Can Someone Explain?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
If the Bible is metaphorical then why are things like supernatural beings, places and events taken at face value? How can anyone be sure the aforementioned plus some selected passages are beyond human comprehension but the rest of the book isn't?
The Bible is a Mix. It was designed that way so that people who use one method would be put on a pathway that leads nowhere, while others who use an opposing method would likewise be lead nowhere, It is true that Not all passages are understandable. But when the time comes when it is necessary for that passage to be understood then the Holy Spirit will unlock that understanding into the minds of those who are guided.

The key to the Bible is not literalism or any other "ism", it is the Holy Spirit.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
The Bible is a Mix. It was designed that way so that people who use one method would be put on a pathway that leads nowhere, while others who use an opposing method would likewise be lead nowhere, It is true that Not all passages are understandable. But when the time comes when it is necessary for that passage to be understood then the Holy Spirit will unlock that understanding into the minds of those who are guided.

The key to the Bible is not literalism or any other "ism", it is the Holy Spirit.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

M*W: The bible is a mix, eh? Sounds to me like it leads in every direction but "nowhere!"
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: The bible is a mix, eh? Sounds to me like it leads in every direction but "nowhere!"

Well for people who are proud and have no love for the truth, yeah it leads them nowhere.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Well for people who are proud and have no love for the truth, yeah it leads them nowhere.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

That means you, Adstar! You are not being led to the truth!
Medicine Woman said:

That means you, Adstar! You are not being led to the truth!

M*W: That means, you, yes you, are not lead to the truth! You are the abomination that the OT was talking about. You are an abomination to the Lord. Go figure!
ITS because no matter how inspired.....

all scripture.. all... ALL... is written by men.
Often just one man at a time.

thats whats wrong with it...... and it cannot be fixed.

what you, as an idividual must due, is sift threw the pages of trash, to find the GOLD..... AND THE gold is far and in-between, often.

one place you are sure to find all GOLD, is in the quotes of JESUS...

Some people take the entire Bible literally. It seems to be a matter of individual interpretation; I don't know why each church takes whichever specific parts literally, though.
Mosheh Thezion said:
one place you are sure to find all GOLD, is in the quotes of JESUS...
yes lets look at some of these golden statements.
"But anyone who says 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell." (Jesus) Mat 5:22

then this

"You fools!" (Jesus) Luke 11:40
"You blind fools!" (Jesus) Mat 23:17
"How foolish you are" (Jesus) Luke 24:25

even god makes that mistake

"But God said to him, 'You fool!' " (Jesus) Luke 12:20

yes the purest of gold(sarcasm)

"If I testify about myself, my testimony is not valid." (John 5:31)

to this

"Jesus answered: Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid." (John 8:14)

yes he is one golden orator(sarcasm)

some more nuggets

"And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth." (Matthew 28:18)

to this

"the whole world is under control of the evil one." (1 John 5:19)

And Jesus said, "For judgement I am come into this world." (John 9:39)

to this

"I came not to judge the world" (John 12:47)

the wisest of wise(sarcasm)
PsychoticEpisode said:
If the Bible is metaphorical then why are things like supernatural beings, places and events taken at face value? How can anyone be sure the aforementioned plus some selected passages are beyond human comprehension but the rest of the book isn't?

Religious Revelation has not stopped with the Bible.

If all we had was the Bible, then we could suspect it all of being invention and legend.

But we have documentation of Saints and Miracle Workers, of Angels and Divine Apparitions going even into Modern Times.

So, if Miracles and Divine Revelations are true today... being practically in yesterday's newspapers... then they are just as likely to be true when cited in the Bible.

Which is not to say that the Bible should not be read with some degree of scholarly discernment. But it is idiotic to disqualify the Bible simply because one is entirely ignorant of Spiritual Things and of Spiritual History. Like a person claiming that Elephants must be legendary animals, like unicorns, only because they've never bothered visiting a zoo or giving credance to any of hundreds or thousands of Nature Books.
PsychoticEpisode said:
If the Bible is metaphorical then why are things like supernatural beings, places and events taken at face value? How can anyone be sure the aforementioned plus some selected passages are beyond human comprehension but the rest of the book isn't?

Nothing in it is beyond human comprehension, but most if it is beyond ordinary human comprehension. A prophet sees the Bible totally different than an everyday Christian does, and his views might seem like "blasphemy" to Christians. And yeah, the Bible is not only metaphorical, it's a mix. For example, the Garden of Eden story is metaphorical yet it's a real event; astrologically, spiritually and physically...
I keep my bible in the john, if I run out of toilet paper, at least I can use the most valuable part of the bible "the paper!" Rough on the ass though! LOL
Godless said:
I keep my bible in the john, if I run out of toilet paper, at least I can use the most valuable part of the bible "the paper!" Rough on the ass though! LOL

Ann Coulter's books also make good ass wipe, if nothing else.
geeser said:
yes lets look at some of these golden statements.
"But anyone who says 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell." (Jesus) Mat 5:22

then this

"You fools!" (Jesus) Luke 11:40
"You blind fools!" (Jesus) Mat 23:17
"How foolish you are" (Jesus) Luke 24:25

even god makes that mistake

"But God said to him, 'You fool!' " (Jesus) Luke 12:20

yes the purest of gold(sarcasm)

"If I testify about myself, my testimony is not valid." (John 5:31)

to this

"Jesus answered: Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid." (John 8:14)

yes he is one golden orator(sarcasm)

some more nuggets

"And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth." (Matthew 28:18)

to this

"the whole world is under control of the evil one." (1 John 5:19)

And Jesus said, "For judgement I am come into this world." (John 9:39)

to this

"I came not to judge the world" (John 12:47)

the wisest of wise(sarcasm)

THE WAY, you cut up scripture ... 'out of context' is just what every modern preacher does.... maybe you missed your calling.

anyway.. dont do that.

only take a quote, in the context it is written, otherwise, you come up with very scued perspectives in the meaning of the words.

Mosheh Thezion said:
THE WAY, you cut up scripture ... 'out of context' is just what every modern preacher does.... maybe you missed your calling.

anyway.. dont do that.

only take a quote, in the context it is written, otherwise, you come up with very scued perspectives in the meaning of the words.

we all know what you people are like, and what to expect from you, heres a quote from godless in another thread today
Godless said:
Nova; the usual theistic answer to those quotes is: "OUT OF CONTEXT" so JME(subsitute your name here) is so brain washed that he defends his bsbiblerhetoricalcrap even though it supports slavery, baby killing, stoning wifes, etc..

Remember everytime we throw a verse from bsbiblerhetoricalcrap at them, they will in turn say, that what the quote is "OUT OF CONTEXT" observe.

you people are so predictable, and laughable.