Cattle Mutilations: Ufo's or paramilitary op?

Brian Watt

Registered Member
Okay, over the past 30 years or so we have some rather interesting cattle deaths. Out of the 30,000 or so cases, at least 100 of them defy conventional explanation. And their is anecdotal evidence from eyewitnesses of strange lights in the sky, black helicopters, strange beings in the pastures etc.....

So, whodunnit?....Well, we have to ask ourselves 3 questions:

1) Why are the carcasses left behind ?

2) Who has the capability to pull off the operations?

3) Is it an environmental monitoring program, or is someone or something telling us an allegorical story?

The evidence is equally compelling to point towards both a PARA-MILITARY operation conducted by a rogue intelligence group, probably within the Department of Energy AND a non-human race that is attempting to get our attention (hence leaving the carcass for us to find).

One thing is for sure: This cattle mutilation enigma is one of the most interesting events in recent history.
Well i believe its a mixture of both government spooks and alien technology. The aliens started it for bovine dna purposes and now its the govt doing so they can throw the blame on the aliens and get away with their experimentation

Eric Cooper
The evidence is equally compelling to point towards both a PARA-MILITARY operation conducted by a rogue intelligence group, probably within the Department of Energy

What evidence? Why the Department of Energy? Do they have any particular reason behind their dislike of cows?

I believe he is talking about the FBI
investigations into the mutilations
especially in Colorado.

I have a question, has anyone heard of any animal mutilations in any other country besides the U.S.? Its possibly alien technology being used. But if you go to alternative medicine sites you will notice many breakthroughs with medicine using cow blood.I'll post more info as i find it

Eric Cooper
There's a creature in Puerto Rico, home of the largest SETI dish in the world. It's 60 inches, has a 10 inch straw sticking out if it's mouth, elvish ears, 4 fingers on each hand, small eyes, and hair only around the crown of the head. The name escapes me. Supposedly it sucks 75 % of the blood out of chicken, pigs, cows, and animals of the like. Once, a Puerto Rican farmer hit it full force with a sledge hammer, it fell, stood up, looked at him, and started running. Several foreign magazines, including, but not only, Laotian, Polish, Romanian, and Swedish.
you're speaking of the chupacabra. Translated blood sucker i believe. Go to and go to cryptozoology part and theres a big write-up on them. I believe they are alien animals as they started arriving in 92 during the big ufo flaps and there is nothing said of them in prehistoric writings.

Eric Cooper
to DAVE W:

Dave, you asked "why the Department of Energy"?

Because they are probably checking for radiation contamination in the Cows, water and fields...REMEMBER, there have been over 800 nuclear bomb tests in the world since the making of the first bomb.....Rumors from the Intelligence community suggest that we have a huge freakin problem on our hands, and i am simply speculating that the Department of Energy (which by the way has some VERY serious intelligence capabilities), is checking things out, and usiing planted alien stories as the cover for this "black" operation.

Just a thought
Ok, I didn't take this post seriously when I first read it last week. My apologies to all. There was a program on TLC last night (SUN 10/17) called "The Cattle Files" which investigated this phenomenon on ranches in northern and mid New Mexico and southern Colorado. It was pretty damn disturbing.

First there's the carcasses being found, something like 10,000 reported since 1967. All the cattle have precise wounds found particularly in the regions of the head and rectal/genital areas. These wounds aren't cut, but rather burned by something estimated at a temperature of over 350 degrees. There is no blood surrounding the wounds. There are always organs missing, most often the eyes, tongue, rectum and random muscular tissues. The back muscles are found to be hemorraged, due to something from above. Many are also suspected to have been dropped from heights estimated at neary 1000 feet, with broken bones and impaled horns.

Then come the sightings. Many strange lights are reported being seen over and in the vacinity of the ranches. Also sighted are unmarked military helicopters. Some have reported aircraft seen lifting cattle into the air with a "light." The program also showed proof of secret military intelligence, like footage of silent helicopters and high tech medical lasers. There is also speculation of tractor beam-like energy devices suspected to be in development by the government.

But the really scary stuff is why the government would want to abduct cattle off of these ranches. Like Brian said there were many nuclear bomb tests done in these areas during the 40s and 50s. Projects like Trinity. There are also several plutonium mines in New Mexico. This is particularly scary for me because I live in the western Texas Panhandle, not far from this area. I am unaware of any mutilation reports in the panhandle, but it is worthy of further investigation since this is the top cattle producing region of the world. I'm sure the fallout region covers a wide area of the southwest. Why don't they just have their own test herds to conduct radiation experiments? Because they need a random selection of animals from throughout the region to fully measure the damage.

What the government is doing for sure no one can tell. Agencies like the New Mexico Livestock Board are ignoring the phenomenon. The government is covering it up using UFO sightings and stories, much like many other covert operations. There is a few people investigating the mutilations, like the Toas County DA's office, and university professors in Colorado and New Mexico. But as usual, we seem to have no access to information vital to the safety of our own lives.

If anyone knows any sites with info on the nuclear testing done in the southwest, I would appreciate it.
REMEMBER, there have been over 800 nuclear bomb tests in the world since the making of the first bomb.....Rumors from the Intelligence community suggest that we have a huge freakin problem on our hands

Any fool with a Geiger counter could tell you if there's a problem. I don't see any reason to be covert about it. There's no point. Radiation isn't an idea that can be hidden and distorted through coercion.

That being said, there have been many cattle mutilation incidents (by many, I mean one or two that I can recall) here in Western Canada.
I will admit that the wide distribution of incidents around the world and the consistency of evidence in each case is very odd. If it is a phenomena caused by humans, it must be a highly organized operation (which of course begs the question: why?).
I found a web site- -that details the history of US nuclear testing. There were over 200 atmospheric tests done at the Nevada test site after the Trinity project in Alamagordo, NM. That doesn't even include underground testing done at the Nevada test site. But I also found some articles at the National Cancer Institute regarding the levels of radiation(I-131) throughout the country, and it's pretty detailed. So it appears that the fallout levels aren't really much of a secret. But what is the government testing? Is it something else altoghether?
Well, there aren't any tire tracks or footprints anywhere within the vicinity of the mutialtions, so it's believed that cults aren't responsible. Not unless the cult has a long range cowtapult to launch them through the air. he he cowtapult.
to DAVE W:

Dave, you are missing the subtleties involved here....YES, "any fool with a geiger counter" can test for radiation levels.....But they CAN'T do long term monitoring and genetic level studies, and catalogue them in detail.....Additionally, the operation has TWO purposes, not one.....the 2nd purpose being to spread disinformation and confusion and lies......SEE?....If you are trying to figure out the riddle of the cattle mutilations, then you have to go deeper into the mystery.....It is clear to me there is some mutilations that connect in some way to non-human inteligences that are trying to send a message and tell us a story....So, in this sense, we can say that the mutilations are "allegorical"....someone or something is telling us a story, and they are leaving the carcass behind to grab our is also clear to me that a para-military operation of amazing dexterity is also using the mystery as COVER for a covert operation of some sort......the plot thickens....stay tuned

Any fool with a research grant AND a geiger counter can do long-term studies. The scientific community is not a bunch of bumbling idiots. If there was any evidence of ANY radiation above background ANYWHERE, I assure you, people would know. And it may suprise you to know that scientists are NOT all controlled by the government.

Additionally, the operation has TWO purposes, not one.....the 2nd purpose being to spread disinformation and confusion and lies......SEE?

If you're so certain of that, then just how are you supposed to be certain about any of your ideas on this phenomenon?

What gives you the extraordinarily clear perception that lets you see the truth, when everyone else has been deceived?

And how would you respond to the claim that most people think the same way you do?! Uh oh. Looks like It seems like the disinformation is working pretty well, eh? So much for your subversion of the mind-control machinery. :(
To Dave,
Hhahahahahahahahahahaha!Good point.
This happens all over the world,with chickens
and other animals besides cows.This to me means its not our goverment doing this.Right?
<img src = "">Sounds to me like the farm boys have created a new twist to the old sport of Cow Tipping.<img src = "">

Honestly, It's just roving bands of homeless folk. They collect bottles by day and eat farm animals at night. Lock the doors!

Mad Cow Disease, maybe--they slaughter each other in the dark of night?

I think it's obvious that someone is getting a lot of play out of a dead cow(s).

It's all very large.
Hi folks. There have been two books written on the subject by Christopher O'Brien. His last book (Enter the Valley) made a passing reference (pages 142-145) about one male body from Brazil and one teenage girl from New Mexico being found in the same mutilated condition as these cattle cases. Has anyone heard or read of any more such cases? Anyone want to throw a few thoughts on the subject?
Yep, I've come across this case from Brazil. I've also seen the photos of the body and believe me they are not a pretty sight.

The thing that strikes you immediately is the fact that the same areas of flesh have been removed as in the cattle.

I shall look this case up again and post a few more facts on it as I seem to remember that there were a number of other things about it that were strange.