Can UFOS disable all electronics?


Registered Member
I was reading this article and I thought it was interesting. It talks about how aliens have the ability to disable all electronics. It caught my eye because I read the excerpts from above black and they made mention of this also. True or not but it was interesting read.

The link is here:

i dont know,i havent talked with many alien engineers recently
They are so powerful, that even though they do not exist they have the ability to make you believe they do. Phlogistician mistakenly thinks their powers are limited only by your imagination, but since most UFO believers have no imagination, this would imply a very limited power indeed.
Yes, but then there would be evidence of an EMP, with destroyed circuits, etc.
I have a question: if you are really nice to aliens, will they give you nice stuff or won't hurt you or something like that? Aliens the all-mighty....
Did several of you just state that "They don't exist"? :)

Interesting.. I was wondering how you could prove that, or know that?

Secondly, there are documented government cases involving a UFO rendering missles useless. Ironically, the government line in those cases is the same as what I read the debunker's say.

"UFO'S Don't exist, even though we don't know if they do".
btimsah said:
Did several of you just state that "They don't exist"? :)

Interesting.. I was wondering how you could prove that, or know that?
We don't have to prove it. In the same way we do not have to prove that there are no green dragons at the bottom of our gardens, or that the cookie monster doesn't live in Wallmart. The onus of proof is on those who claim they do exist.
At the risk of tedious repetition, many of us are agnostic about aliens. We await proof, and proof of a higher calibre than the junk we are all too frequently subjected to.

[Re- the original question: I am sure that if aliens have a dextrous appendage, akin to our fingers, they can disable electronics by the simple tactic of flicking the on/off switch.]
Squeak22 said:
Yes, but then there would be evidence of an EMP, with destroyed circuits, etc.

Could I just go on a totally off-topic rant here? Did anyone see The Animatrix, the series of Matrix-themed cartoons made by different directors? The first of these, The Second Renaissance tells the backstory of the whole Matrix series, how humans built robots, how the robots rebelled and eventually went to war against humanity, won and built the Matrix. At one point, the robots, who have separated from humans and live in their own city, come under nuclear attack from the humans. And then it shows the robots standing up and and walking again after the bomb has dropped and the narration says, "But the human's nuclear bombs had no effect on the robots."

Now, it would be a simple matter to say "Ok, so they didn't know about the fact that a nuclear explosion will trigger an enormous EMP pulse that would effectively disable all electronics". That's fine - if they want to drop the bomb on the robots and show the robots surviving, that's a perfectly valid fictionalisation.

But in the Matrix movies themselves, the way that the robots are attacked is - you guessed it - EMP Pulses! The writers seem blissfully unaware that the only reason we even knew about EMPs in the first place, for them to make use of as a device in their movie, was through the first nuclear explosions!


btimsah said:
Secondly, there are documented government cases involving a UFO rendering missles useless. Ironically, the government line in those cases is the same as what I read the debunker's say.

"UFO'S Don't exist, even though we don't know if they do".
Rather like the way a non-EMP causing nuclear blast can not appear in a movie in which EMPs are used to disable robots and electronics, the paragraph I've cited there does not make any sense, btimsah. If the government states that UFOs do not exist (not something they've ever actually said, but lets say that their position amounts to the same thing) then there can not be a "documented government case of a UFO rendering missiles useless", can there? Either the documented government case says a UFO rendered a missile useless in which case the government can't deny the existence of UFOs, or they say there are no UFOs in which case the government can't document a case of one, can they?
Firstly, UFO's are "Unidenfied Flying Objects" which also usually means because they are "Unidenfied" they don't necessarily have to be an "Object" and in turn because they aren't physical in form they can hardly be "Flying".

However you could suggest that a UFO event could percievably occur at the same time as electronics being disrupted, but this could be down to the nature of what the UFO is actually created from.

I have an experiment you can try in a tub of water.

Water is basically just a "denser atmosphere", thats why it works so well with the explaination. If you cup your hand and move it through the water you can create an "eddy", basically a kind of twist from the physical motion and applied forces through the atmospheric pressure to create a funnel.

Now this won't mean much to you unless you apply a light from above (like turning your room light on), the light will shine down through the water and through a mixture of "Defraction" and the fact that the funnel is transparent, it still generates a shadow on the base of your tub.

The question here is what would you see if you looked up from the bottom of the tub at the funnel? Where in "air", you will not necessarily see the funnel unless you are in a particular alignment with regards to light. Theres other factors about Thermodynamics to draw into the equation, for instance the centre of the funnel could contain warm rising air, which has the usual qualities of distorting the passage of light.

There is then the more "Conspiracy" explaination for a few UFO's that involves the matrix of multiple Radar dopplers attempting to follow the passage of craft that can produce alterations in atmospheric pressure. (Notibly too if a plane turns, it generates such a torrent that will seem to vear off at incredible speeds in directions that planes can't manovre.)

There is on top of that those that want to generate such radiological abnormalities for use in "deception" either military wise or publically. Such "Matrices" would potentially encourage electromagnetic's use to help "Stiffen space" in the area that was being manipulated.

As for EMP, Admittedly there is a method to generate an Electromagnetic Pulse through the explosion of Nuclear devices, I believe there were a few tests of exploding such weapons outside of our atmosphere to generate such pulses and is the main reason most large computer departments have been brought up to "Cage" their computers against such occurances. (Also it is known for such pulses to occur from Sunspot activity)

People tend to think that EMP will blow your circuitry apart, however thats untrue. What EMP is likely to do is at a high level generate a "Permenant magnet" out of your circuitry, which as you can guess, isn't good. (especially in the cases of RAM)

At small doses, it can just cause your systems to reboot or fail. (Notibly a lightening storm in the local area knocked my router out so I couldn't use the internet while the lightening was raging, however my router still works.)
From what I have read, it appears that disruption of electronics is a by product of the propulsion system. That is just from reading various sighting stories.

Thats making many many assumptions, one being that UFOs actually exist.
this has happened to my friend. (His Landcruiser was disabled on 85 North, Atlanta while he was driving to airport).The battery was found to be drained, the car was just a month old and a new one.