Cartoon strip aimed at under-12s depicts Christian boy as Islamaphobe thug

Brian Foley

Valued Senior Member
Cartoon strip aimed at under-12s depicts Christian boy as Islamaphobe thug

A Government-funded charity was at the centre of a row last night after a magazine it publishes for children appeared to depict Christians as Islamaphobes who regard Muslims as terrorists.
Create Islamaphobes in young Christians , while having a 'vice versa' affect on Muslims . All the while keeping zionist hands clean as ivory snow .

"Philip Hollobone, the Tory MP for Kettering, said: ‘I think it is very unfortunate that the lad who is pointing the finger is wearing a cross."

It's acceptable . They knew right out of the gate the row a six point star would have caused .

"But Who Cares? Trust chief executive Natasha Finlayson said she had no intention of withdrawing it, describing the cross as ‘bling’ rather than a religious symbol."

Imagine her describing a six point star as ‘bling’ ?

I wonder if that Who Cares attitude wouldn't get her canned from her Trust chief executive status ?
Create Islamaphobes in young Christians , while having a 'vice versa' affect on Muslims . All the while keeping zionist hands clean as ivory snow .

"Philip Hollobone, the Tory MP for Kettering, said: ‘I think it is very unfortunate that the lad who is pointing the finger is wearing a cross."

It's acceptable . They knew right out of the gate the row a six point star would have caused .

"But Who Cares? Trust chief executive Natasha Finlayson said she had no intention of withdrawing it, describing the cross as ‘bling’ rather than a religious symbol."

Imagine her describing a six point star as ‘bling’ ?

I wonder if that Who Cares attitude wouldn't get her canned from her Trust chief executive status ?

From the link: The charity received £100,000 from the Department for Children, Schools and Families, headed by Ed Balls, in both 2007 and 2008, and £80,000 this year.

Ed Balls and Phil Hollobone? Is this a joke?
Create Islamaphobes in young Christians , while having a 'vice versa' affect on Muslims . All the while keeping zionist hands clean as ivory snow .

"Philip Hollobone, the Tory MP for Kettering, said: ‘I think it is very unfortunate that the lad who is pointing the finger is wearing a cross."

It's acceptable . They knew right out of the gate the row a six point star would have caused .

"But Who Cares? Trust chief executive Natasha Finlayson said she had no intention of withdrawing it, describing the cross as ‘bling’ rather than a religious symbol."

Imagine her describing a six point star as ‘bling’ ?

I wonder if that Who Cares attitude wouldn't get her canned from her Trust chief executive status ?

Are you really turning a story that was about Christians and Muslims only....about Jews? Are you retarded?
From what you've shown me of the story, the only stupid thing about it is people taking it out of context & being upset over nothing.
WHY else do you claim something so obviously false???

Is the claim of 90% of Americans being Christian intended to support the absurdity that Christianity is all but dead in America???
Well I see absolutely nothing wrong with this cartoon. It is intended to help young Muslims, who appear different due to religious clothing, and who will likely face this exact kind of response, to return hostility with pride. The fact that the boy has a cross on is typical of what a Muslim in England would face, but it could have been anyone.
I'm not going to look for it but I swear somebody at the time of the flap over the Danish cartoon said that the furor raised by the Muslim community worldwide and the resultant publicity would only encourage more cartoons and lampooning.