Cattle Mutilations of the 1970's


Registered Member
Hi, Stan Evans here:

I have researched the Cattle Mutes of the 1970's for some years now. Over the last year I have worked with retired State Police and Investigators. I have many of the answers, and the records to back it up. If you are truly interested in finding out the truth then go to my web site.

I am adding more information to the main report as time permits, but I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can send them to:
Historical Records Investigator :D
"This report concludes that John Henry Altshuler, M.D. (a veterinarian) performed illegal surgical procedure's (mutilations) on cattle and other live stock at his ranch located at 5700 Danbarton Drive, Englewood, CO 80111, in Arapahoe County Colorado in the year 1975."

Perhaps not.

Actually Spurious it seems worth a read. (having spent all of five minutes skimming it)
Just keep the BS detector at full and give it a whirl.

This guy may be wrong but I don't think he's crazy.
Dee Cee
Thanks Dee:

In 1975 Louis Girodo was the Cheif Investigator for the DA's office in Trinadad Colorado. He made many statements to Ed Sanders who published a terrific article in the 1976 issue of OUI magizine. I have had many coversations with Lou Girado in 2004 and 2005. To better understand my on going report, you need to first read the Mutilation Mystery by Ed Sanders (its on my site).

I have not only provided pretty conclusive evidence that Dr. Altshuler did this, but have developed pretty convencing theories as to how these things were done. Check out the Rigor Mortis evidence at the end of my report.

I will debate anyone on the issues. I have reviewed and corrolated tons of official records. The "ET did it" connection is a flat out lie! I have tons of official records that I have not posted to my site yet, byt intent to as time permits.

Stan Evans
Historical Records Investigator