Cattle Mutilation Phenomena


Registered Member
I am new to this Forum and this is my first thread so apologies if this subject has already been thoroughly discussed. I am here to see if anyone has any theories into the "Cattle Mutilation Phenomena". If anyone is unfamiliar with this phenomena i will elaborate.

"Cattle Mutilation Phenomena" refers to thousands of cases in which cattle were found mutilated under abnormal circumstances. The cows were found dead (cause of death unknown), exsanguinated (all of there blood had been removed), found with incision marks of surgical precision and their organs surgically removed from their bodies, often their reproductive and rectal organs.

Abnormally high radiation levels were detected near the dead animals when they are found. There were no footprints leading to or from the cows. There was evidence (clamp marks on the animals' legs) that the cattle were taken from their habitats and mutilated elsewhere. Sightings of UFO's have coincide with many of the cases.

The marks found on the animals are not consistent with attacks by predators or other animals. In many cases the cattle owners hear nothing of the mutilation which usually takes place at night.
The body of the animals were totally drained of blood yet there was no trace of blood found, no signs of a struggle, footprints or tire tracks found anywhere on the ground around the body.

The typical cattle mutilation has shown repeatedly, huge oval shaped incisions around the jaw bone and in most cases the exposed jaw is completely removed, and the tongue removed from a precise incision deep in the throat.

UFOs and strange black helicopters have been linked with these mutilations since they have been sighted at the same time in the same area where the mutilated animals have been found. There have been reports about UFO's lifting the animal off the ground.

I just started this thread to see if anyone had any interesting theories or ideas. Post away! :)
I've yet to see the cattle mutilation case where the pathology wasn't consistent with post-mortem mutilation by rodents, insects, canines, etc.

Significance-junkies get the data wrong and believe things like "blood is drained" etc without considering that blood pools in low spots of the carcass because of gravity; that scavengers harvest blood first because of its immediate benefit in protein, etc.

Never has there been a cattle mutilation case that has demonstrably proved to be anything other than nature at work. I grew up in Texas ranch country. Cattle die all the time and critters get them by morning. Its a fact of life. Its also a fact of life that if the rancher can generate some mystery and talk the local ag-extension in to subsidizing a cow lost to disease, predation or neglect, he'll do it.
Thank you for the Reply.

How would you explain the removal of all organs/parts of the cattle with surgical precision? To my knowledge a rodent, insect, or a canine would be easily pointed out scientifically as being the cause of the cattles wounds as i'm sure many cases have been seen before to compare. From the pictures of these cases, the wounds of the animals don't point to the cause of them by rodent, insect, canine, etc because an animal would leave behind proof that it was them (teeth marks,distinct eating pattern, etc). In lots of cases the same specific organs/parts have been removed. In a lot of these cases the carcass had abnormally high levels of radiation and scavengers would not go near them.
Originally Posted by SkinWalker
Significance-junkies get the data wrong and believe things like "blood is drained" etc without considering that blood pools in low spots of the carcass because of gravity; that scavengers harvest blood first because of its immediate benefit in protein, etc.
In many of these cases, the blood from the animal has been completely drained, no blood left or found. Insects could have consumed the blood but I believe there would be scientific proof on this or traces of evidence.
Never has there been a cattle mutilation case that has demonstrably proved to be anything other than nature at work.
If it cannot be proved as anything other, the natural course is to assume it was nature because that would be a rational explanation to a unexplainable phenomena like this one.
Originally Posted by SkinWalker
Cattle die all the time and critters get them by morning. Its a fact of life.
I agree with you but what about the cases that show that an animal hasn't commited the mutilations?
Originally Posted by SkinWalker
Its also a fact of life that if the rancher can generate some mystery and talk the local ag-extension in to subsidizing a cow lost to disease, predation or neglect, he'll do it.
Are you insinuating that there isn't any honest Ranchers out there!? :p Just Kidding.

Many of these cases, I believe, can be explained rationally but some that cannot. I'm sure there are many theories to it. Thanks again for the reply.

Broken Link.

I agree with you when you say information is only as valuable as it source and I apologise if what I'm saying comes across as fact. I only wanted to address the subject and claims to exchange theories and ideas about it.
The problem is, we have what's claimed about cattle mutiliations and what is actually true about them. It may be true that cattle are found missing their organs, blood etc. But I have to echo C Hamster in asking for a true source. The urban legend of cattle mutilation is one thing. Lets discuss a real case.

Until then, you're defending an urban legend.
J-Rod said:
I am new to this Forum and this is my first thread so apologies if this subject has already been thoroughly discussed. I am here to see if anyone has any theories into the "Cattle Mutilation Phenomena". If anyone is unfamiliar with this phenomena i will elaborate.

"Cattle Mutilation Phenomena" refers to thousands of cases in which cattle were found mutilated under abnormal circumstances. The cows were found dead (cause of death unknown), exsanguinated (all of there blood had been removed), found with incision marks of surgical precision and their organs surgically removed from their bodies, often their reproductive and rectal organs.

Abnormally high radiation levels were detected near the dead animals when they are found. There were no footprints leading to or from the cows. There was evidence (clamp marks on the animals' legs) that the cattle were taken from their habitats and mutilated elsewhere. Sightings of UFO's have coincide with many of the cases.

The marks found on the animals are not consistent with attacks by predators or other animals. In many cases the cattle owners hear nothing of the mutilation which usually takes place at night.
The body of the animals were totally drained of blood yet there was no trace of blood found, no signs of a struggle, footprints or tire tracks found anywhere on the ground around the body.

The typical cattle mutilation has shown repeatedly, huge oval shaped incisions around the jaw bone and in most cases the exposed jaw is completely removed, and the tongue removed from a precise incision deep in the throat.

UFOs and strange black helicopters have been linked with these mutilations since they have been sighted at the same time in the same area where the mutilated animals have been found. There have been reports about UFO's lifting the animal off the ground.

I just started this thread to see if anyone had any interesting theories or ideas. Post away! :)

From Rigorous Intuition

"This almost beggars credulity, and so it should. But such extraordinary sights are not unknown in the American west. A family of ranchers named Bradshaw had a two-year brush with high weirdness near Sedona, Arizona in the early 90s, including encounters with glowing orbs, poltergiests, cattle mutilations and strange humanoids. They also claimed to witness a similar "structure" in the sky that appeared to serve as a gateway between different realities. (The Bradshaw's story is told in a book entitled Merging Dimensions: The Opening Portals of Sedona.)"
the little i have researched bout tisweird 'phenomena'-----i read that it may be part ofa conspiracy. that covert oprations have access to advanced tech, and that tis is a psy ops which creates paranoiaregarding 'ETs'---buildng up to a creation of a 'final enemy' from 'outer space'

this thing i reead had witness say they seemed to spot helecopter trajectory kind of hidden

ie., a MAn taaaang

now THAT wouod make sense.......
The fairies of old were known for their mischievous pranks, and virtually every ancient culture had legends about a Trickster figure. One variety is the viscera-sucker of the Philippines. This creature flies about at night, extracting the organs, body fluids, and fetuses of its victims by means of its long, thin, razor-sharp tongue.

In American Indian folklore, Trickster is an essentially formless entity, usually called Coyote, Raven, or Hare, which plays all sorts of tricks on other animals and on humans. He is often involved in animal and human mutilations -- decapitating, skinning, and eviscerating his victims.
Originally Posted by duendy
the little i have researched bout tisweird 'phenomena'-----i read that it may be part ofa conspiracy. that covert oprations have access to advanced tech, and that tis is a psy ops which creates paranoiaregarding 'ETs'---buildng up to a creation of a 'final enemy' from 'outer space'

this thing i reead had witness say they seemed to spot helecopter trajectory kind of hidden

ie., a MAn taaaang

now THAT wouod make sense.......

Supposed sightings of strange black unmarked helicopters have been linked with these mutilations since they have been sighted at the same time in the same area where the mutilated bovines have been found. Another supposed theory is they are a result of US Government experiments and testing of bio/chem. weapons.

Origianlly Posted by c7ityi
The fairies of old were known for their mischievous pranks, and virtually every ancient culture had legends about a Trickster figure. One variety is the viscera-sucker of the Philippines. This creature flies about at night, extracting the organs, body fluids, and fetuses of its victims by means of its long, thin, razor-sharp tongue.

In American Indian folklore, Trickster is an essentially formless entity, usually called Coyote, Raven, or Hare, which plays all sorts of tricks on other animals and on humans. He is often involved in animal and human mutilations -- decapitating, skinning, and eviscerating his victims.

The chupacabra ("Goat Sucker") is claimed to be an animal said to be unknown to science and systemically killing animals in places like Puerto Rico, Miami, Nicaragua, Chile, and Mexico. The alleged creature's name originated with the discovery of some dead goats in Puerto Rico with puncture wounds in their necks and their blood allegedly drained. According to UFO Magazine (March/April 1996) there have been more than 2,000 reported cases of animal mutilations in Puerto Rico attributed to the alleged "chupacabra". Some witnesses have claimed to have seen a small half-alien, half-dinosaur tail-less vampire with quills running down its back, others have claimed to have seen a panther like creature with a long snake-like tongue, still others claiming seen a hopping animal that leaves a trail of sulfuric stench.
c7ityi_ said:
This creature flies about at night, extracting the organs, body fluids, and fetuses of its victims by means of its long, thin, razor-sharp tongue.
bar the flying, this sounds like ... EL CHUPACABRA!
c7ityi_ said:
The fairies of old were known for their mischievous pranks, and virtually every ancient culture had legends about a Trickster figure. One variety is the viscera-sucker of the Philippines. This creature flies about at night, extracting the organs, body fluids, and fetuses of its victims by means of its long, thin, razor-sharp tongue.

mez))where in fairy lore/folk lore does it say faeries disected cows?
i haveseen a 'vampire' bat that sucks blood from cattle at night.
i this 'viscera-sucker' based on something similar...?

In American Indian folklore, Trickster is an essentially formless entity, usually called Coyote, Raven, or Hare, which plays all sorts of tricks on other animals and on humans. He is often involved in animal and human mutilations -- decapitating, skinning, and eviscerating his victims.
but is that mythology or is it historical--ie., isthere evidence from the past for that mythic theme?
Other sources claim it looks like a dog, and/or a cross between a dog and a fetus.


Communist Hamster - Interesting. The Link I provided of the artists impression of El Chupracabra suggest that it would supposedly walk on two legs and the other features/attributes seem a bit far-fetched. The pictures you provided seem more feasible.
another pic of a chupacabra:

since people fake, it's hard to tell which one's are real.

In the theosophic tradition, the astral world or astral light is said to comprise several spheres of increasingly ethereal, more plastic matter surrounding and interpenetrating the physical earth. These planes are said to be inhabited by a variety of entities.

Aliens, UFO's, men in black, werewolves, fairies, demons, loch ness type dinosaurs, and other paranormal creatures probably have their origin in these realms.
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In regards to the pictures of chupacabra and the different ideas of what he might look like if he is real, my idea would be nearer the pictures supplied by Communist Hamster as they look like a kind of Hyena type scavenger and look more feasible. Let's say for talking sake that this animal did attack the cattle, this animal looks like the kind that would hunt in packs or scavage a dead carcass or leftovers. I can't see this animal or think of any other animal that could make the wounds we're talking about, but then again I don't know if El Chupacabra is real and neither do I know what it is capable of if it is...