CCTV? Good Or Bad?

CCTV Good or Bad?

  • Good idea

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • Bad idea

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
What does everyone think about CCTV cameras, personally i dont like them, i think they can and do cause more problems for people, and not just the criminals, while people are able to watch us, and gaining information on us what is the govermant doing with that information?

Is Big Brother already watching us?
Posted: 12-Jun-2007 17:04 Reply

The surveillance society is one of the topics that generates the most response from Computing readers whenever we write an article relating to data privacy, identity cards, CCTV, Whitehall databases and so on. The dangers of Big Brother are clearly a contentious issue, with much opinion on either side of the argument.

For every person who thinks our privacy is being irrevocably invaded, another praises the benefits of improved and secure use of data.

Many readers have written to the paper with their views - so this forum is designed to give you a further opportunity to have your say, and to discuss the issue with your fellow IT experts. It is likely to be a heated debate - so post your comments now

like i said personally i dislike them, what do you all think? good bad or dont you care, if you dont care why not?
In florida one of those cameras caught a man abducting a 10 year old girl who raped her and killed her. That's how they tracked him down , by exposing those pictures on TV to the public where someone knew who he was. It works both ways, but I'd rather it be used to catch murderers like this then to be turned off.
Honest people have nothing to be concerned about. I do not care if the government - or anyone else - knows where I go to buy food, gasoline, etc. Sees to me that only dishonest people (and the paranoid) who have something to hide - like cheating on their mates - would dislike them. What other reason is there?
Talking of technology sercruity measures I see someone funny on TV yesterday. They were going iris scans at a UK airport as a test to roll them in at a later date. So they interviewed a few people on their views.

One lady said "I'm concerned what they will do with the information". Lol, what the fuck could they do with your iris scan?
What does everyone think about CCTV cameras, personally i dont like them, i think they can and do cause more problems for people, and not just the criminals, .....

I don't get it ...when you're out in public, people all over the place can watch you do all kinds of things. What's the difference in some of those people viewing what you do on a little monitor somewhere? It's public. Don't you know what "public" means?

...while people are able to watch us, and gaining information on us what is the govermant doing with that information?

Well, you should be careful what you do in public ....if it's something that you don't want others to know about. People are watching you all the time when you're out in public, so what's the difference? What "data" is anyone gathering about you that you're not willing letting them see and know?

Baron Max
I don't get it ...when you're out in public, people all over the place can watch you do all kinds of things. What's the difference in some of those people viewing what you do on a little monitor somewhere? It's public. Don't you know what "public" means?

Well, you should be careful what you do in public ....if it's something that you don't want others to know about. People are watching you all the time when you're out in public, so what's the difference? What "data" is anyone gathering about you that you're not willing letting them see and know?

Baron Max

the places i go, the amount of money i spend, what i spend it on, who i am with, what i am wearing, what i say, what i do, where i work, why do they need to kow all of this, but CCTV lets them know all this!!
As long as they don't have them in my house or the public bathrooms, I could not care less. The future will afford far too little privacy in every matter for CCTV to be a major concern.
The first time I get a public indecensy ticket, I'll complain, but....its worth the payoff. Cameras have caught killers, rapists and bombers.
Nobody likes them.

But if anyone is a victim of crime in a public place the uk, the first thing they want to know from the police is whether it was caught on CCTV.

I've gone through CCTV footage myself trying to find the point where shoplifting occured. It's a boring job and takes ages. No-one bothers looking at it unless a crime has been committed.
the places i go, the amount of money i spend, what i spend it on, who i am with, what i am wearing, what i say, what i do, where i work, why do they need to kow all of this, but CCTV lets them know all this!!

Ha! :D You think FAR to highly of yourself - why do you suppose that the government - or anyone else, for that matter - cares about what YOU are wearing, working or whatever?????? As long as you aren't commiting a crime no one watching the monitors gives a single hoot about you. Get over your self-importance. :D
What does everyone think about CCTV cameras, personally i dont like them, i think they can and do cause more problems for people, and not just the criminals, while people are able to watch us, and gaining information on us what is the govermant doing with that information?

Is Big Brother already watching us?
Posted: 12-Jun-2007 17:04 Reply

The surveillance society is one of the topics that generates the most response from Computing readers whenever we write an article relating to data privacy, identity cards, CCTV, Whitehall databases and so on. The dangers of Big Brother are clearly a contentious issue, with much opinion on either side of the argument.

For every person who thinks our privacy is being irrevocably invaded, another praises the benefits of improved and secure use of data.

Many readers have written to the paper with their views - so this forum is designed to give you a further opportunity to have your say, and to discuss the issue with your fellow IT experts. It is likely to be a heated debate - so post your comments now

like i said personally i dislike them, what do you all think? good bad or dont you care, if you dont care why not?

Female, they are already presen tin society all over America, we are doomed :( Sadly I chose "they are good" even though "they are bad" because they're already so prevalent here.
Ha! :D You think FAR to highly of yourself - why do you suppose that the government - or anyone else, for that matter - cares about what YOU are wearing, working or whatever?????? As long as you aren't commiting a crime no one watching the monitors gives a single hoot about you. Get over your self-importance. :D

because CCTV was just the first step to national ID cards! (which may i add are also a bad idea)
Read-Only said:

Honest people have nothing to be concerned about.

In the 1980s, this was the argument I heard against Miranda rights. I admit I've never been a fan of it. But more importantly, we have to consider that people don't trust their governments. When governments fulfill their part of the social contract, the people will lighten up a little.
Ha! :D You think FAR to highly of yourself - why do you suppose that the government - or anyone else, for that matter - cares about what YOU are wearing, working or whatever?????? As long as you aren't commiting a crime no one watching the monitors gives a single hoot about you. Get over your self-importance. :D

no i dont think highly of myself there are things that i dont want people to know about, why does the goverment need to know what we are doing all the time?
no i dont think highly of myself there are things that i dont want people to know about, why does the goverment need to know what we are doing all the time?

The point is that they not only don't need to know what you are doing all the time, they don't even CARE what you are doing 99.9999999% of the time. Do you think they really want to know what you're doing at your backyard cook-out? Get real. You are still thinking too highly of yourself!
In florida one of those cameras caught a man abducting a 10 year old girl who raped her and killed her. That's how they tracked him down , by exposing those pictures on TV to the public where someone knew who he was. It works both ways, but I'd rather it be used to catch murderers like this then to be turned off.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin