Can anyone explain this?


Registered Senior Member
Greetings to all,
I was wondering if anyone knew anything about this or could put a name on what it is. Ever since I was a small child I seemed to experience the world in a different way from those around me. My parents noticed me interacting to beings and sensations that weren't really there. I can think of something and then my senses work as though that thing were really happening. For instance my daddy gave me sort of a funny look the other night when he caught me petting an invisible dog. Our dog Chester crossed the river in Sept. but when I thought of him I could feel his wiry coat. When I think of a food I can taste it as though it were a real food item. Sometimes I can think of a movie or event from the past and see it in a translucent form that I doubt others can see, or at least it doesn't seem like anyone else sees it. In a lot of ways it's a very positive thing, the sensations feel great and very realistic. That also works in negative ways as well though. I can't really use the oven because I can feel myself being burnt and just shut down. I can't handle that. I can also just think of starange things all of a sudden and it feels like it's happening(or like I think it would feel like). Today while I was in Walmart my mom was talking about getting a hacksaw to cut some metal to fix a cat cage. A few seconds later I felt like( how I think it would feel) a hacksaw had gone through my hand. Does anyone either experience this, know anything about it, or at least what it's called? Or am I just a little stranger than everybody I know thought? I will tell you that I'm very sane, a little eccentric but aren't we all? Thank you.
I would say extreme empathy, but it seems to go beyond even that.

You could go to a shrink and get to the bottom of it (get it worked out, learn to deal with it), but you have to keep something in mind...

I doubt you canget rid of the negative aspects of it and keep the positive aspects.

Is it worth dumping it all to get rid of the cons?
Yours is an interesting mind because you seem quite able to separate the these fixations (and feelings) your suffering from reality, seeing them for what they plainly are - a projection of your imagination. And a powerful one it is at that. I suspect your waking state sometimes might more resemble most other peoples dreams . . . quite amazing.

There is a developmental stage of the typical child or young juvinile where this (quite normal) understanding of the world peeks and then subsides as the conscious mind beguins to dominate the sub-conscious. This process is called developmental environmental re-association. It is a process that typically marks the end of childhood in a commonly developing mind.

In rare cases (for reasons not fully understood) this fails to happen. The results of this are quite varied. In the younger a disacociative personality can form accompanied by un-socialbe behaviour and even autism in the very young. At the other extream an individuals personality can infact be enhanced which tends to produce a prodigy by comparison. The late case would seem to be a result of an individual being able to make sense of the paradoxes and confussions that occur.

Interestingly enough a shizophrenic will experience many similar elements as you mention with the exception that thier reality and delusions aren't so easily distinguished.

Ignore however the stigmas attached to these 'disorders', each individual is unique, a degree of eccentricity is an invaluable assest for many reasons. Although unsettling and difficult to understand your cognitive perspective (your high sensitivity, recall and aptitude for auto-suggestion) can put you at a great advantage if explored and understood.

Naturally seek therapy of some type if these experiences beguin to overwhelm you. The therapy can only ever be as good as the therapist. Not all aspects of psyco-therapy require oggles of money, there should (I hope) be work shops and Counciling clinics in your area with people who can give you more information.

Good Luck :D
Although in the last few years I've become really skeptical about this kind of stuff, I do believe you and think I used to experience the same thing you're talking about.

I used to work in a hardware store (that hacksaw story of yours sounds familiar). I remember one time when a ladder fell down onto a shelf and knocked a bunch of stuff off. I remember being like "ow!" because it felt like the ladder actually fell on me, like I actually felt sore.

Also, when I'm snowboarding and one of my friends falls I feel like I can feel it. It's not as if I can imagine how it must feel, but it feels like it was me that just fell.

I don't know if that's like what you're talking about. Another thing I used to do might be similar; when I asked my mom what we were having for supper and she said something like "chicken," I could actually taste chicken in my mouth. It wasn't like I was thinking of how good it tasted or even what it tasted like, as soon as I heard my mom say "chicken" it felt like I just put a really tasty piece of chicken in my mouth.

Anyway, that's my experience, I don't know if it's anything like yours. Out of curiosity, how old are you? I gradually became less and less like that-- I would say I haven't had an experience like that since I was about 17 or 18.

I'm actually really curious now whether ours are anything the same, so let me know!
Well, I do know that it is possible to feel physical pain in dreams. (Has happened to me before) Hasn't happened in a LOOOOONG time though;)

As far as happening while awake, can't say that's ever happened to me before.

I wouldn't say there is anything wrong with you---you just have an alternate state of reality than most people.

I occasionally have alternate states of reality while listening to certain types of music----the music just "takes me there" so to speak.

Music takes me to a more free state of being----a state in which I am completely mentally uninhibited.----that is, until I concentrate on the words (if it has words). That brings me back:p

I guess it is the exact same state that is known as meditation----at least for me.

Your case is different though (the point was that there are alternate states of reality which are perfectly valid;))
Thank you to all who have responded. I think the best way to answer some of your questions is a little background info. I'm a 23 year old photographer. I noticed this beginning to happen when I was about 10. My daddy gave me some nasty grapefruit juice and wanted me to drink it so I imagined that it was something else, coke and could taste the coke I imagined. I've always been ahead of most my peers and rather mature. I have an IQ of 158 and a suffering EQ at 70 (yes, pathetic I know) and my mind is a memory bank of seemingly useless trivia. I hope this answers any questions. If some remain just ask.
I remember 5 years ago while I was 17 as I used to lets say hypnose people that where smoking weed but only lets say 1 of 15 people could do it or even less. U can do lots of horrors but positive things are harder to get. The imagination is a pretty mest up thing.
While i was in skool i remember a friend screaming to me to make it stop, but i couldnt as it was very funny to me, so i laughed.
The good thing is to make the person to think of something else and even not saying anything about it for next hour as it could come back.
Make ur own conclusion about this but it can be a disaster but only depending on what other person sees.
Sorry for bad english.
i have a thing with my tounge, when ever i think of razorblades or pins, for somereaon i imagine them piercing my tounge, and i can really imagine the pain and it is so vivid! It is very real and of corse it doesnt hurt but it is just weird! It is just an automatic imagenery recall, although i have never had my tounge stabbed or cut in my life!! Very weird!
I have the same complex. My trigger is sandpaper, and I react in my belly. I get the feeling of sandpaper ripping through my abdomen and intestines. It's damn inconvenient.