Can psychics really see the past/future?


Registered Member
I’m sure everyone has seen the signs for “$5 Psychic Readings” in their town or while traveling elsewhere. What I wanted to discuss here were your thoughts on using psychics for more than just personal entertainment, more specifically in police and detective work.

There’s been documented cases in the past where police haven’t been able to solve a crime, at which point they turn to a psychic for help. What I find the most interesting is when the psychics they hire actually solve the case.

What are your thoughts on this? What about using psychics to help solve some of the current investigations (such as the Peterson or Hacking trials?)

I’m not an expert myself on the topic, but I’ve been learning a bit more from a new show on Court TV called Psychic Detectives. It’s on Wednesday’s at 9:30pm in case you want to watch it too.

~ Marysol
Not sure this belongs in Pseudoscience, but welcome to the forums.
Many cases of help from "gifted ones" or those that have trained their cognitive senses to such a degree that they can detect things others can't are well documented.
Various police departments have collected statistics on how often psychics have helped in investigations. Those which have done so have found that, on average, psychics are no help at all. And in the odd cases where they have proven to be helpful, there has been no evidence that they used any mystical power to help.
When I was younger, about 17. There was a 2mo. period that I had several dreams that came true. They all happened just like I dreamed them, execpt for one. (The last one).And by believing that it was going to come true I saved my folks lives.Because my father believed me and took my advice. What was strainge about it all was that it was all bad stuff that was going to happen, usually within a few days after dreaming it. I don't know why it all happened or why it stoped.
NanAutaben: I've had similar experiences, though mine were not as specific as yours.

If you ever have similar dreams occur, I'd recommend keeping a dream journal so that you can have a written record of the dreams if/when they do occur in "real life". I have been successful in convinsing some friends/family with the use of dated and handwritten dream journals over the past 15 years. I have no ability to control it, though, so no crime-solving for me ;)

Most of the 'Psychics' I have met, however, have been 'crap'.
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Ah but Mr.G The nature of the universe and Causality would *Know* you did, otherwise you wouldn't have done it again. The point here is that if someone could see the universe through Causality and the nature of destiny then you would have been "Predicted" as posting.

However Chaos is a funny thing that many people in the scientific community are still trying to understand, so the fact is that the universe *Might* have at one point been natural in the way of things following a destiny outline but through science it's possible that a paradox could be created and the Destiny that once was, no longer is.

The question then is what happens to the person who's Multiversed self has been built up on this Destiny re-occurance, since suddenly they are no longer on the path that the universe had planned for them so they have to *rally* themselves to a different path.
But that's because no one cares
I'm thinking you just happened to stumble onto the truth of the matter in your irrational haste to insult me, and then missed it at the same time, too.

I laughing. How about you?


Yeah. Chaos can be funny. It can also be disturbing. Consider asking for intervention. ;)
Look! The pyramid, it's opening.

Which one?

The one with the ever-widening hole.

No, son. Don't go in there. It's got spiders and bees. You might poke your eyes out.

I'm going in anyway, mom. There's a vacancy.
Mr. G said:

I'm thinking you just happened to stumble onto the truth of the matter in your irrational haste to insult me, and then missed it at the same time, too.

I laughing. How about you?


Yeah. Chaos can be funny. It can also be disturbing. Consider asking for intervention. ;)

Actually, I wasn't trying to insult you. I thought my rational joke was rather laughed.
Anyone can see the past - Go see a movie or read history....But those people who have dreams of the future - how can you validate if that future is 300 years ahead?
It would be impossible to validate a future that is supposedly ahead by hundreds of years, afterall could you validate a future that was 5 minutes (1 hour or a couple of days).

If someone has a premonition that a loved one is in danger in a dream and they eventually find themselves suffering the instance of Deja vu, they will alter what could have occured originally by stopping them from putting themselves in danger.

This now means that what would of occured, no longer occurs and that paradox causes the universe to change because of it.

If someone saw something 300 years in the future, or potentially bumped into a time traveller from there, there is the possibility that any forms of interaction and action based upon what they know of the future would change how the eventual universe transpires, so that future is now an "Alternate" one.

(This is why its suggested the Grandfather paradox would just create a parallel alternative and therefore not make a person "meeting" their grandfather disappear if it influenced their Grandfather not to meet their Grandmother)
The United States government disbanned their Pyschic Warrior program, supposedly, or dug themselves into a deeper darker crevice, supposedly because of unreliability. Slight change in variables causes a change in the outcome.