cancer research question (about a distributed computer project)


science man

Hey I was wondering if there were any cancer reasearchers on here because I wanted to ask how good you think these guys are doing. They do the research using a ton of cpu and gpu power from all over the world. I've helped them before but stopped because it was endless work for my computer and I wished I had the $ to devote a million acher server farm to it. Anyway I just wanted to know how good you think they're doing.
Hi there. I work for a major cancer research institute here in the UK. I haven't come across that group that you link to but will have a little look around and see what I can see. Seems at first glance to be a good project and they've had a good publication record. I'll have a deeper look as time allows.
Anyway I just wanted to know how good you think they're doing.

They appear to be doing very well. That is a tonne of papers! :eek:

When presented with a list like this, it’s important to look at the journals in which they appear. This will give an indication of the significance of the work. A number of their papers are in quite ‘high impact’ journals like PNAS and the Journal of Molecular Biology. There’s even a few Science papers.