Can god be considerd a atheist?


Valued Senior Member
God is most often conceived of as the supernatural creator and overseer of humans and the universe. Further things that people generally agree on is that he's omnipotent and omnisient and arguable good.

However people also generally agree that he doesn't believe that he himself had a supernatural creator witch is basicly the difinition of a atheist.

So could god be considerd a atheist or at least non disclosing on his own theological believes? If not why not?
God is most often conceived of as the supernatural creator and overseer of humans and the universe. Further things that people generally agree on is that he's omnipotent and omnisient and arguable good.

However people also generally agree that he doesn't believe that he himself had a supernatural creator witch is basicly the difinition of a atheist.

So could god be considerd a atheist or at least non disclosing on his own theological believes? If not why not?

That's a good question, but do we also assume that God would even think of himself as God? If you answer yes, then God does believe in God and would not be atheist.
However people also generally agree that he doesn't believe that he himself had a supernatural creator witch is basicly the difinition of a atheist.

You'll find that a lot of theists will object to the suggestion that it is even possible for there to have been something preceding God since he is the ultimate uncaused cause of all things, and further suggest that you would be refusing to examine the concept of God as so defined if you suggested that the nature of his existence is such that the question of why he exists or how he came to be is something that can be legitimately explored. In other words, how can one suggest that God is atheistic about the possibility that there may have been something more primary, more fundamental, more infinite and more eternal than himself when he is by definition already the ultimate and perfect embodiment of such things? So no, God is not an atheist because it's not possible for there to be anything for him to be atheistic in regard to.

Of course I think that the only thing that the concept of God actually embodies is a wonderfully convenient circular immunity.
God was Himself and intact as long as He could remember, which was for eternity, and so He is still trying to remember. He wonders why it is He who has this free ride as the Boss, never having worked for or earned his xxx-given talent. He knows not why or how He came to be.

He is also like a 500 pound guy sitting around on a cloud who can blow things up whenever He wants, but that is just me making things up.
Didn't god only made the observable?

That's a good question, but do we also assume that God would even think of himself as God? If you answer yes, then God does believe in God and would not be atheist.
Well he would believe in himself and I assume if he did create the universe he has a pretty good idea on how he did it (even if it sounds to magic to us) and he could if necesairy repeat the proces. Meaning it would be difficult for him to even grasp the concept of faith and it would has as much meaning for him as death does to a inmortal... something other things do
God is most often conceived of as the supernatural creator and overseer of humans and the universe. Further things that people generally agree on is that he's omnipotent and omnisient and arguable good.

However people also generally agree that he doesn't believe that he himself had a supernatural creator witch is basicly the difinition of a atheist.

So could god be considerd a atheist or at least non disclosing on his own theological believes? If not why not?
I think there is a bit more to the atheist "package" than not attributing one's existence to a superior intelligence ....
God is most often conceived of as the supernatural creator and overseer of humans and the universe. Further things that people generally agree on is that he's omnipotent and omnisient and arguable good.

However people also generally agree that he doesn't believe that he himself had a supernatural creator witch is basicly the difinition of a atheist.

So could god be considerd a atheist or at least non disclosing on his own theological believes? If not why not?


Love it!

and what happens to us if he get's raptured up?
I think there is a bit more to the atheist "package" than not attributing one's existence to a superior intelligence ....

I believe a atheist to be someone who doesn't accept faith as a fact and will prefer to believe a testable methode over the tought that some deity is responsible over it.

and what happens to us if he get's raptured up?
Isn't that the meeting of christ? I suppose it would be like any other family visit, hopefully christ would be smart enough to not invite joseph and maria at the same time or it could get akward
God is most often conceived of as the supernatural creator and overseer of humans and the universe. Further things that people generally agree on is that he's omnipotent and omnisient and arguable good.

However people also generally agree that he doesn't believe that he himself had a supernatural creator witch is basicly the difinition of a atheist.

So could god be considerd a atheist or at least non disclosing on his own theological believes? If not why not?

Why do you ask?