

Valued Senior Member
Just for interest's sake, why are Europeans called Caucasians, when the populations of the Caucasus Mountains are mostly of Central Asian origin? Pardon my ignorance, but did the present-day European races come from this area a long time ago? Or is there another reason? Or no reason, for that matter, just misinterpretation? :confused:
In the words of wikipedia,
in physical anthropology, the Caucasian race is meant for a specific race of Homo sapiens, sometimes given a Latin designation such as "Varietas Caucasia" (sic), which does not follow the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
Its just a word that spread by drift in language, took on its present use in America - where, I know, too many people hardly know the differnce between various European races
Xylene said:
Just for interest's sake, why are Europeans called Caucasians, when the populations of the Caucasus Mountains are mostly of Central Asian origin? Pardon my ignorance, but did the present-day European races come from this area a long time ago? Or is there another reason? Or no reason, for that matter, just misinterpretation? :confused:
The whole of old-world history consisted of the population of the steppes of Central Asia increasing to a point where they couldn't live in that area. They emigrated to [or invaded- it depends on your view] adjoining areas. The people in adjoining areas moved on...until eventually some people got pushed into the Atlantic or Pacific or Indian Ocean or wiped out or made slaves or serfs. The size and speed of incursion varied of course, peaking with peoples like the Tatars and Mongols, but it was a steady process. It continued until around the seventeenth century, when armament developments [see the musket and bow thread in the History forum] meant that nomads lost their military superiority over settled peoples. The last such event was probably the Tatar Manchus' invasion of China. W.H.McNeill, in Plagues and Peoples, suggests that bubonic plague may have become endemic among central Asian rodents in Genghis Khan's reign, so that eventually the population could never again become large enough to effectively invade neighbouring countries.
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Dangerous qestion I would say - the more you divide up europe along lines of race, the more people you label as differnt from you, andthe closer you are to a racist view. Nazi scientsts wanted to take the study of race to new levels...
android said:
Since science hasn't yet disproven their claims...

Which claims? that the earth is hollow and inhabited by extraterrestrial whatnots? And that's one of the saner ones.
Race ranges beyond terrestial boundaries, it is more to do with bloodlines and hence, types. The original races, that is, those interbreeding families that just grew too big for their environments and had to spread to other areas; mixed with others of a similar disposition and began the evolution and dilution of the originals. Nowadays, caucasians are a pretty diluted 'race', but when you observe closely, you can see distinct features, both in physical appearance and mental attitude, that are shared by different individuals that you could pigeonhole into types.
android said:
So let's all censor ourselves in fear.

Im sure the author whos book you linked is a great scientist + no racist. How far can you go, though? In making up new classes and types of people by genes - could end up saying everyone not related to you within 3 genrations is another race!
skumara said:
How many european subgroup are there anyway? I mean caucasians,......etc? :confused:

if i remember right:

australasoids - (not sure of this name, but it refers to aboriginal aussies, maori, polynesians)
Nazi scientsts wanted to take the study of race to new levels...

Mythologists, not scientists.

Mythologists, not scientists? I'd like to see where the world would be without Nazi technology and their scientists that were taken after the war. Their "mythology" was far from a hinderance. If anything, it sure helped.

- N
I'd like to see where the world would be without Nazi technology and their scientists that were taken after the war.
Relevant to the discussion above are not Von Braun and his staff who helped the US to put a man on the moon, but rather those involved in the bogus race theory which gave an invalid basis to the notion that Aryans are supposedly superior and therefore have the moral right, even obligation, to create more Lebensraum for their prosperity.
Neildo said:
Their "mythology" was far from a hinderance. If anything, it sure helped.

Then true progres comes from pain, conflict, war.. you gotta be a Babylon 5 Shadow creature!
Neildo said:
Mythologists, not scientists? I'd like to see where the world would be without Nazi technology and their scientists that were taken after the war.
The scientists- applied engineers etc- were uninterested in the racial mythology of deluded fools like Rosenburg. It's worth noting that the greatest technological innovation of WWII- the atom bomb- was not achieved by the nazis.
Their "mythology" was far from a hinderance. If anything, it sure helped.

- N
On the contrary: they refused to believe and use Einstein's theories for mythological racist reasons. Ths meant they didn't think an atomic bomb was possible. the nazis' conviction of their racial superiority made them invade the USSR and mistreat the people who welcomed them and would have aided them against Stalin; it made them declare war on the USA. If the nazis hadn't been stupid as well as vile they might have won.
Thersites said:
Ths meant they didn't think an atomic bomb was possible.

FYI the American General reponsible for Ammo and Explosives betted against the Bomb going off at Los Alamos, he thought it was going to be a dud.
mercurio said:
FYI the American General reponsible for Ammo and Explosives betted against the Bomb going off at Los Alamos, he thought it was going to be a dud.
if he was a nazi, it helps confirm my hypothesis.
Thersites said:
if he was a nazi, it helps confirm my hypothesis.

How did you guess? General von Wirbelrohr, first Nazi to cross the Atlantic by farting.... defecated in 1942...

added - you'd probably miss the reference :D : the Wirbelrohr was a plasma generator of the 'pinch' type dreamed up by those silly German idiots years before anyone else even bothered to investigate fusion, not fission.... later used as prototype for the British initiative at Harwell.
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