Can We Be Held Responsible For What Our Ancestors Did?


Valued Senior Member
I'm seeing posts all over the damn place, ones about people being at fault for their great-great-great grandpa's actions and so on... let me tell ya it's crazy shite! Just look at this stuff: <-- can be construed as men now being at fault for their fathers actions <---- do you honestly believe this dribble is his fault?

I'm sure there are so many more threads on this stuff it's not even funny, so tell me what the heck is up? Are we responsible for our ancestors mistakes or success's? What a joke...

You have blacks saying we're responsible for slavery, you have whites saying they're responsible for it.. so what's the answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do we all become prisoners of the past actions of others...
It's possible. The wealth from slavery helped build empires that are enjoyed today. If you are living high on the hog on the backs of blacks, you might consider at least acknowledging the fact, if not apologizing.
i would never appologize to anybody for what my ancestors did. i say to my wife "listen cotten picker shut up before i enslave your race again"

lmao I see it all over, people saying their uncles and such caused this or that, what about relatives of murders, humm
If you are still enjoying the fruits of crime or corruption, it's the same as if you did it yourself.
Only if the effects still persist and you do nothing to change it.
Some Muslims blow up the children of the children of people that have done something to their ancient ancestors.

Baron Max
in a perfect society, no-one should be hold accountable for anyone elses actions, but america is far from a perfect society. so long as land ownership and inheritance exist, the fruits and respective burdens of the father shall belong to the son also.
If you are still enjoying the fruits of crime or corruption, it's the same as if you did it yourself.

Come on. There must be a line where you are not responsible anymore. Otherwise most rich people should divide their wealth among the rest, because somewhere somehow in the line most likely they were taking advantage of others.
Some_________ blow up the children of the children of people that have done something to their ancient ancestors.

Baron Max

Fill in the blank. Most religions work in that sentence. Many nationalities, also - some of them have to call it 'collateral damage' to feel better about what they knew in advance would happen.

Is it better if it is done not for revenge but for profit and indifference (Bhopal), a sense of entitlement (military support of jewish settlements), to psychologically attack a nation (Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, various cities in Iraq, London and so on).

I've always found it strange that the really bad people (in Western eyes) are those who kill the innocent angrily rather than 'logically' or out of complete indifference or out of a complete not-recognizing the humanity of others or 'accidentally' on purpose.

Kill. But don't be angry about it.
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