell-phones-fact-sheet

* The EM field on cell phone side of the head is about 10 times stronger than on the opposite side. Yet there is no preference of brain tumors for that more intensely radiated side.

In the literature there are two studies that show cell phones can have slight effect on rate of glucose utilization in the brain via the tiny thermal effects; but they contradict each other. One measured slight increase, and the other a slight decrease!

Sitting with sun shining on one side of the head gives a much larger thermal effect. Cell phones can only make a very weak thermal effect. I doubt that you can even sense the heating with hand clamped around the antenna.
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Show me the evidence, not some environmentalist's or MD's opinion

Cell phone radiation is not high enough frequency to be ionizing. It can only heat, and very little of that – much less than a hatless head in the sun. Many people have crazy ideas about cell phones causing cancer. etc.

  • Note that even if the subject already had a brain tumor, it was not made worse nor caused by cell phone - not related to frequency of phone use nor was tumor more common on side of head phone was held against.*
The National Cancer Society has no reason to cover up a cancer problem.

The NIH's National Cancer Institute came to same "cell phones are not a cause of cancer" conclusion See: http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/radiation/cell-phones-fact-sheet

* The EM field on cell phone side of the head is about 10 times stronger than on the opposite side. Yet there is no preference of brain tumors for that more intensely radiated side.

In the literature there are two studies that show cell phones can have slight effect on rate of glucose utilization in the brain via the tiny thermal effects; but they contradict each other. One measured slight increase, and the other a slight decrease!

Sitting with sun shining on one side of the head gives a much larger thermal effect. Cell phones can only make a very weak thermal effect. I doubt that you can even sense the heating with hand clamped around the antenna.

Yes indeed. I've now looked up this "Environmental Health Trust". It seemed to have been founded by this Davis woman and to have a staff of precisely two people with any relevant expertise, one being Davis herself (whose only credentials are a PhD in "Science Studies") and the other being another person with training in epidemiology. It apparently operates out of a village in Wyoming with a population of 300.

Oh dear, my crank detector seems to have gone off....... :D