Can someone help me with Sciwriters diagrams?

These diagrams are .....

  • based on standard scientific assumptions

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • misrepresenting standard scientific assumptins

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • a result of a fertile imaginatin coupled with the odd scientific term

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • the sort of stuff that should be strictly relegated to the pseudoscience forum

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters





personally I went for #4.
I voted for "a result of a fertile imaginatin coupled with the odd scientific term" since that is their present stage of development. The terms are more cognitive than scientific, but for space, matter, and time. It's an overall sketch of the framework of the basic notion.

It may even be almost too trivial and simple in its individual fields combined levels, but there is also the overall structure leading to the qualities of being; however, LG couldn't even get that far, being stuck at square one, plus he even failed on the 4 primary forces one about the weak, strong, electric, and magnetic forces.
I have strictly relegated this thread to the pseudoscience forum.

The diagrams are basically useless as science. If you're into psychedelic colours then you might get a kick out of them.
Mind Maps (or concepts maps) can be used to help frame a research question, plan an essay or a literature search, or take notes in a meeting. The maps are a way of representing information in a visual format that is similar to the way the brain itself maps concepts; i.e. in a non-linear, interconnected view. Mind Maps make use of colour, images and symbols to help stimulate the brain’s recall.

One way to implement a Mind Map in your research process is to use the map to state what you already know about a particular topic. The map can then help you identify the gaps in your knowledge. You can also use Mind Maps to plan a literature search – using images as well as search terms could help stimulate other alternative terms or synonyms. If you annotate the Mind Map as your search progresses you will be able to see how you achieved your end result. Details on this application of Mind Maps can be found in Sheila Webber’s paper ‘Mapping a path to the empowered searcher’.

The leading authority on mind maps is Tony Buzan. You may want to read his book, Use Your Head (1989), for further details of how Mind Maps can be used in a variety of situations. Buzan suggests the following basic rules for creating Mind Maps.

1. Start with a coloured image in the centre of your sheet of paper.
2. Use plenty of images throughout your Mind Map.
3. Words should be printed in capital letters.
4. Printed words should be on lines and each line should be connected to other lines. This will give structure to your Mind Map.
5. Words should be printed one word per line.
6. Use colours as they help memory recall and stimulate creativity.
7. Be as spontaneous as possible. Don’t pause or think about it, just explode on to the paper.

This is the basic formula for SW's pictures, although he doesn't follow it all too closely.
Those pictures are also an excellent example how, with the help of a method, one can make something out of nothing, which is, incidentally, also his contention!
I have strictly relegated this thread to the pseudoscience forum.

Please move it back and keep it in the science forums.

SciWriter keeps making the claim that he is being scientific. He needs to be shown that this is not so - and this cannot be done in the pseudoscience forums.
Please move it back and keep it in the science forums.

SciWriter keeps making the claim that he is being scientific. He needs to be shown that this is not so - and this cannot be done in the pseudoscience forums.

Straight out wrong, as I already said that this particular notion is not at any scientific stage, so don't be dishonest by mixing it in. Shame on you and your tactics. Try again, and in the proper place.
The thread will remain linked to Physics for the next 3 days.

What does that mean? Plus it is not physics at this stage. If it was I would have placed the notion there in the first place. It is only LG who wishes it to be there.

It's proper place as its own thread is in free thoughts, where I began it, I hope, as it is not of UFOs, abductions, or the paranormal of the pseudoscience genre, nor it is even science, nor may it ever be so. It portrays a simple and almost trivial scheme of the way that being seems to be arranged and seemingly of the basics of space, time, and matter. It would even need more to count as philosophy.
SciWriter keeps making the claim that he is being scientific. He needs to be shown that this is not so

Then do it where he is being scientific, if in a science thread, or where he is using philosophy, if a philosophy thread, with some science used along side.

Ask, questions, get clarifications, or show the contrary and refuting philosophy or science, as the case may be, in those threads, using details and specifics rather than broad brush generalizations of not whatever. Show him that it is not so.
Clues to the diagram of what it represents:

There are appearances of lumps of matter (stuff) in a place of space, some of them in motion, whether the space is here on Earth, in outer space, or mentally as internally representations of the external. While space and matter may ultimately be very similar at the microscopic level, at functional life level they are an oppositional pair because we can clearly arrange stuff in space(s), such as furniture, or see stuff such as an animal walking or a leaf falling, and so space is the opposite of stuff. Being of any kind of life at the humongous or very tiny levels could be tough or even impossible.
Space is the where of existence and matter is the what, this what in the where usually having a clear distinction. The motion of the what of stuff through the where of space makes for the other, transitional pair of then and when for that stuff changing place, the notions of past and future, of what was and what will be.

The oppositional and transitional pairs of space vs. matter and motion or change granting the time from past and future are the four foundational bases of the pyramid of being, with life becoming the blend of all, with is similar in scheme to the forces pyramid in which gravity became as the blend of the weak force vs. strong force opposition and the electric to magnetic and back transition.

Anyway, all this gets incorporated into the necessary nature of progressive being, for being must evolve to match what is if it is to survive, meaning that being could hardly be much different than it is.

The actual rearrangement of matter to be started and completed as the future comes to pass is a progression, one that hopefully began and is kept track of via the wishes that become of the mental projection in the space of the future, all of the preceding melding into vision, for lack of a better word.

On the other side of the future, which is the past, we had that the matter of the past constitutes history, along with our remembrance of it being as made of a mental space of the past, both history and remembrance aided by diagrams perhaps, but ever themselves combining into learning.

As for remembrance and wishes that operate in space, they in combination lead to the change in outlook that makes a difference, while the history and progression that are of matter combine into the actual change in a matter structure built or rearranged.

Vision and change in structure make for more excellent planning, while learning and change in structure provides creativity, learning and a change of outlook providing direction, and a change in outlook with vision providing for growth, all these in union making for a fine and complete being.

Simple and perhaps nearly trivial, but altogether shown as become from space, matter, and time. Not science, not yet. Free thoughts stage.
It means that the thread appears in both the Physics and Pseudoscience topic lists for 3 days.

I'll take it as someone else grabbing my idea for themselves out of much lower forum and applying it to the wrong and higher forum of science. Perhaps they will next outdo themselves and promote some of my art from the art thread to science for a few days, or even higher than that.
The poll is a chance for those who are comfortable that they know something to take a shot at someone who claims to know nothing. It is art in words and pictures and can be applied to any topic.

He could even make art out of an award for the best put-down of the art of nothing, I bet.
Many of us are, however, in agreement about the LSD nature of SciWriter's pictures.
That's something! :D

Enjoy the LSD-like trip, safely, without fear of of jumping our of a window or of the panic-attack side effects afterward. Use of primary colors is the key to some of the pictures. Too bad I was never a hippie, for then I could have done some real LSD pictures.