Can I be converted?


Registered Senior Member
I see alot of people converting to christianity in here... this must be on account of some pretty good arguments for the existance of God. I would like to hear these arguments.
I disagree

This is easier to understand if you are stoned or have been lobotomized
As a stoner, I have to say that the wavelength of that blue is particularly annoying.

I think the fascination with big blue letters is a sign of either lobotomization or else an elevation of human spite and self-righteousness.


This is the best the current atheists can do. With no arguments of substance, they've resorted to performance art based on someone who isn't, at present, here. This is just their electronic version of blackface or other stupid condemnation. When I was 16, a friend and I had a joke called "Polish Lane Change" where you would put on your left turn signal and then sweep right across the freeway onto an exit at the last minute. When people asked us what we were doing, we would reply "Polish lane change"°. Thinking back, if anyone asked Al Jolson what he was doing, "Being a Nigger" would have sufficed, but we generally hold such behavior, when motivated by spite, in distrust. Leave the angry selfish people to their big blue letters and the rest of us will think about things more important. I could walk around and ask people if they've heard the good news of Christ yet, and if they say yes, I can tell them how stupid they are, and how much they need to fucking die. I'll shout it, loudly and profanely, in their children's faces, and when someone asks me what I'm doing, I'll say I'm being an atheist.

On the other hand, it's been interesting. Just sit back, watch, and wait for any one of them to have a point. It doesn't come up too often, so you can do other things while you want.

Incidentally, speaking of large green letters, have you seen Batman Beyond yet? A whole new Justice League, including a small, floating, Buddhist Green Lantern.

Tiassa :cool:


° Polish jokes: I never actually understood where they came from. In Seattle, they're replaced by the kinder-spirited "Norwegian joke". I only say "kinder-spirited" because the best Norwegian jokes come from people with Norwegian heritage. Of course, they can't quite take themselves seriously when they've got the Leif Erickson Community Hall right next to the Viking Bank. But the "Polish lane change" was an arbitrarily derogatory joke for which I have no real justification.
this must be on account of some pretty good arguments for the existance of God.
Well i was very convinced by the potato theory. Actually im sure that article was a joke and i posted it as a joke so i wouldn't worry to much about that.

Xev was only imitating FoxMulder.
Actually, the big blue letters are an imitation of one of our Christian-advocate posters who is no longer here. Mulder is a latecomer, comparatively. The big blue letters, essentially, are people making fun of the mentally ill.

It's why I'm so impressed by the intelligence of it.

Tiassa :cool:
I really really really really would like to follow FoxMulder for one day. I want to know if he is for real. I don't believe he is. The way he acts about Cthuluh is too weird. He is faking it. I do not question his beliefs, but he overdoes it.

Man, come clean with us! :)

I think the fascination with big blue letters is a sign of either lobotomization or else an elevation of human spite and self-righteousness... It's why I'm so impressed by the intelligence of it.
It's called harmless fun. Very simple. No ulterior motives. Just fun.
Originally posted by A4Ever
I really really really really would like to follow FoxMulder for one day. I want to know if he is for real. I don't believe he is. The way he acts about Cthuluh is too weird. He is faking it. I do not question his beliefs, but he overdoes it.

Man, come clean with us! :)
ooooh, Cthulhu the ancient God spun from H.P. Lovecrafts mythos.

We throw things that well, anger know?

Who's in?
On a finishing note I'd like to point out that my big blue letters are BIGGER!!!
"Oh wow, I'm having fun mocking the mentally ill."

Whatever comes around, goes around. Don't get fuckin pissed if people mock your asses.

Simply said :)