Can we blame the weather for religion?


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100,000 years ago if it didn't rain and your crops failed you were dead. People wanted to control the weather so they started to believe that a higher power controlled it, God was made.

People thought that God wanted death if he did not bring rain; the sacrifice was invented. Lets give God death before he takes it!

Can we prove this?

All major religions stem from hot climates, is this proof?
alexb123 said:
Can someone tell me what parts of the USA is the most religionious?
M*W: I would say that it is the Bible Belt which girds mid-America. More exactly, it goes through the farmlands of this country from East to West. You have brought up something worth investigating. Did agrarian societies create the need for a 'higher power?'
alexb123 said:
100,000 years ago if it didn't rain and your crops failed you were dead. People wanted to control the weather so they started to believe that a higher power controlled it, God was made.

In ancient Egypt the initiates could actually control the weather. It was done with the "ark of the covenant" which was kept in the great pyramid.

Primitive humans thought of God as an entity which wants to kill and punish. So they offered animals and humans to it.

All major religions stem from hot climates, is this proof?

Nah. When people were primitive, they didn't understand the world. When something "evil" happened they wondered why, and they thought it was a punishment of some higher entity. In reality, it was just a consequence of their ignorance. People never thought that good things were also "rewards" from "god" (the higher self). Man "punishes" himself. his real self does it. But this bad things aren't punishment from a universal perspective. People will learn that mistakes and the bad consequences are also a blessing, a teaching.

When it rained, people thought that god was there, above them. You could say so. The HIGHER self is "above" our persons, from a spiritual perspective.
What about Europe do we see the pattern here?

Northern seems secular to me yet southern isn't for example Spain and Italy are strongly Cathlic but the UK in the North isn't.

Can anyone add some knowledge to this?
alexb123 said:
What about Europe do we see the pattern here?

Northern seems secular to me yet southern isn't for example Spain and Italy are strongly Cathlic but the UK in the North isn't.

Can anyone add some knowledge to this?
M*W: You might be surprised to learn that Italy has moved away from its Catholic roots. In fact, recent statistics (I cannot recall the reference) have stated that in a country that was so solidly Roman Catholic, Italy has become increasingly more secular. It's been attributed to Italy's communist influence over the masses.

Overall, christianity has declined quite a bit in Europe but is now scorching the Earth in Africa and South America (where it is nearer to the Equator as well as a much hotter climate). There is something realistic about religion flourising in warmer climates. Perhaps it's the old 'Sun is God' theory. The hotter the sun, the more people believe in god, etc. By the same token, girls reach puberty earlier in hotter climates, and men tend to have lower sperm counts. However, this hasn't affected the population rate as there is no shortage of people in these areas.
in my opinion
religion comes from society itself. not a person, place, thing or whatever.

if there was no god society would invent one.
does that help?
alexb123 said:
100,000 years ago if it didn't rain and your crops failed you were dead. People wanted to control the weather so they started to believe that a higher power controlled it, God was made.

People thought that God wanted death if he did not bring rain; the sacrifice was invented. Lets give God death before he takes it!

Can we prove this?

All major religions stem from hot climates, is this proof?

That is because both religion and god is just another word for weather and even whether.
The reason religions stemmed from hot climates is because thats where Adam and Eve stemmed from, thus all people. Besides they didn't even grow crops back then, they hunted.
alexb123 said:
Can someone tell me what parts of the USA is the most religionious?

M*W: It's called 'the bible belt.' The belt crosses from East to West through the heartland where all the grain is grown and is home to the slaughterhouses. It's not, however, the warmest climate. I believe statistics agree that the warmer climates nearer to the Equator are where the most religious-oriented people live, but don't quote me on this.
Death to Muslims said:
The reason religions stemmed from hot climates is because thats where Adam and Eve stemmed from, thus all people. Besides they didn't even grow crops back then, they hunted.

M*W: You've got to be kidding. This is a scientific forum. Adam and Eve didn't exist!
Death to Muslims said:
The reason religions stemmed from hot climates is because thats where Adam and Eve stemmed from, thus all people. Besides they didn't even grow crops back then, they hunted.

Crops are not the only issue here, drinking water etc are factors as well. Drought kills animals as well crops.
about 45% of utah are churchgoing mormons....although the population isnt very high in that part of the country....

if i had to guess, i would say south carolina.
fundamentalists abound in that state..they even put up posters for their faith in public places.