Catholic priest diging deep in parishoner's pockets

I love these stories, I only wish they were constantly being exposed for what priest really are. Pedophiles & con artists!

To fulfill your wish you will have to convince people of the logic that because some people are doing things wrong all such persons are doing something wrong

BTW - its not an impossible wish - you just have to follow in the footsteps of fascist dictators and do something like seize control of the media so it becomes more easy to establish your personal ideology

It's not my wish for people to get hurt LG, it's a fact that religion is being used to justify these preistly actions, as raping children, and ripping off old ladies of their funds, this shit happens, admit it! it happens btw in all religious sects. BTW fascism does not equal atheism! get a fucking education why dont you!!
It's not my wish for people to get hurt LG, it's a fact that religion is being used to justify these preistly actions, as raping children, and ripping off old ladies of their funds, this shit happens, admit it!
The question still remains - if some people are doing things wrong does that mean all such persons are doing things wrong?
Very few intelligent people would be prepared to put such a general principle into action - after all, how many crooked politicians have we seen, how many irresponsipble parents, how many husbands cheating on wives, how many wives cheating on husbands, how many university professors taking advantage of students etc etc - does that mean we should get rid of all politicians, parents, husbands, wives and university professors?

it happens btw in all religious sects.
human nature tends to make its appearance across the board, as previously indicated

BTW fascism does not equal atheism! get a fucking education why dont you!!
I am aware of that - but fascism would certainly help you establish your ideology (lets hope you don't misappropriate funds and take advantage of people, eh?)
..., I only wish they were constantly being exposed for what priest really are. Pedophiles & con artists!

Painting a lot of people with the same broad brushstroke, ain't ya'? If one person is "bad", then everyone who looks like him, works in the same field, etc, is "bad", too?

Baron Max
The question still remains - if some people are doing things wrong does that mean all such persons are doing things wrong?

Were in the hell did I state all theist are the same? I'm only showing you how some of the clergy takes advantage of their priestly position to do harm, this happens and the fucking article above is not the only one that has been presented in the media for quite some time, now is it? It's in the news, LG some preist are doing harm to parisheners, are you going to fucking deny this?

What are you defending? that just because a few rotten apples do exist it won't ruin a whole bunch? Put a few rotten apples in a bunch of good apples and let it sit for a while, you will soon have a whole bunch of rotten apples!!

Very few intelligent people would be prepared to put such a general principle into action - after all, how many crooked politicians have we seen, how many irresponsipble parents, how many husbands cheating on wives, how many wives cheating on husbands, how many university professors taking advantage of students etc etc - does that mean we should get rid of all politicians, parents, husbands, wives and university professors?

Let put this in the laws of averages, most people on this continent would claim to believe in god, so most politicians believe in god, to say otherwise is to commit political suicide, most parents indoctrinate their children in religion, most parents are theist, most university proffessors are theist, so if they comit any act that hinders the welfare of anyone aren't they doing harm, when they follow some other form of "moral" code? Ah! However I didn't claim an absolute by bringing to light the fact that the preist in the above article did what he did, and that others preist in the same sect have raped children, this is fact, it's been happening, and the church is paying for it!

If you read them, that will keep you busy for a spell.

Painting a lot of people with the same broad brushstroke, ain't ya'? If one person is "bad", then everyone who looks like him, works in the same field, etc, is "bad", too?

If you get your head out of your rectum, perhaps you can read I didn't state that all fucking priest are doing these type of acts!!

I only mentioned it's good when it happens, because it further weakens this particular sect, I'm happy when I see a place of bs worship go down in ruins for some quilty priest, it only shows that they are humans, and not "enlightened" with any supernatural bs!!
Were in the hell did I state all theist are the same? I'm only showing you how some of the clergy takes advantage of their priestly position to do harm, this happens and the fucking article above is not the only one that has been presented in the media for quite some time, now is it? It's in the news, LG some preist are doing harm to parisheners, are you going to fucking deny this?

its not clear where you would go with this other than "some people sometimes do some things that are wrong", much less your OP enthusiasm "I only wish they were constantly being exposed for what priest really are. Pedophiles & con artists! "
its not clear how you determined that priests are really child molesters etc

What are you defending? that just because a few rotten apples do exist it won't ruin a whole bunch? Put a few rotten apples in a bunch of good apples and let it sit for a while, you will soon have a whole bunch of rotten apples!!
usually when as scandal hits any front, whether it be religious, political, marital or even football related, the proverbial hits the fan and the 'rotten apples' get tossed

Let put this in the laws of averages, most people on this continent would claim to believe in god, so most politicians believe in god, to say otherwise is to commit political suicide, most parents indoctrinate their children in religion, most parents are theist, most university proffessors are theist, so if they comit any act that hinders the welfare of anyone aren't they doing harm, when they follow some other form of "moral" code?
given that most people are religious (maybe 90%, depending on what part of the world you are currently in) its hardly a surprising phenomena in terms of numbers
Ah! However I didn't claim an absolute by bringing to light the fact that the preist in the above article did what he did, and that others preist in the same sect have raped children, this is fact, it's been happening, and the church is paying for it!
maybe you should re-read or re-edit your OP
if you read this it will also keep you busy
Let’s see….
If a belief cannot be judged by the minds it produces then all beliefs and all ideologies cannot be judged by what certain people have done in their name.
In that case Nazism and Communism are not discredited by what their followers have done nor is Islam discredited by what its followers are doing.