Even though you have zero experience with tanning bed design and testing...or any experience in high current AC devices...you are attempting to lecture me on what I should have done. Your suggestion of using a small gauge wire as some sort of fuse shows exactly how little you know on the subject. Please stop trying to teach...and try starting to learn.
Both of JT's messages included outright insults and claims that he knew me personally. The text of both messages, and the text of Phil's recent messages, also indicated that he knew me and hated me. Neither of these people has tried very hard to discuss scientific subjects using the proper scientific terminology. Phil, for example, just couldn't move away from his "lightning in a box" concept, something that I've never once advocated.
I have been trying to learn. When someone like you, Billy, Bill Von, or Captain K were posting, I used the terminology and the technology that I had learned in my classes from 30 years ago. Any attempt to require me to "prove" the fact of my graduation is an attack on me personally as well as an attempt to change the nature of this board from scientific discussion to the snoopings of a bunch of amateur detectives. Mr. Franklin would never have put up with it, and I won't, either.
I have some knowledge of electricity, electronics, and water electrolysis. This came partly from my school and partly from the research I've done over the past five years in preparation for a patent application. I've been corresponding for a year and a half, enjoying the give-and take with people whose names, addresses, and titles I don't need to know and whose job descriptions are not what I'm looking for. I have no need for any personalized attacks, insults, or "guess who this is" games.
I have stopped corresponding with Phil, and I never answered JT because neither one of them was interested in the one thing that I'm interested in - discussing science.
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