Cause of aging


Registered Senior Member
I need comments about something posted in the "Universe Physics System Flaw" that that went to the cesspool but I think could have something good to analyze here.
Actually I need comments from people in this forum with deeper knowledge in biology.
From other Forum:

Second, as others have pointed out, mutations generated by radiation have likely been partly responsible for evolution. If you argue that these are bad, are you also arguing that evolution is bad?

No, evolution is not bad, is natural and necessary. I think in two kinds of evolution: "horizontal evolution" and "vertical evolution". To survive under changing enviromental conditions "horizontal evolution" happens, to develop complex beings starting from simple ones "vertical evolution" happens.
Of course the harmfull radiation of "too big photons" had a big impact in the evolution of all the beings in our World and with the Darwininan "natural selection" mechanism taking place but I believe that not only that mechanism was and is present. Actually the two kinds of evolutions would happen anyway in the abscence of the "too big photons" for life to be developed in dynamical Worlds.

Thirdly, you are quite honest in stating you believe this hypothesis based on faith not facts. What observations/studies/research might be made to find facts that would support your belief?

Thank you for asking a good question and I will show you something really good to think about.

The central point is that too energetic photons (with energies above that of the deep blue color of light) can break organic molecules particularly those that compose living beings organisms what can cause undesirable mutations, all types of cancer, aging and death. Note that I subtly include aging. Yes I'm considering that aging actually happens just due to the "too big photons" present. I mean if they would not exist "natural aging" would not exist and death would be rare (may be by accidents only) and rare and very special would be the borning of a new being in the World (not like now that for example womans came pregnant even don't wanting to).
Yes I'm talking about possible "ethernal youth" but not with some miraculous "saint grial" or "source of youth". I'm talking about a change in the Physics of the Universe. I'm talking about a totally different kind of existence and life.
Now coming back to your question: "What observations/studies/research might be made to find facts that would support your belief?"
The fact that too energetic photons do break organic molecules is already known and we can easily find information on the web just searching for ultra-violet or even more energetic radiation effects. It is known that they can even produce DNA mutations. May be further studies are needed to realize that many other essential molecules of cells are affected by ultra-violet radiation causing "cell deterioration" (I mean malfunction). I have already heard on TV that one of the causes of aging being considered by some scientists is that DNA "deteriorate" through time while cells reproduce and I follow this line of reasoning but going further and looking for a possible cause of that deterioration. I consider that the presence of the "too big photons" is the real cause. But not only DNA deterioration in cells' reproduction is the cause of aging. The too energetic photons also affect directly many parts of the cells causing their malfunction.
The other line of research I think would be needed is to verify that too energetic photons (above deep blue color) are produced spontaneously by any atom (organisms' atoms and environment's atoms) under normal conditions without any external source of them (in the abscenece of external radiation). I mean even in a submarine under thje deep sea we would find those photons (may be just as some "background radiation noise").
Unfortunatelly what cannot be verified experimentally is how life could be in the abscence of the too energetic photons. Wecannot construct a lab where they would not be present because as I say they can come from any environment and from inside any organism.
I think that just logic and some imagination can do the rest.

Thank for your important questions.
Please consider on thing: I'm not infallible (by the way I make mistakes everyday...) and adjustments could be necessary on what I think, say and write.

You know religions state The Universe and Nature is perfect created by a perfect "God" and that we are guilty of everything wrong happening to us. Current Science someway agrees with this point of view saying the Universe, Nature and the Physics laws are perfect the way they are.
I take a more positive and productive position thinking that the Universe could not be perfect, life could not be perfect this way and that something could be done to change everything just working and researching in the right direction.
We humans cannot change the Physics Laws but "Primordial Intelligences" that could be called "Gods" could. For Science to have a right approach it must not discard the intervention of some kind of "superior intelligences" in the Universe particularly capable of make changes in the Physics Laws.

Hope this not also go to cesspool.
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