Can somebody explain this? (Mars Rover Image)


A link was posted to one of those Mars-crazed fansites on scifourms which led to these rather interesting, yet stupid pics of questionable Mars rocks. Along the way, I stumbled across this undeniably fake pic of a mars rock with writing on it! Obviously a fake, I payed it little mind. But out of curiosity, I decided to go find the image in question at the NASA website itself. That's when I found it...

Up, and to the slight left of the rover is a strange looking rock. You'll see it. Zoom, and what I'm talking about will become clear. Could someone explain this to me? What the hell is that? Are those really numbers on a Martian rock?

JD (And for the record, you can go to and look up the pics for yourself and see the same exact thing)
There is another image posted by fluid1959 that does catch my eye. It "looks" like
a piece of machined metal. It is in the center of the picture, kind of a C shape with
what seems to be machining done on the bottom also. Just looks odd.
Well providing a link to the actual image in question would help JDawg, otherwise it's just a claim as anyother that there is something unusual about rocks. I just wonder how much bandwidth NASA actually has for all these people pulling pictures of rocks.
I see a small rock with a marking that resembles "794" or something like that.

If it is on the actual image, then most likely it's a coincidence. Looking at the other rocks in the photo, one can see where the surfaces are "scraped," probably by the balloons. The rock in question is slightly angled with the "written" face toward the lander/rover, making it more likely to be from the balloons or from the rover itself.

Also, that the "writing" resembles modern Hindu-Arabic numerals is telling of our ability to see patterns in things. We're anthropocentric by nature and expect "alien life" to look/act like us. Truthfully, we don't know what an alien intelligence might act or look like. I certainly doubt that they've adopted an Hindu-Arabic form of numbers.

But consider this. If the patterns of the scrapes had resembled Korean numbers, would you have noticed the pattern?
Yeah, I'll give this image credit. It does appear to have writing on it. Frankly, this is the only image shown thus far, to me anyway, that has the appearance of something unusual. However, I think "appearance" would be the key word here. If you look at the image closely enough...I don't think this to be anything more then a coincidence of illusion. The "numbers" are clearly not formed in an intentional manner. The "7" has an extended horizontal line, making it looking more like and offset "T". The "9" has a fairly clear break in the loop of the design, making it appear more like an inverted C character on a vertical (slightly skewed) line..and the "4" is really too irregular in shape to be any true number.

Upon further magnification, you can trace the topography of the rock by following the shading and irregular "ridge" intersects with and influences the appearance of the "characters".

This is more intersting then anything fluid has shown us. At least something appears to be there... even if it is a coincidence.
Yes, even if it is just our brains trying to identify something chaotic (like the WTC face), there is something interesting there. Now, if the rock was flatter, more metallic, we'd really have something. Perhaps they aren't really arabic characters at all. I think that if that really was writing the likelihood of it being human would be fairly low. There are explanations, time travel, transport, etcetera, but I think that the shapes being made by alien hands would be a bit easier to stomach.
heh... another explanation is that the sound stage rocks are all numbered so the stage-crew can keep them in exactly the same spot for each shot. One of the crewmembers accidently left a rock turned over.... :)
Just remember
If you kick of the rock and ruin NASA's hoax, you are Bob
Also, that the "writing" resembles modern Hindu-Arabic numerals is telling of our ability to see patterns in things. We're anthropocentric by nature and expect "alien life" to look/act like us. Truthfully, we don't know what an alien intelligence might act or look like. I certainly doubt that they've adopted an Hindu-Arabic form of numbers.

Well, upon closer inspection, they looks like characters of some sort, not so much like numbers. But I'm not sure about wanting to see things in rocks, simply because I wasn't looking for anything to begin with. But my god, that rock stands out like a sore thumb. And I'm no conspiricy theorist, so I'm not saying the government is covering anything up here, and the fact that these pics were open to the public knowing the posibility of people freaking out over that frame just proves to me that they aren't hiding a damn thing. They may be scratches, or shadows, or natural indentations in the stone, for sure. But this rock looks like it has some artificial markings of some sort on it, and that really can't be denied, whatever conclusion you come up with.

I'd really like hear NASA comment on it.

But consider this. If the patterns of the scrapes had resembled Korean numbers, would you have noticed the pattern?

Of course I would have. Have you looked at the picture? It's not what's marked on the rock, it's that the rock is marked. Those indentations (or whatever they are) are markedly darker than the rest of the rock, and clearly visible from a distance. And your theory doesn't fit, because you say they look like Hindu-Aramic numerals...I don't even have the foggiest what Hindu-Aramic numerals look like. So I don't think it would have mattered what the "marks" look like. I think they would be noticeable to anyone.

JD doesn't say 796 says 788..I mean clearely anyone with eyes can see that.....duh..

you whackos believe everything you see...
JDawg said:
It's not what's marked on the rock, it's that the rock is marked. Those indentations (or whatever they are) are markedly darker than the rest of the rock, and clearly visible from a distance.

Of course it's marked. Take a look at the airbag impressions made by Opportunity in recent photo[/i]. That was in sand. Imagine what the effect would be on the dust covered rocks where Spirit is.

J said:

These are Hindu-Arabic numerals:
7 9 4

J said:
So I don't think it would have mattered what the "marks" look like. I think they would be noticeable to anyone.

It's just pattern recognition. The rocks directly in front of the rover and to the right also had the dust removed from their surfaces. Only these rocks where probably flatter and didn't have the raised areas that the rock in question did. It's an optical illusion brought on by human expectation... nothing more.
Two potential answers, if that indeed is on the NASA site.

1: The Rover marked a rock it looked at
2: A rock looked at was marked on the image by a NASA employee and found it's way into the released images.

I think some of number 2 will be the more likely, someone has placed the number one afterwards, it's not actually on the rock.
If you look at Skinwalker's last posted pic, look in the right-hand lower corner. That rock looks like it's marked with a "1". Right below the equiment arm. But if you look in pictures taken with the sun lower in the horizon, the "1" becomes rather distorted like the shadow is changing. I'm guessing the same thing is happening to the other rocks as well as the same sort of effects show up. This proves that what we are seeing on the rocks is an optical illusion of shadow effects.