Carolyn Reynolds, Astrologer


"Nothing of consequence."
Registered Senior Member

She appeared on Unsolved Mysteries.

What can you tell me about her?

Why is she fraudulant?

Why is she the "real deal"?

Or, if neither, is she just looking for money?

better yet, what is wrong with her methodology? ( states it too simply and makes it seem accurate... but it doesn't seem so...)

Please help explain.
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Wow. This thread survived the two sciforums shutdowns this year? It's a miracle, I tells ya! ;)

From what I understand of Astrology, the maternity hospital on the days that the serial killers were born would have produced nothing but serial killers. Keeping it just in the United States alone, with four million births a year that means that approximately 11,000 serial killers were born on 21 May 1960 alongside Jeffrey Dahmer (hey, he was on the cusp!)

It is for this reason that most astrologers would deny that such a specific set of criteria could reasonably be deduced from astrological data.

"So how did she know that those four charts were for serial killers?" Well, it's simple: she cheated! Either she had someone on the inside, or the TV company making the show simply showed her the names in order to .......hey, something just occurred to me. I've just realised that presumably Reynolds knew in advance that of twenty astrological charts, four of them would contain the profiles of well known serial killers. Well, the astrological charts probably had the date on them (or were at any rate identifiable to a specific date if you know the stars, which Reynolds does), and it's not difficult to memorise the dates of birth of a handful of the most prominent serial killers, learn some salient facts about them (there are pretty good biographies of several serial killers just on the IMDb!) and then reproduce them in a halting, uncertain way in front of the cameras.

Wow. That one was almost too easy to knock down.
Indeed. Memorizing facts about a serial killer and associating those facts with a date of birth instead of a name would be very effective. There's a 98% chance that four people would not have the same birth date, if she took the top 20 serial killers, there would have been a 59% chance their birthdates would each be unique -enough odds to ensure she could remember basic characteristics.

I'd like to see her be subjected to a double-blind test where she cannot interact with the testers. I bet she would fail miserably, since the "astrologer" depends on cold-reading just as those "tv psychics" do. Its all poppycock and they should be illegal to charge money for that nonsense.