Canadian Man Builds Overunity based UFO!


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"So who is this guy that I should meet, and why should I meet him?" I asked with enthusiasm. She responded by telling me that she was a reporter for the local newspaper and that she had written an article on him a few weeks earlier "...he's an extremely interesting man, building an anti-gravity/free energy, space ship." This was it. This was the contact that I had been waiting for. I was on the trail and getting closer. When I asked her how to get a hold of him, she opened her purse and flipped through a note pad that she had scribbled some short hand notes and found the page with his information. She gave me his phone number and off she went.

I immediately went to the phone and dialed the number, not knowing what to really say, but knowing that it was the thing to do. The phone rang several times before it was picked up and I was addressed with a strong French-Canadian accent. "Allo" he said in his loud, course voice. I hesitated.....

"Hello Mr. Hamel, you don't know me but I am in town for the weekend with the psychic fair and I am very interested in anti-gravity and free energy......"

I hardly got it out when he interrupted with a robust, familiar enthusiasm "Well, you'd better get over here and see what the hell I've got here in my workshop! If you want to know anything about anti-gravity you'd better get over here and see it for yourself! Do you want to come over tonight? Cause you won't believe what you see with your own eyes!
ok, its nice, but i wanna hear more on his plans, how he plans, and more on the first prototype that shot up into space, all this before i start thinking about its truth, and not jsut oldtimers. ET's comming outa a tv??? k, mabe it was a teleporter, but soposovly they jsut comm here from ntohing.
<center><font size="5"?><font color="green">mabe its true </font</font></center><center><font size="3"><font color="red">mabe its not</font></font></center>

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)
<center><bold><font color=red>Excessive Use Of HTML is very annoying!</font></bold></center></p>

But seriously, I am glad to see dexter demanding proof. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think this is a first! Seriously, good job Dexter.</p>
This all read like a crappy Sci-Fi novel, or maybe a mystery/spy novel. Try again.</p>
<font color=green><font size=+5>Excessive HTML is even more annoying when used to support untrue generalizations about a religion</font></font>
hey, i'll be over it in a day or two, just hold on and ride it out. but i am jsut making all tehse message board look all ***pretty***!!!! and i am jsut learning somenew html, i never knew the code for color weird huh. but thanx for agreeing w/ me on this one, there jsut wasnt enough proof, they talked about the reporting guy more than the accual ufo. i head about the ufo in mabe one sentence. not to mention the sight had poor html.... so basically it suxked (i thought) <font color="blue">that is all....<font size="2">hehehehehe</font></font>

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)
Excessive HTML it may be, I only asked for opinions, not to get clobbered over it!

DRIVE The Nail Home!
dude, im outa the whole html thing, now the new fad is smilies :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes: :p :( :)

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)