Can you believe local churches are trying to pre-analyze The Da Vinci Code?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I bought the Saturday and Sunday Houston Chronicle newspaper, as usual. Then I saw the front page with the byline of "A Novel Way to Tour Europe." In the religion section, many Protestant churches were advertising "answers" to The Da Vinci Code. The movie will be out locally on May 19, 2006. It made me wonder why are local churches preceding the movie premiere debut with "explanations" about The Da Vinci Code? What is the secret they are so worried about? Could it be astro-theology? Could it be the truth about Jesus? I guess we are about to find out.

Why was this "place" so "terrible?" Does it implicate the Roman Catholic Church at its origin? Was the church is based on the belief that Jesus was married? Or was it based on the belief that Jesus was the Sun of God?

I guess only our headlines know for sure. But, they're not talking!
Why would Protestant churches care about the RCC? They are merely afraid followers will take the FICTIONAL STORY (and, may i remind you, ive found out that the Priori of Scion was made up and has been proven as false) as truth and not believe anymore... its a simple "keep your followers" technique... has been done thousands of times before...

BTW, the book says nothing about "astro-theology"

And, even if Jesus was married, it wouldnt change his teachings, the only problem is there would be a divine bloodline, which would attract people to worship that divine bloodline and stray away from God into idolatry and the ignoring of the RCC (or any other church for that matter)
Yeah, and why is the RCC protesting the movie? It's like they're trying to hide something...:p
They arent hiding that the Holy Grail is stored behind Jesus in the Sistine Chapel wall :rolleyes:
Shouldn't the real discussions be about Tom Hanks hair?

Provita said:
Why would Protestant churches care about the RCC? They are merely afraid followers will take the FICTIONAL STORY (and, may i remind you, ive found out that the Priori of Scion was made up and has been proven as false) as truth and not believe anymore... its a simple "keep your followers" technique... has been done thousands of times before...

BTW, the book says nothing about "astro-theology"

And, even if Jesus was married, it wouldnt change his teachings, the only problem is there would be a divine bloodline, which would attract people to worship that divine bloodline and stray away from God into idolatry and the ignoring of the RCC (or any other church for that matter)

M*W: Glad you mentioned that! Sunday's front page was a colored photograph of the Mona Lisa! What lows will the liberal media stoop to to sell their pulp fiction!

I have never been a fan of Dan Brown's novel (as in fictional). I've read all the other researched reports and at the end of the day, The Da Vinci Code is still fiction.

If I indicated the novel was about "astro-theology," I didn't intend that. That's just my take on it (the real thing). I was an adamant believer that Jesus existed and was married to MM and had children who became the premiere le'roi de Francais (pardon my French)! But the more I read, the more I realized that Jesus couldn't have existed. I guess I should state that the more I read, the more I came upon astro-theological themes. My curiosity kept bringing to the little church at Rennes-le-Chateau where is written over the main entryway "This Place Is Terrible." Why would this little church be a "terrible place?" My conjecture is that it:

1-Contains the bones of Jesus? (The RCC has scammed humanity).
2-Contains the bones of MM? (No big deal).
3-Sauniere found the parchments contained proof that Jesus didn't exist? (That would bring down Christianity).
4-The parchments explained the Jesus story astrologically?
5-This "place" is not a place of salvation as a believer would assume.

On another note, in the Saturday Religion section of The Houston Chronicle, just about every Protestant church, and certainly all the main denominations (First Baptist, Second Baptist, United Methodist, Presbyterian, etc.), advertised Sunday's sermon topics centering on The Da Vinci Code, so to answer your question about Protestants not caring what was written about the RCC, it is apparent that they DO care! I was a bit surprised myself. The movie doesn't come out until May 19. I think they're preparing for the movie's debut. They surely didn't have this kind of reaction to Dan Brown's novel!

The RCC, however, specifically the local Opus Dei, has purchased TV time to prepare for damage control.

To understand The Da Vinci Code, one does not need to read a fictional novel or even see the movie. All one needs to do is study Leonardo da Vinci, his life and works. He was a genius, but he was also a jokester. Most of his work involved subtle hints and clues to poke fun at the RCC without losing his head. One of my favorites is "Virgin of the Rocks." There's two versions. A group of nuns in Italy commissioned him to paint a picture with the BVM and Elizabeth with their two boys. Although there are many artistic puns in these paintings, the best one is the giant penis and vagina in the background! Old Leo, you had to love him!
I understand that many local churches (at least the bigger ones) are losing members. Their billboards teem with messages such as "Come Home," "Your Church Family Loves You," etc. But, then again, according to latest polls for 2005, Christianity is dying worldwide.
Provita said:
They arent hiding that the Holy Grail is stored behind Jesus in the Sistine Chapel wall :rolleyes:

M*W: Interesting! Where did you read that?
Here you have a church, who's sources for believing what they believe are extremely dubious.

Then you have the Davinci Code which is also dubiously sourced. Both are as wrong as each other.

The truth is, anyone can come up with a theory on the life of Jesus and claim "My version is just as well sourced as your version".
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Interesting! Where did you read that?
Acctually, I just made it up... but perhaps when the Conclave comes together to elect the Pope, and they close the Sistine Chapel, and drink from the Holy Grail in ritual :rolleyes:

If they wanted to be sneaky, they wouldnt hide it behind Jesus, but instead behind a random prophet in the painting... but hey, I didnt do it :D
The film is based on the book and the book is FICTION, it is a NOVEL, threre is NO truth in it, the davinci code concept was created by the author.

Theoryofrelativity said:

Captivating the Masses


The topic of numerous articles and television specials, and selling more than 30 million copies in less than three years, The Da Vinci Code has become an international success. But is there any truth behind this work of fiction?


Mary Magdalene: Speculation and debate as to her true identity have followed her name throughout the last 2,000 years. Some say she was a prostitute. Others claim she was an apostle of Jesus Christ, and that Jesus gave her the authority to start His Church. Still others proclaim that she and Jesus were married, and that they had children together.

In the fictional novel The Da Vinci Code, this controversial subject is fused together with the legend of the Holy Grail.

The result? The ultimate conspiracy theory, and an instant global phenomenon.

The novel’s storyline is full of mystery, conspiracy and “revelation.” A mystery/thriller, the book hooks the reader through suspenseful plot twists and turns—full of lies, deceit, conspiracy and murder—combined with an overall treasure hunt-like journey for the legendary “Holy Grail,” which is the central focus of the story.

It is these contentious discussions—and the wild ideas presented—that have enraptured millions of readers."
Provita said:
Acctually, I just made it up... but perhaps when the Conclave comes together to elect the Pope, and they close the Sistine Chapel, and drink from the Holy Grail in ritual :rolleyes:

If they wanted to be sneaky, they wouldnt hide it behind Jesus, but instead behind a random prophet in the painting... but hey, I didnt do it :D

M*W: So, you're saying that the holy grail is actually a cup? If that's the case, then the RCC might... just might... be the real thing. (I doubt it. Been there. Done that. Bought the T-shirt). Seems the RCC would bring it out of hiding to prove their authenticity!

Anyway, Provita, I am impressed with your conjecture!
The film is based on the book and the book is FICTION, it is a NOVEL, threre is NO truth in it, the davinci code concept was created by the author.

Which is why it has just as much relevance as the Bible.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: So, you're saying that the holy grail is actually a cup? If that's the case, then the RCC might... just might... be the real thing. (I doubt it. Been there. Done that. Bought the T-shirt). Seems the RCC would bring it out of hiding to prove their authenticity!

Anyway, Provita, I am impressed with your conjecture!

Yeah, they could, but then It'd ruin the suprise ;) ... besides, there would always be skeptics, and some crazies who would commit idolatry over the "cup"

Yeah, I got a T-shirt too... it was in Italian... later i found out it said on it "Come to Antony's Pizzeria" ... *cough* scam *cough*
The DaVinci Code is a masterful piece of fiction. That being said, the facts that do exist that are used in the book DO present a challenge to the power base of Christianity, albeit with circumstancial evidence.

On the flip side, Christianity also gained its power with circumstancial evidence (not discounting the past ruthless politicking and a couple crusades).

Most conservative christians are never willing to have their faith challenged or opposed in any way (since to them, faith = history). Hence the reactions of the powers that be within various churches.
I wonder how people would feel if a movie came out spreading scientific falsehoods to the gullible mass. For instance, some movie about evolution being a conspiracy theory invented by greedy capitalists to help promote a consumerist lifestyle - how comfortable would we be with lies being told as true?

The trouble with the DaVinci Code is that it misinforms people, rather than simply entertaining them. Faith aside, there are facts about the Catholic Church which any historian knows. It doesn't matter which faith you have, or even if you have no faith at all; you don't want people to believe stupid ideas just because they saw in a movie. It happens too much already.

That said, I can hardly wait to see a movie with Tom Hanks and the beautiful and talented Audrey Tautou ;)
Ah, but Confutatis..."lies" about science and scientific procedure can be disproven empirically. Claims about, for or against theories based on faith (especially blind faith) cannot be proven either way.

If you havent already, I suggest you READ the DaVinci Code might actually surprise you...
Enterprise-D said:
Ah, but Confutatis..."lies" about science and scientific procedure can be disproven empirically. Claims about, for or against theories based on faith (especially blind faith) cannot be proven either way.

If you havent already, I suggest you READ the DaVinci Code might actually surprise you...

mm so might Harry Potter

I was thinking of writing a novel called
Hitlers Diaries age 10

detailing his love of butterflies and how he picked flowers for his grandmother on the way to church. how he was viciously beaten by a Jew and this is what led to his hatred of jews, but he was saved by a tall gentleman with blonde hair and blue eyes, his hero! Hmmmmmmmmmm

This is kind of in the vein of daVinci Code utter bollocks but becuase it relates to someone who actually existed (or thought to!) would influence people to think it was truth not fiction.
(Sorry about the bad taste..not intended to offend germans or Jews!)