Can anyone explain to me why such a huge difference in sentencing?


Registered Senior Member
It seems to me only in the USA do people charged with such crimes get such long sentences… Glad I don’t live and pay taxes in the USA…

Man is facing 40 years of prison for only the child porn charges in this USA case?

Noyes faces up to 40 years in prison if he is convicted of the child pornography charges.

Story can be linked here:

Another man with over 250,000 images of child porn and a distribution system that reached across 30 countries gets sentenced to 3 years and 9 months…..

Story can be linked here:
I believe it has to do with the number of charges along with how many strikes. By strikes I am talking about the law three strikes and its a life sentence. Also remember that law is "blind", ergo the blindfold on the statue.

Also the second guy doesn't even have a sentence. "Judge Michael Taylor gave him an indeterminate prison sentence, saying he must prove he is not a risk to society before he can be released."
You're absolutely right, child pornography is something Americans do NOT tolerate. It is punished severely! We're as schneeus as a really slutty coservadox. But really...we don't tolerate it, they're considering death penalty for it.
It seems to me only in the USA do people charged with such crimes get such long sentences… Glad I don’t live and pay taxes in the USA…

Man is facing 40 years of prison for only the child porn charges in this USA case?

Story can be linked here:

Another man with over 250,000 images of child porn and a distribution system that reached across 30 countries gets sentenced to 3 years and 9 months…..

Story can be linked here:

The two cases are hardly comparable.
In the American case, the "/m/an wanted to start /a/ society of sex slaves", as the first link says.
Child pornography is bad. Not quite death penalty material IMO, but certainly a long long sentence.
If someone is a paedophile, isn't it better that they receive their kicks on the web rather than actually going out and raping a child?
What I mean is, 40 years should be the sentence for the latter, rather than the former.
If someone is a paedophile, isn't it better that they receive their kicks on the web rather than actually going out and raping a child?
What I mean is, 40 years should be the sentence for the latter, rather than the former.

Either way, perverse behaviors should not be encouraged.
Either way, perverse behaviors should not be encouraged.

Encouragement will make no difference. If someone is a paedophile there is nothing that can change their sexual desires. It's whether they act on them or not that is the worrying thing.
Encouragement will make no difference. If someone is a paedophile there is nothing that can change their sexual desires. It's whether they act on them or not that is the worrying thing.

Nature or nurture? If it's nature, we live in a fucked up world, if its nurture, we are more fucked up than I thought :D
If someone is a paedophile, isn't it better that they receive their kicks on the web rather than actually going out and raping a child?
What I mean is, 40 years should be the sentence for the latter, rather than the former.

I agree although some will argue that viewing child porn on the web will lead to the rape behavior, it use to be said 10 will get you 20 but now its like 10 will get you life +...

Another factor is that simply just watching or viewing even still pictures of Child Porn there are still victims and they are the children even if they are in other parts of the world. I am against exploitation of anyone and even though I am against child porn I am honest enough to know that child porn will never be eliminated even if you lock up all the known Pedophiles, child porn will still exist and be made.

I find most people hypocrites about this topic as they sit and do nothing about Darfur and all the murder and child rape there but then scream at a naked picture of a child on the internet.

However in many third world countries they sell their children to rich Americans to do to them whatever they want.

I live in what many consider a third world country (where I live is not the issue of importance) but I have seen girls as young as 13 that are prostitutes and yes they love Americans as they are considered rich and desperately denied such activities in their own country but also Americans are a rarety here.

In the big city there are even places where teen prostitution is known to occur but nothing is done (even though there are laws prohibiting this) as the girls are not being forced and they cannot stop them, as soon as they remove one girl from the street another young girl shows up to take her place. The mothers even know and allow it in some cases; this is truly a sad situation unless you’re into sex with young girls. On Sunday nights all the young girls are out in the street being taught by the older girls how to walk the walk and talk the talk, I call them Hollywood girls and just laught at their ignorance.

Although Hollywood is a thousand miles away and I have never even been there I just assume these are Hollywood girls from what TV and movies I have seen, America is a hyicritical infulence IMO

What I see even more are 13 year old girls who deplore prostitution but yet they get pregnant with children and are single mothers by the age of 14 (this I see very often) and although I do not condone or agree with this behavior of young single teen mothers such behavior is somewhat accepted here and there are no registries or strict laws for even a 20 year old having sex with a 13 year old.

They frown on much older men having sex with young girls unless he has a lot of money and promises to help raise the child if the girl gets pregnant, (which he often doesn’t) but how ironic huh,its ok if you have money?

My point is that this society here seems to run fine without all the hype on sex offenders and offender registries, although some might argue this country doesn’t run well at all with all the drug cartels and murders But even America has a problem with murder, rape and even the gang MS 13 too
It seems to me only in the USA do people charged with such crimes get such long sentences… Glad I don’t live and pay taxes in the USA…

Man is facing 40 years of prison for only the child porn charges in this USA case?

Story can be linked here:

Another man with over 250,000 images of child porn and a distribution system that reached across 30 countries gets sentenced to 3 years and 9 months…..

Story can be linked here:

It's a big country. Lots of judges. Lots of juristictions.

Here's the issue with your cause: you want an unbending maxim: a rule that applies in all cases and has the same effect. The problem is that justice has to have a human understanding and that is done through judges and juries. No case is totally identical to another. Each case has to proced according to it's own merits and participants. Take that away and it loses all of its humanity.

If someone is a paedophile, isn't it better that they receive their kicks on the web rather than actually going out and raping a child?....

Do you really think watching a child get raped makes them not feel the need to rape a child?

Is that how regular porn works on men?
Do you really think watching a child get raped makes them not feel the need to rape a child?

Is that how regular porn works on men?

I will argue that porn does cause people to act out as it is proven with statistics, please don’t ask me for the statistics as I am too lazy tonight to look for them, it’s just a fact. I am thankful that I have never had a problem with porn and never been interested in it, however I had a friend and I saw firsthand how porn turned into an addiction for him and how it took over his life in a very negative way and caused problems in his marriage.

I personally don’t care if child porn didn’t cause people to want to go out and rape a child the simple fact remains that a child is needed to make the child porn and that is not a good thing.