Can You Go Beyond God?


Registered Senior Member
There is no use in judging the God in your or in peoples' imaginations upon your preconceptions. There is no god to be judged. There is not a god that tests or punishes people.

But there is a system in life that all creation is subject to, and it operates constantly without taking our personal judgments or emotions into account.

You must try your best to understand how this universal system works without involving your personal emotions or judgments.

The only way to understand this system is to forget all about your or peoples' inherent preconception of GOD, stop judging such a God, stop dreaming of such a God, stop seeking God's mercy, stop expecting favor from such God, stop the imaginations of being tested by a God, stop favoring or denying such a God and start learning what is referred to as "ALLAH" beyond any form of god.

If you are able to go beyond your judgments and emotions, go to: [B][/B] in order to read about and learn what is denoted by the name ALLAH.
Looks like Islam has jumped into the Religious-science arena. I predicted that
the words 'I believe' would be in there and sure enough I was not disappointed.
Crunchy Cat said:
Looks like Islam has jumped into the Religious-science arena. I predicted that
the words 'I believe' would be in there and sure enough I was not disappointed.

You were probably to impatient to jump into conclusions. It says "from a belief of god that has judgments like humans... to advancing into a human that has views same as Allah.." And there are thousands of pages to go in that website

Also, believing is an intellectual faculty same as dreaming, imagining, reasoning, commenting... If it is in your genes, you cannot stop believing. If it is not, you don't have that faculty.
Sufi said:
You were probably to impatient to jump into conclusions. It says "from a belief of god that has judgments like humans... to advancing into a human that has views same as Allah.." And there are thousands of pages to go in that website

And it asserts neither knowledge or truth.

Sufi said:
Also, believing is an intellectual faculty same as dreaming, imagining, reasoning, commenting... If it is in your genes, you cannot stop believing. If it is not, you don't have that faculty.

I somewhat agree with this. Yes we are a species whom tends to accept
assertions as being 'true' without considering supporting / contradicting
evidence (i.e. belief). Fortunately, more and more of the human species are
realizing that there are astounding benefits to aligning one-self with truth
and this is resulting in increasing numbers of the population removing belief
as much as possible from their thought processes. Perhaps this trend will
continue and create an environmental pressure where those whom can
remove belief from their thought processes will have a greater chance at
procreation... but that is very optimistic thinking IMO.
Dear Sufi,

Is there a point at which Religion becomes a mere hobby, an indulgence, a leisure activity, an empty adventure?


It is when we remove Morality and Charity from it. Prior to visiting your site I was convinced that the Islamic Mullahs had gone overboard when they declared Sufism heretical and forced Sufism underground, but then, reading your essays on "Allah" -- how Allah is beyond any human consideration, it suddenly alerted me to the problem. Mysticism can go too far -- it can become utterly escapist, and so ethereal as to be entirely without any socially redeeming value.

Sri Aurobindo, Hinduism's latest and greatest Philosopher, if not a Saint, during the first half of the 20th Century envisioned an Evolution in Spirituality and Religion -- a decent of the Superhuman Consciousness into this Material Plane -- an eventuality whereupon we would finally have a concrete and abiding participation of Divine Providence in the World. It hasn't happened... not yet. But it is a wonderful hope and a wonderful Dream and something that good people can yearn for.

But then we have escapists like you who openly declare that the World is crap and always will be crap and that God, or your Allah, will simply have nothing to do with us, and that we, if we know what we are doing, will also cut ourselves off from this stinking world and lock the door and meditate on Allah and forget everything else and everyone else even exists.

Its nice work if you can get it, but its utterly amoral. You might as well be playing golf while the rest of the world suffers.