Carnival of the Godless


Archaeology / Anthropology
Many of the regular readers here at the Religion subforum of sciforums might find interesting the 40th Carnival of the Godless, a blog carnival hosted at the link provided.

If you don't know, a blog carnival is a compendium of current writings of a given topic. The topic of this carnival is "godlessness," as you may be able to tell from the title. There are some very well written pieces there that some may find worthy of discussion here. My own review of Alister McGrath's book Dawkins' God is among them.
Thanks for that, SkinWalker. (CTF)

I'll pour myself a hot cup of joe and read on.
Well, I just went through the stuff on Kevin Trudeau. I've seen this guy and I've seen the hype he has created.

But you know something? We are the idiots here. He's the one making millions on this stuff. For all the pseudoscience crap we've been filtering through the years, we should be able to come up with our own scam and make millions from the gullible.

Of course, being an atheist, I have morals and would never stoop to such antics.