Cats or Dogs?

Green starbow

Registered Member
Not very Scientific i know, but what sort of person are you?? Dog or Cat??

I personaly prefer CATS:rolleyes: but dogs are nice too. Its just that the relationship with a dog is you lead him, where as with a cat it is cat owns you!

I don't have either but hopefully that will soon change!

My daughter has a cat, it;s a black and white fluff ball, lovely cat and i like it a lot, but i am a fisherman and love fish as well as i own japanese koi, they are a perfect way to relax,as i do a lot of martial art,and loveto relax in the garden,well when i can.
It really depends on what you ask for from a pet:


cats can be known for being smelly and stinking a house up.

They like to sharpen their claws (Usually on your lap as you stroke them).

They are Independant animals, they like to roam where they choose and do what they want to do when they feel they want to do it. (Be prepared for certain cats just to turn their nose up at you and snootily walk off like they own the world)

Cat food reaks, and cats tend to nibble when they are hungry and walk off and leave it so they can come back to it later. (This can induce flys to land upon it, and can cause worming problems)

Cats hate worming tablets (They aren't like dogs where you can just put he pill in a slice of bread and watch it get wolfed down.)

Cats can be fussy when it comes to food, if they don't want to eat it they wont... but expect alot of presents turning up on your doorstep (Usually Mauled Voles)

You can't take a cat for a walk, without someone laughing at you. (Stupid people, can't take you cat for walk because of them)

Flee collars seem a good idea, but if your cat starts roaming around trees it might be possible that it could hang itself, as it has been known for a cat to fall and get the collar caught on a branch. (velcro ones release)

Cats hate Vets... So wear gloves when handling them (because believe me they know where your taking them) and make sure you have a decent sized transport container designed for containing a cat. (Not a Laundry basket like we use to use, as they sneak out the top and run round the car as your driving along)


In there youth they can be very destructive as a puppy, so your best trying to train them. Otherwise you might find a teatowel being chewed, along with shoes or even skirting boards. (Don't shut them in cupboards or they will just scratch at the door, and it does cause psychological trauma to them)

Dog food is smelly, and Dogs are renound for not leaving any for later. What ever you do, only feed them a meal or they will just eat everything until they are sick. (Some dogs don't like to be approached while eating)

Dogs do make alot of mess when they use the loo, and in recent years laws have been brought forwards to ask you the owner to clean up after your pet. (Plastic bags inverted are useful, just have your hand in the bag, grab the poop and pull the bag over it, viola place it in a poop bin. If it's runny inform you vet.)

If you need to give a dog a pill, just place it in some bread and give it to them, only on occasion will some dogs eat the bread and spit the pill up (How they manage that is a feat in itself)

If you have a car and intend to allow the dog into it, make sure you get the right equipment to enclose them in the back, so they don't disturb your driving. remember also to keep a lead on them, and tether them in the back also, that way when you open a door or the rear of the car they wont just run out.

When walking a dog, they can be silly when they meet other dogs or something they aren't sure about. Be prepared and put them on a lead if you see another dog walker.
(Sometimes dogs can fear heights and structures that they feel are unstable, like wooden walkways and bridges. Even horses and cows can make your dog cower)

If you have a dog, make sure you exercise them as they get really highly strung if they are kept in a house. If kept in a house then every visitor might be lept upon or a bite taken at.

Cats are cheaper, Dogs are in more need of Companionship. If your after exercise get a Dog, if you in the suburbs, then you probably already know that they are suited to Cats. (Please note that CATS are Terratorial, and if you get a cat for your area, it might have a few fights with other loal cats.)

Make sure you deal with reproductive issues, unless your after a litter of iligitiment puppies/kittens (If a Cat/Dog is female.)

Male Cats and Dogs tend to need to get the chop... To lower there Aggressiveness and other attitudes. (dogs are renound for jumping on peoples legs and cushions, and cats for Spraying)

If that's all too much for you, get a budgie or a fish, or some little furry creature or a snake.

Pet rocks don't need feeding ;)
I used to have a pet rock.... it was a lovely piece of green Malachite! Called it the incredible hulk!..... had him for ages until my invisible friend threw him into the sea. Git!
When it comes to pets, I prefer human females although there's always a place in my home for dogs, which, in fact, are easier to train... uh, with the exception of a dumb black cockapoo (cocker spaniel/poodle mix) residing in my basement for the last 14 years.
We acquired this beast as a pup to help my son overcome a fear of dogs, and I entertained an oldfashioned image of boy growing up with a pal, you know, strolling down a country lane, whistling a happy tune, fishin' and walking the dog in all kinds of weather, sharing meals and secrets... Dammit, the boy got over his fear of dogs within days but for the past 14 years, guess who's responsible for feeding, grooming, nursing, walking in all kinds of weather and whistling, etc.??
Similar thing happened with my daughter. Twelve years ago, I casually mentioned that I would take over her chore of washing dishes if she would stop slouching, you know, straighten up and walk like a lady. Her posture improved very quickly, and people started asking whether she belonged to a royal family. She's been walking like a princess for 12 years and I'm very happy for her. What really annoys me are my dishpan hands.

Daddy John C.
I will pretend to ignore that keeping "human females" as pets...:rolleyes:...But I´m just pretending, so that you know that this has not passed unnoticed by any means..;)

Since I already have four cats I feel it´s my obligation to declare my preferation to them. They are staring at me right now...must open fridge, must open fridge....:p

I really love cats.
Unfortunately I cannot keep any pets (except for a fish in a tank, or a pet rock *lol*) now.

Bebelina, I really would have been surprised if you would have told us to prefer dogs.
They are so playful and alot friendlier. Great for exercising and overall companions.
I only threw in that line about preferring females as pets to rattle your chain. An attempt at humour. Matter-of-fact, I much prefer being kept as a pet than the other way around. Cheers.

I have both. cats and dogs, the best of both worlds.

Maybe I was egyptian in a previous life as cats are my gods.

Yes they can be destructive. Smelly can be radically reduced with a visit to a vet and a sharp pair of scissors (MeeOW!!!) but when they adore you, they do so implicitly

Dogs are ok in the same way children are... I much prefer someone elses!!

I've never had a pet rock although one did follow me home once, my parents wouldn't let me keep him :( .

My two moggies are called Gin & Tonic
The female is gin because females are intoxicating, and any good male is a tonic.

I think mine are quite selfish tho' these days they don't bother with the 'ow' it's just me, me, me.
I'm having trouble with pet rock and fact that parents wouldn't let BBCBoy keep "him". How does one determine the gender of a pet rock?
Sex of a Rock

Did you say Rock or Roc? :)

To find out it's sex, just lift it up very carefully and look underneath!

Dogs. I'm a definite dog person.
When was the last time you went for a run with your cat?
Throw a stick and your dog'll fetc it. A cat thinks 'fetch it yourself. And feed me while your at it. Have'nt you fed me yet?'.

I guess dogs are just more interactive.
There was no outward sign of gender on the aformentioned rock.
I found out it was a he when he told me of his life in the volcano.


Do you realise how hard it was for me to tell him to go?
Have you seen Lassie?!!!!!

How can U B so cruel?

He gathered no moss and I just stood and watched!!!:eek: