Cats and Dogs


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
OK, I learned that dogs come in such a HUGE variety because they were bred for certain jobs while cats only had to catch mice. But given enough time (100+ yrs perhaps) could I breed house cats to be as small as a Chihuahua or as large as a Great Dane?
in 100 years we will grow cat/dogs

if our technology does not follow its trend because of a global catastrophe then yes you could still make a lot of change over 100 years, but you probably won't get as much variation as the dog has gone through
it's just speculation

dogs have gone through more than 100 years of selective breeding. Speculation comes in to play when I judge how our current technology will speed things up
I don't think a cat and dog interbreeding is possible in even a million attempts, even if it did work the off-spring would be sterile. Chromosomes mis-matching is the reason for most interbreeding barriers. Just one number off in chromosome pairs usually leads to infertility (horse = 64, Ass = 62, Mule = 63 infertile), cats have 38 chromosomes (19 pairs), Dogs have 74 (36 pairs) the resulting "cog" would have 45 chromosome and likely be missing enough active genes for basic house keeping functions needed to just keep it's cells alive let alone grow a functional body.
I don't think a cat and dog interbreeding is possible in even a million attempts, even if it did work the off-spring would be sterile. Chromosomes mis-matching is the reason for most interbreeding barriers. Just one number off in chromosome pairs usually leads to infertility (horse = 64, Ass = 62, Mule = 63 infertile), cats have 38 chromosomes (19 pairs), Dogs have 74 (36 pairs) the resulting "cog" would have 45 chromosome and likely be missing enough active genes for basic house keeping functions needed to just keep it's cells alive let alone grow a functional body.

Perhaps it would only be certain genes that would be sequenced not half cat and half dog type of gene splicing.
Perhaps it would only be certain genes that would be sequenced not half cat and half dog type of gene splicing.

Well sure with enough gene splicing you could make a "cog", then again with enough gene splicing you could make a dragon, welcome to the realm of synthetic biology, estimated time line until you can own your own cog or dragon, somewhere around 2100.
Well sure with enough gene splicing you could make a "cog", then again with enough gene splicing you could make a dragon, welcome to the realm of synthetic biology, estimated time line until you can own your own cog or dragon, somewhere around 2100.

It could be sooner than that if science keeps accelerating like it is today. I'd say within 50 years it will be done. IMHO
It could be sooner than that if science keeps accelerating like it is today. I'd say within 50 years it will be done. IMHO

Perhaps, if the singularity hits by 2050 I would say it could happen. We would need a lot of quantum computers to crunch all the protein design and protenomic interactions and then there is the shear number of genes needed to be modified or complete redesigned, it would be like designing a Boing 787 that can grow its self.
Combining nano technologies with quantum computers could result in just that happening.

nanotech is just a edgy word, nanorobots and bioroids are the same things its just one is made out of inorganic parts and the other is made out of biological molecules, bioroids can be designed now and build from genetic "lego sets" nanorobots though are likely still decades away, unless your talking about molecular assembly lines, we might be able to do that soon but it would be like a computer chips that spits out chemicals, a molecular assembly line could be used to rapidly write (syntheses) DNA though. Sophisticated Bioroids with novel gene or mulicellular designs will require quantum computers to designed because of the shear number crunching need to for predicting protein structure and interactions.
unless your talking about molecular assembly lines, we might be able to do that soon but it would be like a computer chips that spits out chemicals, a molecular assembly line could be used to rapidly write (syntheses) DNA though.

That is what I was referring to.
That is what I was referring to.

well present DNA syntheses is slow and limited to writing a few hundred basepairs , of which we need to stitch them together to make longer strains, for example the human genome has 3 billion base pairs, even if we cheated by stitching the homologous regions and cutting out the structural DNA (~80% of the genome) its still a titanic task, even now the systhises of a sythetic bacteria (of 3 million base pairs) is consider a triumph.

Here a article on the improvements on DNA synthesizers:
(Google it and read the cached version for free)
The link doesn't work.

as implied:
1. Open google
2. Copy and paste the link into google search bar
3. There should be one result, don't press it, instead press "cached" instead.

Here another "Microarray-based approach could achieve 20,000 bases per dollar", do the same thing.
Why would you do that?

I wouldn't. And I wouldn't understand why others would. I was just wondering.

I know they now have a cat with itty bitty short legs. Keeps the cat from jumping on the counters, furniture, etc. Seems mean to me, but then they did the same to dogs to go down burrows. :shrug:
OK, I learned that dogs come in such a HUGE variety because they were bred for certain jobs while cats only had to catch mice. But given enough time (100+ yrs perhaps) could I breed house cats to be as small as a Chihuahua or as large as a Great Dane?
It's an accident of evolution that dogs have genes in which variances can make an enormous difference in physical appearance, including size. So when we breed them for appearance, all we're doing is sorting those genes out and selecting for the ones we want. Cats don't have anything like that. We'd have to sit around and wait for mutations to occur.

People love tiny cats. If it were possible to breed them down to toy size, you can be sure it would have been done by now.
If dogs started wolf size and we bred them down to Chihuahua size, I'm thinking we could breed a cat down to hamster size. I don't want a lap dog. I want a pocket cat. :D

Thanks for the info Fraggle.