Cannabis Use in Adults


Registered Senior Member
I have a question solely because, well, I want to know.

I'm 16 and know that a huge majority of people my age use marijuana. What about adults? I know people from the 60s and 70s did even more weed than us, so I'm wondering, how many of you guys still do it? How many of my friends parents still smoke up?

Any input?
I have to admit, there is ALOT of adults that still toke up. Most of my friends quit smoking, but at my old job, I found out that almost everyone smoked. And not everyday potheads, just once in a while. Hope this helps.:)
Born in 1961 - though I may not be representative of your friend's parents, as I have no kids of my own (this does allow me to avoid the hypocritical "you should not do drugs speech", however.)

I started partying around 1977, and if it did not require me to stick a needle in my body, I tried it. Often. Around 1995 I "scaled back" to reefer and the very occasional button.

Mom - if you're reading this, it is all a lie to make me appear cool to a 16 year-old.

By the way, Tyler. You should not do drugs. Man... If I had put the cash I spent on dope into savings...

I am in my 30's still toke, although not as much as when I was younger. My friends of the same age do as well. My dad grew his own as I was growing up and still smokes now. He is in his 50's. My Aunt is in her 60's and still does.

Hope this helps!
the very occasional button.

What is this? Is this some kind of new slang that I dont know about?:D
Anyhoo, Ive tried basically everydrug except crack and heroin. I was too scared to try those, heard they're extremely addicting. Coke - didnt do anything for me. Crank - now that was a fun one. So was acid, grimmies, shrooms. PCP - call me a big wussie but I couldnt not hang with that drug. Wait, what we were talking about again:D
The occasional button...
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
What is this? Is this some kind of new slang that I dont know about?
Nooo.. probably old slang.
Lophophora williamsii? Lophophora diffusa?


Oooooooohhhhhh, had to actually look it up on the computer!! Nope, never tried that either, but thats only because I can never find it around here. I did try Opium a few times and that totally rocked!

Groove on
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Nope, never tried that either, but thats only because I can never find it around here.
Yeah... you don't just find it on the street. The plant can take up to 15 years to mature, so "commercial" harvesting is down in an effort to avoid wiping them out. I have a friend who grows a few here and there for personal consumption, and I get invited over every now and again.

Nope...never tried the Dad ODed on Cannabis by mistake...when I was a child. It was a traumatic I have a mental block to try it myself. I did take a pill once that put me to sleep while everybody around me had fun. That was the end of it. Some of my friends did Cannabis a lot. One of them is dead due to heart attack.

Funny though, I can create my own endorphins on demand - so I can synchronize with my pothead friends when needed.
I can create my own endorphins on demand

Yes, we call this masturbation :D
I am 32. I tried weed once when I was 23. Didn't care for it, so I didn't do it any more. Never tried anything else. (never been drunk either, I know...weird) My brother, however, is 38, and he still tokes up regularly. I know bums who toke, and highly successful people who toke. I also know bums and highly successful people who do NOT toke.

Know who was a huge pothead? Carl Sagan.
Originally posted by bbcboy
I can create my own endorphins on demand

Yes, we call this masturbation :D

Well, sex does indeed release the body's natural opiates. That's why some men fall asleep after sex, by the way girls. However, these are absolutely fine for the human body.

Like many autonomic bodily functions, the release of endorphines can be consciously triggered, and this you can achieve through meditation and practice.

Lots of practice.
Used to, been so long now, I don't remember what it was like. Want to know what was the hardest thing about quitting pot?

Staying around friends that did and convincing them I was serious.
How can you get an OD on Cannabis then? By smoking a real big water-pipe, filled with Whisky, Tequila or so? And then suck up the alcohol with the Hasj or Marijuana? I never heard of someone having an OD on Cannabis.

Opium is very good to be high on yes. :) Oh well, I've done a lot of drugs, stuck with the Marijuana, though. It is good to smoke a joint so every once in a while, however the quality is less than in earlier days. It's much more expensive too, now-a-days. In the Netherlands you can get Hasjiesj and Marijuana pretty cheap, they have Coffee-Shops on every street corner, so to say.

Haven't smoked a good joint in a long time now. Wish I had some Marijuana. Wonderful with loud, good Music and/or go out dancing, and/or talk with friends and so on...Dream, dream...:) :)

PCP is a nasty drug. It can turn out very bad, with the nastiest hallucinations. people kill themselves influenced by PCP. I prefer LSD. Shall never give it to somebody, you need to have a certain control over yourself, while using LSD and/or Mescal. Mushrooms are pretty harmless, no "bad" trips on Mushrooms. Psylocybine, I mean... :)

By the way, I am 42

Yes, Mescaline is a very fun drug. Tried it once - I think they called them Micro Dots at the time. I also used to do Extacy alot. That was my personal fave! PCP - someone has laced another drug I was doing with it, so I didnt know what it was. And then I looked at the clock and it started talking to me - totally freaked out. Would never do it again. Even though I havent done any "hard" drugs since becoming a parent. Ahhh... the good ole dayz :D
Hmm ...

Seeing *stRgrL*'s post on another thread ...

Is Purple Haze still around?


Take care ;)
Is Purple Haze still around?

Of course! :D 'scuse me while I kiss the Sky...

I'm still kissing, what can I say...? ;) Oh, the good old LSD and Mescal trips...What a time! :)

I had the most wonderful experiences on LSD and Mescal, so blissful and enlightenend, indiscribable... (dreamy glare in my eyes)

Never did Extacy, though. There was a lot of garbage, back in the Netherlands and I never bothered to find out what garbage exactly was mixed with the Extacy. Thought it better to play it safe, that time anyways. :) :)
Im 27 and have never done any drugs. I never felt the need. I have friends who do and I've had jobs were almost every person I worked with toked up. I remember my dad did some stuff when I was younger and my greatgrandmother hated it, so I promised her that I would never do that type of stuff. So 20 years later I still stand by my promise.