Can experiences in dreams equate to life experience?

Dr Lou Natic

Unnecessary Surgeon
Registered Senior Member
I think so in a less then 100% way.
For example I feel like I have experienced hardship because I have been tortured in dreams, but i realise it is not the same as if I got tortured in real life. Waking up and realising it was a dream takes away alot, but you can still relate.
It is still something, it is more experience than if I hadn't dreamed I had been tortured at all.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
I agree. Even more to the point, dreams which leave you shaken, often have a root in real life, and probably this is why they can shake you so much. I have had dramatic and weird dreams that did not bother me at all, and others, much less dramatical, that freaked me out all day. The difference was their bearing on my actual life.

Originally posted by MRC_Hans
I have had dramatic and weird dreams that did not bother me at all, and others, much less dramatical, that freaked me out all day.
I know exactly what you mean. I have had dreams where I get killed but they were sort of light hearted and no big deal and then I have had dreams where someone is merely looking through my window or something and they are extremely creepy and disturbing.
Some dreams just have a nasty feel to them even though nothing really nasty is happening.

BTW I can now see how the title of this thread is misleading.
Let me guess you thought I was going to talk about what our dreams say about real life experience or something like that? How our dreams relate to experiences we have had?
Well no I mean does dreaming an experience have the same effect as living an experience, Or at least some meaningful effect even if to a lesser degree than truely living it?
Yes, I think so. Especially in the realm of entertaiment. I have certainly had dreams that were more interesting than some of the TV shows I have seen ;).

Dreams can also occasionally give you an insight that you did not have while awake.

I sometimes dream I can fly. It is a very vivid and exhilarating experience that I usually enjoy. I know it is not real, but, well it makes me feel I have tried it anyway :).

Originally posted by MRC_Hans
I sometimes dream I can fly. It is a very vivid and exhilarating experience that I usually enjoy. I know it is not real, but, well it makes me feel I have tried it anyway :).
OMG yes
Dude I have dreamed the exact same thing and yes that is a perfect example.
I feel like I have flown. I have gotten a run up and jumped and flown around.
I had a dream once that I went back to my home town and I was leaping around the streets like a ninja but i could also fly so i'd like do ridiculously awesome manuveurs just all over the place in front of all the people I used to know and they were like "damn, he's sure made something of himself" lol, just cause I could fly and jump around like a gymnast I'm a huge success.
But anyway yeah in that dream I could lift off and fly and now I feel like I have experienced flying under my own power. It was seriously freaking awesome.

The realisation that it was a dream takes away certain attributes that only true life experiences have, like other people knowing about it, the good and bad consequences etc, but to me personally it is another experience under the belt just like any other.
Same with many things like being shot in the head and killing other people and being in bizarre worlds etc.
So many things I have experienced in my dreams and have woken up somehow more of a person because of them.
I believe so. Sometimes I dream im practicing at something and then the next time I try it for real I'm actually improved significantly. :eek:
Dreams are a manifestation of your psyche, all your thoughts during the day everything your subcontious attached itself to is relived during dreaming.
Therefore you can learn incredibly much about your self and the diverse and dualistic nature of your personality by observing yourself, not only when awake but especialy when asleep.
If you have never been outwardly angry during the day, but find yourself fighting in a fit of anger in a dream what does this say about your inner personality? Also if you find yourself in unusual sexual situations what does this say about your inner desires and fetishes. Perhaps you will find elements which you truely long to change?

Also gaining concious control over you dreams is a very interesting process, it is this that happens when you for example fly in your dream.
I had a dream once where I had shot a woman just for the thrill. In my dream I thought "Hah hah, I just shot this b*tch and there's nothing anybody can do about it. She was just an anonymous person in a city of millions."

I woke up feeling so guilty. It haunted me throughout the day. I swear I could still feel the weight of the pistol in my hand. I got nervous every time I saw a cop. I rationalized it, reminding myself that it was only a dream, that I hadn't actually killed anybody. But I couldn't shake the feeling that I had done something so terribly wrong. It drove me up the walls for about a day or so. I finally had a dream where I turned myself in for it. I woke up actually feeling like I had redeemed myself somehow.

That was a scary experience.
Maybe it's just like the ''13th level''? :D

However that would mean I am just a computer program :eek:

/This is a revolution of the mind.
