Can we disprove a global flood happening...


Registered Senior Member
I know global flood is disproved if it was to happen in the last 10,000 years because of civilizations not wiped out, etc...
But can we disprove a global flood happening anytime in the last 200,000-250,000 years, or the period in which homo sapiens or all what the creationists would call 'human species' lived?
To put it simply, there's literally zero evidence of any global flood occurring ever. There have been many, many, many floods large enough to affect vast regions of the globe, but nothing that engulfed the entire planet. There's just not enough water on the planet for that(even counting all of the water locked under the crust and in us lifeforms).
You can examine sample cores from the seabed. If there was a very large flood, it would have left distinct sediments and debris. Such a thing has never been found.
To put it simply, there's literally zero evidence of any global flood occurring ever. There have been many, many, many floods large enough to affect vast regions of the globe, but nothing that engulfed the entire planet. There's just not enough water on the planet for that(even counting all of the water locked under the crust and in us lifeforms).

Would you believe there was an ice age were the earth specie were wiped out ? " The snow ball " If you believe snow is water .
There have been multiple ice age extinction events. However that is not a flood, and given that the time periods from whence these flood myths spring was a relatively warm period and not all that amenable to glacier formation. Also, the last ice age which could have covered the planet was around six hundred and fifty mya, long before any hominid walked the planet. No, these people were talking about a flood, not a freeze.

Edit: Got the figure for the potential snowball iceage wrong, by a factor of ten. This is what happens when I'm off coffee for too long.
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